Run Run Run as Fast as You Can

How I Got into This Big Ass Mess.

Chapter One

"Just take it!" Jennifer yelled at me. Our fight of the day. We both looked down at it, eyeing it carefully.
"But what if I don't want it!?" It was on weather to take this or take that. Oh, decisions decisions.
"A second ago you loved it!" She yelled at me. Both of us were fed up with each other completely. After all, we have been best friends for about thirteen years now.
"YOU KNOW WHAT?! FINE!" I took it with anger. She was about to start yelling so I took out my ipod, like it was a secret weapon of mass destruction.
"Don't you pull out your ipod on me!" She rolled her eyes and gave me a look of warning. Ignoring her warning, I put in the head phones and blasted the music in my ears. Then I sang loudly to let her know I couldn't hear a thing she was saying, it usually drove her nuts.
"WELL I DON'T SING ABOUT CONTRITION BECAUSE I'VE GOT ENOUGH TO SPARE. AND I'LL BE GRANTING YOUR PERMISSION CAUSE YOU HAVEN'T GOT A PRAYER. WELL I SAY HEY HALLELUA!" Her face wrinkled up and she covered it up with her hands. Seconds later her face arose red, with a large smile on it and her shoulders shaking. How dare she laugh at me, haha. That means I shouldn't sing if I can't hear myself. We both began to laugh hard. I just turned and then BOOM! I tripped over my own feet and fell face flat. I'm a clumsy one I am.
"Hey don't laugh at me beyotch!" I said getting up. She laughed harder and I stuck my tong out at her. Turned around and stomped away, but some dude got in my way and I ran into him.
"I'm so sorry, I, I," was breathless.
"hey, sorry about that." he chuckled. His smile sucked the breath out of me. oh my goodness.
"are, you, eh," I began to stutter and talk like a retard. He finished my question for me.
"yea, I'm Gerard Way. Pleasure to meet you." My eyes widened. Oh my goodness and billy bob joe. My mind was shutting down.
"pleasure too." What did I just say again? Did it sound stupid. I just stared at him in lust. I'm going to hell for that. Damn it.
"So what is your name?" aga wha? My head tilted and I just stared like a retard. My name was, what was my name? I couldn't remember it! oh no!
"my name is, uh, um," Ding! I got it. "Roxanne. Yea, thats my name." I let out a sigh of relief. Finally I got my name in right.
"Roxy for short, am I right?" He asked all smiley. Wow he's friendly for being famous and all that shit.
"Nope its like foxy Roxy and foxy, AH, it just gets to me, such an annoying word. So also it reminds me of little calli girls giggling and saying 'Oh I got a bikini wax yesterday, oh really I got a Prada bag, uh you guys are so old I got a Dior bikini' so I'm not that type." I said in one big rushed speech with out taking a breath.
"then do you have any nick name?" he chuckled. I was left breathless.
"Rox or Anne." I said in awe of his majestic presence.
"Anne" I can't believe he said my name "I like it." A grin appeared on his face and sucked away my little breath left.
"So do I."
"HEY CAN I HAVE YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER!" my dearest friend Jennifer called out. A retard she was and a retard she is.
"Thats not a good idea." I mumbled too loudly.
"uh yes it is." she said obviously.
"how." I gave her a spectacle look doubting her great and "logical" reasoning.
"one, I wouldn't tell a soul. Two, shit! ITS GERARD FUCKING WAY RETARD!" She said rolling her eyes at me. I wasn't the retard, she was, asking Gerard for his cell phone number.
"and what does two have to do with anything?" I asked very confused.
"I don't know. I just added shit to my reasoning list." wow she is officially on the retard list. She is one great buddy though!
"well any way in two seconds of having his number the entire united states and part of Tibet will know Gerard's number!" I heard Gerard laugh a bit, screw him for a moment. I'm arguing my case.
"Tibet?" she tilted her head to the side giving me a confused look.
"A country around the China area." I muttered to her. Her stupidity look lit her face, not so good for me.
"Oh like Europe!" she beamed at me thinking she was the brightest thing on the face of the earth. Gerard started cracking up. She was pretty retarded.
"No, like ASIA!" I talked to her like she was a deaf retarded child.
"Isn't that in Africa?" She was serious about it and I just laughed at her and Gerard laughed at her. Oh my gosh, Gerard. I had completely forgotten about him.
"Well you probably won't give me your cell phone number, so can I give you mine?" I have no clue why I just said that. My eyes beamed at him in desperate hope. Then he dug through his pocket and then a cell phone came out and then landed in my hand.
"here I'll give you mine." I just stared at him dumbstruck. What? He, Gerard Way, famous rock star, was going to give me his number? HELL YEA! I snapped back into reality and shoved my cell phone at him. We both began to put our numbers in. He had a black razor, mine was an ugly old fashion one. I actually liked it a lot though.
"WAIT GET THIS!!!!" Jennifer shoved some weird shit at me and then bumped into me, knocking me over. I landed on what she handed me. Then I heard a crack. Then came a voice.
"You're paying for that!" shit not what I wanted to hear. What was I supposed to do. I stood up in shock.
"I don't have money!" I threw up my arms yelling in oblivion at no one really, just at my self scornfully.
"Then you'll work for it!" Shit thats definitely not what I wanted to hear. Only one thing left. To run or not to run.
"Gerard, we love your band and your voice and you. BYE!" I hugged him and hit the run. Jennifer, the retard, stood there like an idiot waiting for the man to come.
"he looks kinda mad." she said. I didn't have time for this! I pulled her arm and ran still pulling her along like a rag doll. She wasn't running she was skipping and singing "she'll be coming around the mountain." What is wrong with this kid. Oh well she is the bestest friend around, and the dumbest too.
We got to some street in some weird town square. Where, I don't have a clue, but it was away from that dreadful Wall-mart. I pulled my cell phone out, but it wasn't my cell phone. It wasn't the old fashion phone that fit in my hands perfectly. It was a new black Razor that was as big as my hands put together and thiner than a strand of hair! This was Gerard's cell phone.
"HEY WE HAVE GERARD'S CELL PHONE!" Jennifer danced around like a maniac. "your not going to take it back are you?"
"If you had a rock star's cell phone, would you take it back?" I don't think so and neither will I. This was going to be a fun and hectic day I could tell.