Run Run Run as Fast as You Can

The Chase Begins

Chapter Two

"so, what are we going to do now?" she asked slurping a slushy while I copied my favorite band's numbers. Well why not all of their numbers? Come on, they're all bands.
"Hmm, Jarred Letto. 409-1 2 ,4" I faded into mumbles not paying any attention to my psychotic friend. She just kept on drinking her lovely coke flavored slushy from 7-11. By now, she was used to me ignoring her some times. All of the sudden the phone vibrated. I clicked answer. It could be Pete Wentz for all I know.
"HELLO?!" I heard a laugh come from the other line. I wasn't that insane. No, I wasn't.
"Can you meet me at star bucks by Wall Mart so I can get my cell phone back?" Gerard asked me. Oh shit. I didn't want him to call.
"No, go to the 7-11 thats far away from that Wall Mart. I'm not going back there." I shook my head. Hell, that wall mart was going to be in my night mares forever.
"Fine. Give me the address." Both of us gave Gerard the address at the same time. Jennifer was practically screaming it out as if he were a deaf person. She was so funny. The bad part was all the odd stares people gave us. Well, they didn't know what our situation was. Fuck them.
"Lets go." she said with wide fearful, eyes. I stared at her like she was a psycho. "Over there." She said eyeing a tall person. The person turned around looking at his mp3 player. Oh not good. Abusive ex. Thats all I can say. Wordless we got up and walked casually away from the 7-11.
"He saw us." she said slurping loudly. She does this when she is nervous.
"no he didn't." I slapped her as we got closer to the evil man in a frame of mussels.
"OO! IPHONE!" she squealed when she saw what he was actually holding. He looked up and stared at us dead in the eye. Once we passed him, we belt out running like maniacs.
"WAIT! ROXY! JEN!" he began to run after us for sure. Then we belt out into the middle of the street filled with cars. Who cares though. We need to get away no matter what.
"I TOLD YOU!" she said running like speedy gonzales. She looked hilarious but this was not time to laugh.
"IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" We argued while running across the highway. We looked at the car coming towards us. In it sat a blond little Gerard Way holding my cell phone and he looked at me holding his. I blew him a kiss and belt off running faster.
"ANN!" Gerard yelled.
"ROXY! JEN!" Psycho abusive ex yelled after him.
Gerard parked his car and came out running after us. Abusive ex was running after us too. Oh fun. I call Gerard Way. That bitch is mine.
"Who the hell are you?" Gerard yelled at ex. They looked at each other running after us.
"Matt. Who the fuck are you?!" I heard him yell back. Oh great, fight.
"Gerard Way! what the hell are you doing." They yelled at each other still running.
"THATS MY EX! I'M GETTING HER BACK!" He yelled at my love. Oh not good. He wants to get back with me. No, I don't want to be a punching bag any more. I ran faster.
"DUDE SHES RUNNING AWAY FROM YOU! SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU!" Gerard yelled at him. We were on the side walk now. heading towards the local park. At least Gerard made sense and thought logically.
"FUCK OFF ASS SHES MINE!" abusive ex yelled back. I am not his!
"I OBJECT!" I hollered back and ran faster.
"Dude I'm with her!" Gerard yelled at him. Oh what? I stopped to look at him with starry eyes.
"I agree." I sighed then Matt showed up closer. "oh shit." I belt of running like the ginger bread man. No one can catch me not even if they try because I am the Ginger Bread Girl! haha.
"BACK OFF!" I looked behind me and Gerard punched Matt and belted off running but we already hid behind a wall. He just kept running after us. Trying to find us.
"ANNE!" he yelled. I took in a deep breath as he called out my name. It sounds so good coming from him.
"ROXY! DAMN IT WHERE ARE YOU!?" okay that wasn't what I wanted to hear.
"shouldn't we run?" Jennifer asked crawling after a squirrel. Then she fought a spider. She was pretty smart in her own way.
"Yea." I pulled her arm and she kissed the spider good bye. Then bid the squirrel fare well.
"GOOD BYE MY LOVE!" she yelled at the squirrel sitting in the tree. It came down and ran to her. What the hell. Then Matt came screaming after me mostly. We ran off through the park like maniacs taking twists and turns. We finally came out and I ran into Gerard's godly figure.
"Hey!" he said holding my back. I knew I couldn't talk long, matt was on the kill. It was Roxanne season.
"I love you too." I reached up to him and gave him a kiss.
"ROXY! I'LL FIND YOU!" I let go and belt off running towards Jennifer. We ran faster then ever and Gerard just stood there thinking. God Jeb. We made it to a nice little taxi cab and got a ride. Finally safe in the taxi cab. With Jennifer and her squirrel.