Run Run Run as Fast as You Can

For whatever you do, life takes Visa.

Chapter Three

"Do you take Debit cards? Visa? For everything else there is master card? American Express? Capital one thats not in my wallet?" I asked the cab driver. I watched him roll his eyes in the mirror. Gosh, I wasn't being mean to him! How dare he do that to me!
"Yes we take Visa." My face lit up. Oh goody gum drops!
"no. but we do take debit strangely." He replied to me shrugging. Well that was good I thought as I took out my debit card. He handed me this weird card sliding contraption. I didn't know how to use it so he showed me on the red light. Oh everything is so complicated these days.
"That squirrel will cost you more." I punched in five more dollars. American Dollars. Yea.
"I shall name you squishy and you shall be my squishy." Jennifer told the squirrel on her arm. What the hell? I stared at her.
"uh. thats from Finding Nemo." I stared at her more like she were retarded. She is some times retarded. For example, right now.
"Fine. I shall call you Billy Joe Bob and you shall be my Billy Joe Bob." She smiled at the scary squirrel on her arm. Who calls a squirrel Billy Joe Bob? Those things look cute, but they will watch you, and kill you as you sleep. They are vicious.
"well where are you going to be dropped off?" I'm still glad that I they took debit card. I don't have capital one.
"DUDE!" I yelled looking at the person in the car besides us. He turned and saw me then shoved money at the cab driver and got out.
"LOCK THE DOORS MR DRIVER!!" I ordered him. He turned, saw him and obeyed.
"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR ROXY!!" Matt yelled at me. Why wasn't the traffic moving already!? Go cars, Go! at that moment the cars went. Well, what's in your wallet? Capital one.
"Well sir, while we are moving we're going to jump out. Act as surprised as you want. Jennifer, get your Billy Joe Bob and lets go!" I tugged her arm and we both got ready. Thirty seconds later we ran out of the car like maniacs. Down the highway of moving cars. Well they moved rather slowly thanks to the traffic.
We ran around not knowing where to go with Matt on our tail. Oh this day is going by so fast. I felt something vibrate in my pocket. It was the cell phone! Oh what if it was Adam Lazara! I LOVE THAT RETARD! One problem, I couldn't get it out. Oh damn running. and Damn matt. Condemn them to hell. And skinny jeans.
Okay so here we are running down the middle of the road with people screaming get of the damn road. Well its their street after all isn't it? Suck ups. I could sense Matt was near by, I could feel it in my brain. You never can feel your gut, so why do people say. I got this gut feeling.
"Hey can't we just go to our car?!" Jennifer whined running with her Billy Joe Bob. Cars kept honking at us one after another. Oh if they only knew our situation would they let us run free. Away from psycho ex.
"Wait. Our car?" where was our car I thought. Oh no. "shit! ITS AT WALL MART!" I ran towards the other side of the street. "Jenny! We gotta turn back!" We headed towards the park again and jumped the fence. Matt can't do that. So we ran and ran and Wall Mart was getting closer and closer, so was our car. As we ran we saw this man come out of the Wall Mart looking pissed. He was the employe we ran from. He looked up and saw us running and came running after us.
"HEY YOUR PAYING FOR THAT!" he yelled after us. Quickly I opened our car and we got in and locked the door in time. The mean employe had just arrived to our car.
"Sorry! no money! broke!" And I hit it in reverse as a car came following behind us. So now our list is here: Gerard, Matt and mean employe. I get gerard. Jenny can get mean employe and Billy Joe Bob, he can get psycho ex and finish him over.