Run Run Run as Fast as You Can

The tripple chase

Chapter Four

"What cha doin'?" she asked me as I flipped through the recent calls. I just shrugged. We were at home now. We drove so much that the mean employe got tiered of following us and just decided to give up. We always win. Me and Jenny have agreed that Billy Joe Bob is our lucky charm.
"Adam called." I said clicking on his number and calling. Ring Ring Ring.
"Yea?" I heard him say. I held in my screams and swallowed hard.
"Hey! What's going on?" I asked as manly as possible. Good thing Adam wasn't too smart! He fell for it. Kind of.
"You sound funny man." He laughed. Um what now.
"Its the phone. Its loosing connection and I had laughing gas." I held in my laughs and screams. To tell the truth its kind of hard. You try!
"Oh. Okay. So I heard this hot girl stole your cell phone?" He asked 'Gerard'. Weirdo.
"Um. I was the one who told you." I rolled my eyes at him. Oh retard.
"Oh right!" I could practically hear him smile through the phone. Men can be so predictable. Scratch that Adam can be so predictable.
"But I never said she was hot." I was fishing out the personal thoughts of famous Gerard Way in a sneaky way. Heh. Way, way. Get it? uh, forget it.
"Well if its a girl I haven't seen, she is hot." He said dumbly. I put my hand on my forehead and let out a long exasperated sigh.
"WHO IS THAT?!" Jennifer yelled trying to look at the screen on the phone. I shooed her away like a fly. She can be just like a fly some times.
"Who was that? The hot girl?" Adam spoke through the phone. Jennifer kept talking and I tried to shush her but since it didn't work I slapped her. She frowned at me and the infamous Billy Joe Bob growled at me. I told you those things are vicious.
"No, just some retarded fan." I replied casually. Jennifer bit my hand and I shrieked. She can be pretty psycho some times.
"Oh. I see, I see." he said practically yodeling. What is up with this man? He was getting kind of boring.
"I got to go brotha." I nodded my head at the phone. He seemed to have seen the nod.
"Bye man." He hung up. Then I let out a huge scream that could wake up the dead.
"I JUST TALKED TO ADAM LAZARA!!" I screamed at her jumping up and down like a maniac. She and her squirrel stared at me in fright. That woke me up and made me stop before I lost my self to the world of insanity.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" she shrieked back. Billy Joe Bob jumped off her shoulder and ran under the couch to hide from her loud mouth screaming in its small sensitive ear. Poor little thing. Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted. I got him some cheese and that little thing felt much better.
We talked for a while and then Jennifer tried to teach this kid some tricks. This kid refers to the innocent Billy Joe Bob. I give him nick names.
After I got tiered of watching Billy Joe Bob's training in progress, I went to go to bed. Jennifer went to bed soon after. The squirrel had a tissue box bed and slept like a doll, even though they don't sleep much.

In the morning I was awoken to the sound of loud music. I forget to turn of my alarm clock all the time. Lazily, I reached over and unplugged it and then got up. Once I got up I plugged my stereo in again and blasted some music up. Jennifer woke up too, unlike billy Joe Bob.
"Hey we should get pizza for breakfast." I suggested to Jennifer examining the empty fridge. There wasn't much good stuff left to eat anymore.
"I'll order then. Come here BJB" she patted her lap and sure enough Billy Joe Bob came running up to her shoulder. It was rather adorable.
"Yes sir, Oh sorry, ma'am. Yes MA'AM, I would like a extra large pepperoni pizza." She nodded smiling. EXTRA LARGE?! I slapped her.
"medium!" I ordered. How in the heavens were we going to eat an extra large pepperoni pizza by our selves?!
"I'm sorry, did I say Extra Large? I meant medium! Hah how stupid of me. No no soda MA'AM, we've got beer in the fridge." WHAT WAS SHE DOING! I slapped her again.
"Oh just kidding, I will take a soda." I slapped her again. "Okay let me refraze this ma'am. We would like a medium pepperoni pizza with no soft or hard drink at all. Nor water please. Yes thank you for everything. No I'm not mentally challenged ma'am, my cousin is. Poor soul. Okay ma'am you too." she hung up and threw the phone down smiling. I stared at her as she petted her little squirrel.
"So then. When is it going to be done." I said after a long while of silence.
"Just about any minute now or then." she smiled. Oh she was just not that bright. Maybe she should meet Adam. Yes, yes. Good idea.


The both of us ran to the door screaming "pizza." and I answered it first while Jennifer shoved the money at the person. Too bad it wasn't the pizza. It was Gerard. We both looked at him with starry eyes. There in my door way stood a god.
"So, can I have my phone back?" He gave us a mischievous smile, but it made my heart melt.
"hey, he looks suspicious. We should run." Jennifer whispered to me. Maybe she was right. Some times her weird vibes were right.
"Uh, yea hold on." All of the sudden came a Pizza Hut car down the street. The both of us looked at it and smiled.
"PIZZA!!" we tore off to the car like little girls chasing the ice cream truck. But this ice cream wasn't cold, hopefully.
"HERE!" Jennifer shoved the money at him and he handed us the pizza taking a long look at that squirrel of hers. It always sat proudly on her shoulder like a parrot.
"THERE YOU ARE!" We jumped around and saw Matt coming after us walking angrily.
"HOLLY McFLURY!" I yelled and we belted out running again. Oh this was going to be a tiresome day. Thinking alike we ran to the back and got into the nice new red go cart.
"ready?" We faced each other gripping onto the go cart tightly.
"ready." I hit the gas and off we were down the street with psycho ex now running after us. Gerard was walking casually to his car, not caring much anymore.
"GO LADY GO!" Jennifer screamed in my ear. Billy Joe Bob sat on her lap clinging onto the seat-belt for his life. A man came out of the house ahead of us looking half asleep and very angry. He looked familiar, oh no. It was mean employe! He recognized us too and ran after us screaming for his money. Suddenly Gerard's car was besides us. I stopped dead and then jerked around and drove to the top of the limit back to the car.
"KEYS GET THE KEYS!" then the next thing I know the squirrel is holding the car keys in its mouth. How did he know what keys are?
"I trained him last night" she spoke again proudly. Oh my lord. She taught him human words? Was this lady psycho or what.
We finally reached the car and we flew in. Jennifer hit the gas petal quickly. Then it hit me.

"OUR PIZZA!!!!" she stopped let me out and drove away while I grabbed the pizza. I was right about to go when a strong hand grabbed my arm.

"You're not going any where." Matt gritted through his teeth. One was kinda chipping. Does he brush his teeth? His breath smelled like tuna. Who eats tuna these days? Come on really, a psycho violent guy like him eating tuna helper?

"Go my little Minion! ATTACK!" Billy Joe Bob jumped down and bit his hand hard letting blood drip down violently. Quickly he jumped back to me and we ran as fast as fire spreads in a forest. Jennifer opened the car door for us and accidentally almost ran into a mail box while she drove. She is not a talented multi-tasker. Me and Billy Joe Bob jumped into the car safely and I closed the door quietly.

"So what are we going to do today?" Jennifer asked checking herself in the mirror. Billy Joe Bob was grooming his fur. I shrugged as I got out a slice of delicious pepperoni pizza. The smell made my heart melt. I was addicted to it. Pizza, my anti drug.

"Bitch share that with me!" she ordered. Someone is feeling bossy today. Obediently, I took out a slice and handed it to her. In unison we smelled the aroma of the pizza and took one small bite savoring every calorie of it. Oh it was delicious.

"Hey, what about BJB!" she frowned after two more bites. We both forgot about him. I passed him my pizza crust and he stopped grooming immediately. In seconds, the large crust disappeared into the midst of his small stomach. Whoa, these squirrels sure can eat a lot can't they.

"So I was thinking we could go to the saloon maybe." Jennifer suggested. Was she being serious? At times like this when you have three people after you, go ahead and think of getting your hair fixed. Thats smart.

"No, we're not going to a saloon." I took another bite of my cheesy, savory, delicious, pepperoni infested pizza slice. The smell of freshly baked pizza coming up. Oh, it tasted like heaven.
(IM CRAVING PIZZA LIKE CRAZY NOW!!!) anyways, cary on.

"Well what about that lip ring I've wanted since forever." She smiled widely with cheese in her teeth. I turned around so that I didn't have to look at it.

"Fine. We can go." As long as I didn't have to see that cheese in her teeth I was fine. She smiled wider and turned the car to go to the piercing place. There was a local one near by.

"HERE WE ARE!" she screamed triumphantly. We got out of the car and walked in. They had a purple neon Open sign and one of those door bells that ding when you open it. The floor was checkered black and white. I so wanted to play checkers then and there with a bunch of people. I would be one of those tower things. They look funny.

"So what are you going to get?" I asked curiously. When I looked up there was this person getting a lip ring done. We watched intently. I felt the need for popcorn and began to eat my hands, I didn't notice until my hand started to hurt. Suddenly the big tattoo man took out this needle with his rubber glove covered hand. He had this evil grin on his face.

"What is that?" I whimpered looking at this long, big, shinny needle looking object. It looked like a weapon of mass destruction more than anything.

"A needle to get the hole for the lip ring." she chimed. It was a needle. I stared in terror and suddenly the needle ripped though his skin. THINK HAPPY THOU... ITS A NEEDLE! I began to feel queasy and sick and suddenly I say pink little daisy birds dancing around my head with needles going through their beaks. Then suddenly, who turned off the lights?