Status: this is a new site for me ... hope you like it...

The Fallen Reverend Plague

Chapter 1 |Disaster in the Air|

Ruby’s P.O.V.

I just found out that I am the lost sister of Johnny Christ. I just found out that me mother is dating Brian Haner, Synyster Gates father, and I also just found out that my best friend is in love with me. What else can happen? My life was weird to begin with and now, it just got worse. Avenged Sevenfold was now considered my family and I loved it but, just one day just seemed to be…unreal. My best friend is Arin, the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold. He is a really nice guy but, I just wasn’t in love with him. I looked at him more of a brother figure then anything, I couldn’t look at him as a possible boyfriend, fiancé or anything further then that, it would creep me the heck out.

So, this was the night that actually changed everything forever, why? Well, let’s just say Arin took this way to seriously. He asked me out on a date, which I gladly excepted. I thought, who knows, maybe I could actually like this guy. So, I got all dressed up and make up on and all of that. He came and picked me up, wearing the tux that he had a smile on his face. He was a really handsome guy and he was a cutie but when I was around him, I just felt like messing around with my brother. I never felt like I could kiss him or anything and the thought sent shivers in my body.

“You look beautiful,” He told me. I smiled at him and we hooked arms, something that we always did when we were having a good time. We walked into this really amazing restaurant and came and sat down next to a window that had a really amazing view.

“This is amazing, Arin!” I shrieked looking out to the pier. The sun was just setting and it made my stomach go into knots. This only happened to me twice before but the relationship never really made it past the fourth week of being together. It would always just drift off but this date, I knew it wasn’t even going to go after this night.

“Anything for you Ruby,” He smiled to me and I smiled back at him. He did have really pretty brown eyes too, just like my soon-to-be step brother, Brian. Why I said soon to be was because his father was thinking about proposing to my mom. Brian was excited and he told nearly everyone and they had to keep it from my mom, which wasn’t so easy, well to Johnny and I at least.

“Aw! Thanks Arin,” I chuckled. The waitress came and got us our orders and when she left, I went and looked out the window, admiring this spectacular view. It was really beautiful and I was grateful to be here with my very best friend.

“Hey Ruby,” He said gently. I looked at Arin, his big brown eyes looking at me and a small smile on his face. I took a sip of my whine and smiled to him.

“Yes?” I asked gently. That’s when he reached across the table and grabbed my hand. It wasn’t the first time that we held hands or something like that. He looked at me though, there was this sparkle in his eyes which made my stomach go into knots. This look wasn’t the look I wanted him to look at me with. I mean, I never saw this look in him before and my mom actually told me about things like this. He was falling in love with me. I really hope this wasn’t the case. I just hoped it was that he had something exciting to tell me or something. I just hoped that he was going to tell me that he was the new drummer now, that we were celebrating because of that.

Oh God please don’t let this be the case!

“I…well…I wanted to ask if you would be my girlfriend,” He asked gently. Oh Lord this was the case. I don’t want to be his girlfriend! And I can’t lie to him, lying to him would just make things a lot worse. Wouldn’t it? I mean, he would be happy, I wouldn’t be happy but I wouldn’t have to live with his wrath. Then again, there would be peace between us and I could always make it so that we would break up eventually. I mean a relationship with me only lasted a month. So, I could just make it so that he wouldn’t love me anymore.

That sounds like a really good plan too, that way, I wouldn’t have to live with out my best friend and that he could realize that he wasn’t in love with me like he thinks he is. Yes, this sounds perfect. I would say yes, we would date, everything would go down hill in the next four weeks.

“Yes,” I said with a bright fake smile on my face. I didn’t like this feeling inside me at all. I felt like throwing up. I just said yes to being a girlfriend to a guy that I don’t even like. I knew that this was going to be a very, very bad decision, but I just hope he wouldn’t be in love with me in a month. Either that, or I was going to have to tell him, which was the last thing I wanted to do.

God help me.

Jimmy’s P.O.V.

I sighed looking over in the heavens down to Ruby and shook my head. She wasn’t going to learn. She can’t be doing this, it was dangerous. I looked over to my new friends and saw them shaking their heads.

“Your person, you go watch her,” One said with a smile to me. His name was Mitch, yes the same Mitch that died from Suicide Silence. There was the bassist from Slipknot here too. We were Guardian Angels. I was one for this girl Ruby. I never met her but she was my best friends baby sister who never found out about him until after my death. I was watching her though from up here in the heavens, keeping her safe. There was something about her that drew me to her and I was falling in love with her. Although, I tried hard not to fall for her for it was strictly not allowed. We were to keep them safe, that was it.

I couldn’t help my self though, she was amazing. She was like me what I was younger, wild and crazy. She loved people with all her heart, she had a big heart which made her very emotional, which I could live with. If I ever did decide to go back there though, I wasn’t allowed to come back. I was to live there for the rest of my life. I needed to play my cards right.
“If you like her man just go,” Mitch said. Paul Grey nodded and I shook my head. I needed to stay up here and watch her. If she needed to be saved, I would go and save her. I just hope that her choice wouldn’t be the end of her.