Status: something to help the writer's block

The Irony is That This Cell Phone Has Gone Through Dante's Inferno and Back and Still Looks Better Than You

In Which It's Illegal If They Didn't

When Natalia woke up, she was in a hospital bed. Her leg was throbbing, and a needle was attached to her wrist. The tape made her skin itch.

Everything was hurting.

A month and a half later, with pins and plates now holding her shattered leg and ankle together, James was pushing her to school in a wheelchair. She couldn’t take the bus and the school was only a block and a half away.

She held her backpack on her lap. Will was skipping rocks against the pavement ahead of them, oblivious.

“I don’t want to go to school,” she grumbled. She couldn’t see James’ face, but she could hear the mirth in his voice when he answered her.

“We have to go to school. Apparently it’s against the law if we don’t. My mom said so.”

“I want to play with Snow White.”

♠ ♠ ♠
major time skip coming up