Status: something to help the writer's block

The Irony is That This Cell Phone Has Gone Through Dante's Inferno and Back and Still Looks Better Than You

In Which You Wish You Knew What a Bubble Gum Blitz Supreme Was

It was a Sunday. Natalia had done her top tier best to get out of going to church, but to no avail. At 11:30 on the dot her mother forced her into a stuffy, itchy dress and the dreaded stockings, laughing to herself and probably enjoying her daughter’s suffering.

Later, her father pulled into their driveway after mass, humming a Spanish hymn. Natalia sat with the side of her elbow pressed against cool glass, the AC blasting against her legs and raising goose bumps beneath the stockings.

Only half of her leg was out of the car when James suddenly appeared, breathless and sweating. A grass stain was smeared on the shoulder of his shirt like a creative crayon mishap.

“C’mon, sweetheart!” James pulled on her arm, nearly ripping it out of its socket.

Natalia scrunched her nose and laughed. “I’m still in my church clothes! What do you need me for?” To say things were a little different now was an understatement. Sure, the three of them saw each other plenty, but that didn’t mean they were quite as inseparable as they used to be. It was a degree of separation that was odd but would prove to be highly needed. Being attached wholly and completely to two other people started to take away from who they were and that was something that could not be allowed to happen.

“Football! Cole and Steven brought a few guys from the neighborhood past the golf course. Claimed they could beat us in their sleep. So,” he waggled his eyebrows and his voice filled with something that would make girls swoon when he was older. “I need you, Sonnie, and Carly to do that blitz slash QB sneak slash running play that probably isn’t legal but works like a charm. Please?”

She pretended to deliberate for a very long minute. She could imagine it was a hysterical scene to her mother, whose eyes she could feel like lasers drilling into her through several layers of house and window and screen and car. Natalia could practically hear her cackle, and it made her blush.

“Oh fine,” she said, laughing at James’ victory whoop. “Just give me a second to change. I can’t pull a Bubble Gum Blitz Supreme in church clothes.”

She ran inside, nearly tripping over the small heel of her fancy dress shoes and threw off her dress in favor of shorts and a Disney top. In the process, she ripped a hole in her stockings as wide as her thumbnail.

She didn’t even care.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO WHO WANTS TO HEAR A STORY? (after, of course, you've read this)

last night I bought Allegiant by Veronica Roth bc I've been waiting FOREVER to read and by eleven last night I was two hundred pages in and regretfully had to go to sleep because I was smart enough to think ahead and realize that while the story was guaranteed to be there in the morning, my chipper mood from a good night's sleep would not.

So all day today I spent it reading this book during class and I have no idea what I learned today and then I got to a certain part in the book during my eighth period class (Geometry) and literally closed my Nook app and put it away because I had just been hit with such a tidal wave of grief and surprise and shock that I knew if I kept reading I would break down right then and there.

Of course, when I got to my ninth period class, APUSH, all my friends were there and knew I was reading the book that day and asked how it was AND I STARTED BAWLING. I started crying during class in my back corner seat with my face pressed into the back of my backpack because this book actually broke me. I'm not a crier. I only managed one measly tear after reading TFiOS.

Then during group work I read the last sentence out loud to my friends and my voice broke and they laughed bc I was rly emotionally attached and yeah. I still really can't speak out loud about Allegiant or else I'll cry. I distracted myself with Dum Dum lollipops and this little chapter. I NEEDED SOMETHING MOSTLY HAPPY.

anyway, how was your day? is that a new shirt? hair cut? perfume? it is absolutely lovely please comment thank you have a nice day