Status: something to help the writer's block

The Irony is That This Cell Phone Has Gone Through Dante's Inferno and Back and Still Looks Better Than You

In Which Halloween Is a Serious Event, Sweetheart.

James and Will burst into the Santos home, decked in costume and clutching empty pillow cases.

“Nat!” Will hollered up the staircase.

“Bro, she hates when you call her that,” James said. Will rolled his eyes and didn’t respond.

James moved into the dining room and spread out a map of the neighborhood, printed onto good paper (aka his mother’s printer paper). In red crayon, certain houses were circled. In green, some were X’d out.

Natalia stood at the top of the staircase and floated down like a fairy. Her hair was twisted into two buns on either side of her head. She was Princess Leia, James was Han Solo, and Will was Luke Skywalker (Why do I have to pretend to be her brother?).

This was the first year their parents were letting them go trick or treating by themselves. Just around the block, but James took that bit of responsibility to heart. He picked out the houses where they were generous to trick or treaters, the ones where absent families left out bowls filled to the brim, and the ones who gave out the good stuff (Full sized Hershey Bars!!!!).

“You have a map?” Natalia said with a laugh, pushing up her long white sleeves.

“Of course, sweetheart! Trick or treating is serious business.” James had picked up the habit of speaking loudly and with large gesticulations.

She grabbed her white pillow case, freshly washed for the event, and stood in the doorway of her house.

“Mom! Dad! We’re leaving!”

She ran out of the house and pulled the boys with her before her parents could give them the third degree.
♠ ♠ ♠
there obviously needed to be a halloween themed chapter