Status: Hope you enjoy

From Friends to Lovers

Chapter 3

Ryan McDonagh POV:

We skated off the ice with Torts yelling profanities at us as the home fans booed loudly. We haven’t won a game all season and this was our fifth straight loss. Many of the defensive mistakes that have been costing us games were due to me if not all of them. I haven’t been able to focus on the game ever since I found out about Sandra and her boyfriend, Mark and it’s been costing the whole team.
After a long lecture from Torts about how much we were playing badly I left for the apartment hoping that Sandra had watched the game and could give me some advice.

I couldn’t believe how much I was letting this boyfriend thing get to my head. It really shouldn’t bother me as much as it has been. I just have to accept it. So what if she has a boyfriend? I’m her friend and I should be happy for her.

I threw my gear into the trunk and slammed it closed before hopping in and driving off. If I’m not able to put this behind me soon I’ll be getting yelled at by Torts and benched in a heartbeat.
As soon as I parked I hopped out and kicked my tire a few times to get my anger out which I immediately regretted as my foot started throbbing.

I opened the door to my apartment and saw the last thing I needed right now. Sandra and Mark were on the couch laughing at some cheesy movie and cuddling.

“Hey Mac! How was the game? Sorry I didn’t watch. Mark wanted to come over.” She called as I stood in the doorway.

“Hi, Ryan!” Mark greeted, turning around to give me a small wave. I immediately turned around and slammed the door behind me.

“Steps you better be home.” I muttered as I got back in my car and drove to his place.

“That was fa- oh. It’s you.” Steps said disappointedly before letting me into the apartment. “I thought you were the pizza guy. You got me so excited.”

“Sandra had Mark over. Didn’t even watch the game.” I stated as I collapsed onto his couch.

“You might not want to do that... girlfriend was here last night...” Derek told me.

“Ew! Derek! That’s disgusting!” I yelled as I gagged and jumped up.

“What do you expect?” He asked defensively.

“I don’t know! You only have a bed not even 30 feet away!” I pointed out.

“This isn’t the point. We have to do something about this Mark guy. Maybe he can get hit by a car.” Steps offered.

“No. You’re not running him over, Derek.” I told him.

“But, Ryan, think about it! I could do it like in one of those movies you fall asleep during! Just swerve around her and hit him as they cross the street! It’d be sick!” Derek explained.

“Derek! That kills people! No! That’s not the answer to this problem.” I scolded.

“Well, have you tried talking to her about this?” He asked.

“No I’ve been too busy trying to pick up my game.” I admitted.

“Tell her how you feel. Maybe she feels the same way.” He suggested.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” I fretted, all hope lost.

“Just try.” He pleaded. “I can’t stand seeing you like this.”

“Fine.” I agreed.

“Now do you want to stay the night? I mean I have a large pepperoni pizza on the way, an extra bed, and I think Sandra knows something’s up. She’s going to be mad that you left with no explanation.” Derek offered which I gladly accepted.

Oh was I going to be in for it when Sandra Kelley got her hands on me tomorrow.
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It'll get better I swear! Merry Christmas!