Status: Hope you enjoy

From Friends to Lovers

Chapter 4

Ryan McDonagh POV:

Two days and a grueling practice later I was heading back into MSG for our next game against the Devils. As I turned the corner to go down the hallway to the locker room a foot caught my ankle and I just barely got my arms in front of me to catch my fall.

“Oh hey, Ryan, haven’t seen you for two days since you walked in and then straight back out with no explanation. What the hell was that about anyway, McDonagh?” Sandra asked from above me.

“Look I really-” I started before she cut me off with a rant.

“Look I know something’s up with you! Why won’t you talk to me about it? You’ve been acting weird lately and I don’t know why! Just talk to me, you idiot! Is it that hard? You always used to when you had a problem!” She yelled, her anger consuming her.

“Look I have to get ready for the game but we can talk after, okay? I swear.” I proposed before heading off to the locker room to get changed.

“Hey have you guys seen Sandra lately? She seems pissed off.” Michael noted from his stall as he laced his skates.

“I noticed that too, DZ. Maybe it’s boy troubles?” Carl offered.

“Whatever it is, I hope it blows over soon.” Marian remarked.

“Look if you guys are done with the gossip circle about me that you think I can’t hear from outside the doorway you need to go hit the ice.” Sandra snapped before stomping off, probably to find her seats where she’d be watching tonight.

Rangers vs. Devils

Surprisingly we were up 2-0 in the second period due to early goals from Stepan and Kreider but my game was still off. I couldn’t shake the whole Sandra problem off still and it was going to cost me.

I was going to get the puck when I got rammed face first into the boards making stars dot my vision. I tried to stay upright when I got a right hook to the face sending me into a pit of blackness as I hit the cold surface.

Sandra Kelley POV:

The instant he hit the ice my anger dissolved. I hopped out of my seat and covered my mouth, praying he was okay.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Mark said trying to ease me back into my seat.

“No you don’t know Mac like I do. God. He probably has a concussion.” I cried as I ran down to the glass to see Mac getting carried off, out cold for sure. Tears were slipping down my cheeks as I ran to go see if I could see him as he got checked out.

“Come on, San, just stay until the end of the game? He’ll be fine. You can check on him after the game.” Mark assured me.

“No I have to check on him now. He’s my friend and he’s seriously hurt.” I angrily told him not stopping or slowing my pace.

“You’re more invested in this team than you are me, aren’t you.” He accused, stopping in his tracks.

“They’re my family. If you can’t accept that we’re over.” I threatened.

“Then we’re over.” He said as he headed back to his seat.

I ran down to the room I knew he would be getting looked at in and went in. He was still knocked out and had blood coming from a small cut on his forehead. I went up and held a cloth to his forehead to try and stop the bleeding.

“What’s the verdict?” I asked the doctors as they kept examining him.

“Well he probably has a concussion. He’s going to have a nasty one at that. And will probably have bruising on the jawline. He’s going to be bedridden for an unknown amount of time.” One of them responded.

“I’ll have Steps help me take care of him until he’s back on his feet and playing again.” I told them as they finished checking him out. They informed me that I could take him to the apartment after the game as long as I had someone on watch to make sure he was alright the rest of the night before leaving me with him.

“So much for our talk, McDonagh, way to get out of it in style. I’ll find out what’s bothering you eventually. You just wait.” I promised as I absentmindedly played with his hair, waiting for the game to be over.
♠ ♠ ♠
Felt bad about the last chapter being my shortest. So have a merry merry Christmas and happy holidays my lovely readers! Hope you like it!