Status: Hope you enjoy

From Friends to Lovers

Chapter 5

Sandra POV:

I was lounging on the couch when there was a knock on the door. I quickly hopped up and opened it expecting one of the guys. Of course it was Derek standing in the doorway with coffee and some bagels in a bag. He held them both up with a weak smile before walking in.

Ryan hadn’t been doing very well lately. It was three weeks since the initial hit had happened. Just when he started to make progress his headaches would come back worse, nausea would come over him in waves, he’d be drowsy most of the day, and he’d be spacey when he was awake. For the past weeks all he’d done was stay in bed in complete darkness with little to no noise being made; only getting up when he absolutely had to.

I’d been losing sleep looking over him to make sure he was alright and worrying he’d never return to the lineup. Not one night went by that I was able to sleep soundly knowing Ryan was in complete agony not even twenty feet away.

“You should eat something and then take a nap. All the guys are worried about you and Mac, of course. I can keep an eye on him while you sleep.” Derek offered, making me smile slightly.

“No, I’m fine. I’ve slept enough. Thanks for the food though.” I told him as I took the coffee and bagels to the table.

“It’s decaf. Don’t think I’d help you stay up forever. You seriously need to sleep.” He lectured, sitting down across from me.

“I’m fine. I don’t see why you’re so concerned about me. I mean your friend is suffering from a concussion in there.” I hissed at him, pulling the bagels out of the bag.

“You fell asleep at MSG when we were won 7-0 against Toronto. No one falls asleep at MSG. Ever.” Derek commented.

“I did not!” I defended around a bite of bagel.

“Look, is Mac asleep?” Steps asked getting serious.

“Umm… Yes, last time I checked. Why? Is he getting kicked off the team?” I asked hurriedly.

“No, no, no. He’s not. I swear. It’s just I want to talk to you about something without him stopping me from asking you.” He replied.

“Spit it out, Stepan.” I demanded.

“Do you like, Ryan?” Derek asked, eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, we’re really good friends. Why wouldn’t I? That’s such a stupid question, Derek.” I told him.
“No, I mean would you date him?” He asked biting his lip and smiling widely when he saw me blush and look at the ground. “You would!? Good!”

“Don’t get any ideas, Steps. He doesn’t like me like that. If you ruin anything I swear to god I will skin you. And for Christ’s sake lower your voice.” I snapped, trying to keep my own voice from rising.

“You’re both oblivious.” Derek claimed.

“I am not! He doesn’t like me!” I defended, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

“Sure he doesn’t because I’m not his best friend or anything that would know this.” He told me sarcastically, giving me a pointed look.

“Look, I get it you really want us together but I don’t think that’s going to happen, Derek. He could do better than me. Don’t deny it. The whole just being friends to dating each other thing only happens in books and movies.” I said, still convinced he was setting me up for something bad.

“Ask him yourself when gets up next time if you don’t believe me. Better now than ever if you ask me. With him how he is he’ll probably tell you anything you want to know. Practically no filter on his mouth right now, take advantage of that, I dare you.” He suggested with a wink.
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So sorry I haven't updated for awhile but I have midterms going on so I will not be updating that much until maybe next weekend. But I finished this somewhat short chapter for you guys! Hope you like it!