Status: Hope you enjoy

From Friends to Lovers

Chapter 6

Sandra POV:

I sat in bed that night not able to sleep. My mind kept going back to what Derek had told me earlier when he visited about asking Ryan about me. Was it really that simple? I still had my doubts that he actually wanted to date me even though Derek told me he did. It just seemed impossible for a guy like him to like a girl like me. There was only one way to find out for sure though.

I quickly got up and padded across the hallway, stopping at Ryan’s door. Usually he was up at some point during the night because there was no light shining in to give him a headache. Slowly, I opened the door and walked in careful not to wake him up if he was in fact still sleeping.

“Sandra?” He asked as he stretched and looked over at me.

“Yeah, it’s me… Can I ask you something, Ryan?” I asked as I sat in the chair I had put next to his bed.

“What is it?” He asked as he sat up slightly.

“Umm… shit… how do I ask this… Okay, uh, let’s just say I was going to ask you out on a date… Would you, umm, say yes?” I stumbled over my words trying to find the right way to word it.

“You asking me out on a date there, Kelley?” Ryan asked with a sleepy smirk on his face.

“Ummm… yes?” I answered.

“I would love to go on a date with you. I have for a while.” He admitted; his eyes starting to close again as he poked me in the nose making me smile.

“Oh thank god.” I sighed as I kissed him lightly on the lips like I had been wanting to for ages. To my surprise he actually kissed back until I finally pulled away.

“I-I should go.” I trailed off as I blushed and went to turn around. Ryan grabbed my wrist and gently dragged me back towards him.

“Stay with me?” He pleaded as he shifted over to make room for me.

“You sure?” I asked to which he nodded in response.

I slipped under the blankets, careful not to move the bed too much or make too much noise and rested my head on the pillow, facing away from him. His arm went around my waist and I could feel his hot breath on my skin making me shiver.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you.” He said.

I smiled as he kissed my forehead and fell asleep. I would actually be going on a date with Ryan McDonagh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Laughing, I watched Ryan and Derek pretend to sword fight with their hockey sticks at practice. Ryan had been back to practicing with the guys for a few days now and everyone was ecstatic to have him back.

“McDonagh! Stepan! Get to the drills and stop fooling around!” Torts snapped but even he had a slight smile on his face.

“Yes coach!” They called as they skated into line, still laughing at each other.

During the drills Ryan scored and blew a kiss my way, making the whole team exchange a series of puzzled looks as I blushed. Derek had a slight smile on his face as he and Ryan exchanged a few words. We hadn’t told the guys about how we had been dating for two weeks now but we were both sure Steps had his suspicions.

As practice ended Ryan signaled for me to meet him in the locker room once all the guys were changed. I nodded and headed over to the room a few minutes later.

“Hey guys!” I greeted as I walked in.

“Sandra! You’re looking better!” Carl said from his stall.

“You know it!” I replied with a smile as I walked over to Ryan. He motioned for me to sit on his lap which I gladly did.

“You two seem very comfortable.” Michael noted with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, that’s right we haven’t told you guys yet.” Ryan answered, kissing my cheek. I turned bright red and Derek started laugh in the corner.

“Sandra and Ryan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” He teased making me turn even redder.

“Shut up or I’ll punch you in the face, Stepan!” I yelled at him.

“So, just for clarification, are you guys dating?” Dan asked us.

“Yes, as a matter of fact we have a date after this.” Ryan said proudly.

“You better take care of her or we’re going to have issues.” Marian lectured with a small smile.

“I will, Gabby, you don’t have to worry.” Mac replied.

“Oh I was talking to Sandra but yeah you better take care of her too.” Gabby laughed.

“Oh snap!” Derek hollered.

As soon as Torts let the guys go Ryan and I headed out for our date hand in hand. I could get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! The next chapter is going to be the last one for this story! It's coming to an end :( I hope you guys like this! Please comment for me! That'd be fabulous! I promise the last chapter will be adorable! You guys have no idea!