Status: Hope you enjoy

From Friends to Lovers

Chapter 8

One Year Later…

Sandra POV:

Ryan and I swayed to the soft music in the middle of the dance floor. There was a crowd of people around us as we finished our first dance as husband and wife. I smiled up at him as he dipped me, then pulled me up and spun me around so I had my back pressed against his chest.

“I love you so much” He whispered in my ear.

“I love you more.” I replied as he turned me to face him, his hands sliding down to my hips.

“Doubt it.” He shot back, kissing me before I could argue again with him.

“That’s icky.” Derek commented over Ryan’s shoulder, startling us and making us pull away.

“Derek! I need to get you one of those leashes they put on little kids, don’t I. I’m so sorry about him.” His girlfriend apologized.

“It’s no problem, A, I knew he’d pull something like that.” Ryan said punching his best friend in the arm with a big grin on his face.

After a while of dancing we all sat down and ate, then came the speeches. Marian was the first one to make one.

“Sandra, ever since we met and I saw how well you got along with Mac over there I knew you guys were perfect together. Mac, you better take care of her. She’s the best girl you’ll ever get.” He said, making me tear up. This was the first time I had seen Gaborik in a year. He had been traded to Columbus after winning the cup with the Rangers. Of course I had invited him to the wedding because he was one of the guys I was closest to on the team.

He walked over to the main table and as everyone clapped I hugged him tightly, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“God, Gaborik, you’re making me mess up my make-up.” I muttered making him chuckle.

“The man sitting next to you would still think you’re beautiful even with your make-up messed up.” He told me as he wiped my tears away.

“Should’ve gone with water proof!” Ryan called from across the room where he was sitting with Dan, Marc, and their dates.

“Hush, Callahan!” I shot back, sitting down again.

“My turn!” Steps said as he stood up, swaying slightly. “I’d just like you all to know… I set this up,” He started, gesturing towards us, “You should all be thanking me, without my help these two would have never hooked up… They were just so set in their ways and then Sandra had to go date that guy… what was his name? Max? Mike? Mitch? Whatever… he was a complete—”

“Nope. You’re way too drunk to be making a speech right now. I knew that last glass was too much for you.” Ryan said as he covered Steps’ mouth and made him sit down.

“Why am I dating him again?” Aella asked loud enough that everyone could hear and started laughing.

“Let’s just skip to cake now.” Ryan said as the cake was brought out. It was a four tier with alternating vanilla and chocolate layers and vanilla frosting. On top was a bride and groom figurine. Ryan and I cut the first piece and he fed me pretending the fork was an airplane. In return I took the plate of cake and smashed it in his face, making everyone laugh.

“Oh, you want to play that way now do you, Kelley?” He asked, cutting another slice.

“It’s McDonagh now!” I shot at him before he shoved the cake in my face.

“Don’t waste all the cake!” Mats yelled from across the room as I wiped the food off my face.

“I’ll get you back for that one later.” I promised him as the cake started getting passed out to everyone.

Finally we got home and decided that we would open some of the presents tonight instead of tomorrow morning before we left for our honeymoon in Paris.

“Who’s do you want to open first?” Ryan asked me as he undid his bowtie and laid down on the couch.

“Let’s do family and then friend’s ones.” I suggested.

“Okay last one for tonight, Steps and Aella. I’m going to regret opening this one.” Ryan stated as he undid the wrapping.

“It’s just a blender, Ryan. We asked for a blender on the list remember? You’re the one who wanted it and now we have ten.” I told him as he examined the box.

“No you don’t know Steps like I do.” He said shaking the box. It sounded almost empty. He opened it and dumped the contents on the ground. Inside was a box of condoms and a note.

“Of course he did.” I laughed as Mac picked up the note.

“I just wanted you guys to keep it safe so I figured you might need these. Hope they aren’t too big for you Mac. Aella thinks I actually gave you guys the blender so if you want to act like you actually got it that would be great. She won’t notice I switched our old one out. Anyway, congrats guys! I’m so happy you guys are married now! Aella is coming back now so the note ends here. –Derek” Ryan read aloud. We sat there in silence for a while before finally laughing.

“I say we go to bed now and put these things to use.” Ryan suggested as he picked up the condoms and then me bridal style and carried both to the bedroom and closed the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the official last chapter guys. I know I could continue and write about their Paris adventures or in the future but I feel like this is a good ending for this story. Maybe a sequel if you guys would be into that would be about those topics? Thank you so much to all of you that have recommended this story, subscribed, commented, or even just decided to read this one day. It means a lot and I hope that maybe you'll do the same with my other stories as well. This was really fun to write! I hope you enjoyed and maybe post one last comment?