Status: Initiated - PHase 2 - Monthly Updates Expected

The Lord and Lady, of the Ever Green Fields

I am seen, in many guises. I have forms to represent me, in every time of need. I am the Lord, as well as the Lady, of the ever green fields. I represent both life, and death. I carry within me, both the beauty, and the beast.

If you ever is to see me, you are most likely either blessed, or cursed. There are no excuses, in my eyes. If I come before you, the decision is already made up. You better pray, you have not earned my wrath, when this time comes.

I am the little girl, at the right side of your head, by the bed, or the large man on the left side, on the foot end of the bed. Pray for the inocent girl, on your right side, the other, carries the curse.

I am the white fillie, or the black stallion, standing calmly, in the pasture by your horse. When you see me, you know the hour.

Ofcause I am the white angle, on your mothers grave, or the demon in the depth of your nightmares. I am the the satyr, the centaur, the Pegasus or the mermaid. Take your pick, I am already there.

Like mist, I can vanish. I will show, when it is the time. Just don't bother trying, killing me, just like the messenger, The truth behind me will remain.
  1. A First Encounter:
    A revelation?
  2. A Day, and a Surprise:
    Goes the other way, or just plain unexpected?
  3. A Haunting Visit: