Help Me Believe It's Not The Real Me

The knock

“Did you tell him?” Hannah asked as I entered our apartment.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Are you lying ?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered falling into the couch. “It’s not my fault he wasn’t outside his house,” I explained.

“Was he inside his house?” she asked. I shrugged.

“I don’t know I didn’t go inside,” I confessed.

“You have to tell him,” she said coming over to sit next to me.

“Why, he probably doesn’t even want kids,” I explained.

“He still has a right to know,” she insisted. I groaned.

“Why do you always have to be right?” I asked. She smiled.

“It’s a gift,” she said happily. I turned to look at the door, when I heard a knock at it.

‘I’ll get it,” I said walking up to the door. I opened it to see Syn smiling and quickly closed it again.

“Who was that?’ Hannah asked walking up to me. I laughed nervously.

“Chinese food delivery guy, I ordered Chinese, but he forgot the food, so pretty much just a Chinese guy,” I made up quickly. She looked at me weird as if she didn’t believe me, but shrugged it off.

“Ok whatever I’m going to have a shower, but remember you still have to tell him,” she reminded. I nodded and quickly left the apartment, once she had left the room. I turned around to come face to face with him.

“Syn what are you doing here,” I asked. He shrugged looking slightly awkward.

“Well I figured you were missing me, so I thought I would come over here so you would see me,” he explained.

“That is so sweet,” I said sarcastically.

“Yeah I know,” he muttered. I rolled my eyes.

“But I could have come to your place if I had missed you,” I retorted. He thought about that for a moment.

“Yeah, but you were pretty wasted last time you were there,” he added.

“Ok look Syn……” I started.

“Brian,” he said. “Why don’t you call Brian?” he asked. I shrugged.

“Because I don’t like Brian, well actually I don’t really like Syn either,” I muttered.

“Are you talking about me or my name?” he asked.

“Both,” I answered quickly.

“Well Charlee is a stupid name it’s a boys name anyway,’ he retaliated.

“Burn.,” I said sarcastically.

Just then the front door opened.

“Look at you two fighting like a real couple,” Hannah said poking her head out the door.

“We are not a couple,” we both said together.

“You are so cute together a bet the bab……………”

“Hannah,” I said cutting her off, realzing what she was going to say. “Could you go inside please?” I asked angrily.

“Can I just say one thing/” she asked. I shook my head.

“No,” I muttered.

“Ok fine,” she said closing the door.

“That’s my room mate” I explained.

“Oh and you are going to make great parents,” she yelled through the door. I stopped, my eyes widening and my heart speeding up.

I looked up at Syn who looked like he had just had a heart attack.

“Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I’m pregnant,” I said quickly.

“What?” he yelled.

“And it’s your baby,” I added.

‘What?” he repeated as if he didn’t believe me.

“So yeah, it’s been great talking we should do it again sometime,” I said opening the door and running it the house.

“Wait,” he yelled pounding on the door.

“It’s open,” Hannah yelled. I glared at Hannah as he opened the door walking into the apartment.

“Are you serious?” he asked walking over to me.

“Yeah,” I answered slowly. “Trust me I wish I wasn’t, but it’s true.”

“I cant believe this,” he muttered collapsing onto the couch.

“Hey, I know this is a bad time to ask, but can I be god mother?“ Hannah asked.

“What are we going to do?” Syn asked ignoring Hannah.

“I have no idea.”
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sorry it's short, it's just filler hope you like it though. please comment if you do.