Status: On a short hold till my novel for the NaNoWriMo is over.


Chapter 10: The Electron


Chapter 10: The Electron

Story thus far: The battle of New York City has ended, Ramsaur having vanished from the scene and leaving the group Mako, Aura and Chimera to leave with the body of Xian to prevent anyone from possibly learning of who they are. They enter a sewer to escape undetected. Jellal and a girl who knows, called Amaya, begin talking and spilling details of Ramsaur and what his possible motive is. Leaving Jellal to take Amaya with him and prepare for what Ramsaur might do next.


The sound of water dripping onto the concrete floor traveled through the building. Thirty minutes outside of Tacoma, Washington, a warehouse long since abandoned stood among the tall pine trees. The sound of the water coming from the broken pipe in the ceiling and from the rain as a storm cloud loomed over. Ramsaur was sitting with no cloths on, his back facing the empty building, filled only with metal and machines with a few boxes. His body scarred and burn marks on him as he rested his arms on his knees while hunched over.

"You were right..." He said aloud. "You were right about him and I didn't listen. Another person to stab me in the back, only he didn't die." He finished. The angry flowed through his veins and a bit of sadness that someone he thought he could get close to would be there yet another person torn from him.

That was when the voice emerged again. "I told you... You should have listened. But it doesn't matter now, you can still continue to that dream of yours." He told Ramsaur.

This grabbed Ramsaurs attention fast. He could continue? "H... How? I am alone and that Jellal guy with that fire kid, anymore and it would be a massacre."

"Exactly." The voice stated. "That is why you need a team."

"Are you an idiot? Jellal wasn't my first." He shot back to the voice. Was this guy telling him to do what he tried before in the past?

"Listen you worthless sack of air, I can help you but jumping at me wont do it. You need a team who are too stupid or too insane to agree with you, or offer them a way to get them something in return. You want to rule the planet of men?" He asked Ramsaur.

"Yea, what of it?" Ramsaur asked.

"Well, there are these jewels, twelve that you can get and will make you stronger. All twelve in the hands of one person would make them stronger then anything of the like you might have ever seen. Use these to make them join to get power, even split the winnings for them, but keep yourself the leader and holding the most. People of common interest?" The voice said, explaining the same thing Jellal thought might happen.

Jewels as a weapon, something Ramsaur did not expect, but if this would mean a working team then it would be worth doing. He was not considering how to get them or how difficult. "So, where are they and how am I to find someone as a team member? I can not scout people out." He told unknown voice.

"I know that peon, I will find them for you. In fact, I have them already." The voice told Ramsaur, taking no care to insult the man.

The insults were starting to get on his nerves, Ramsaur was not about to be told what to do by some voice. "Oh, and how the hell did you already find a team for me?" He said with some aggressiveness to the tone.

"While you chose to not listen to me and go on a little rampage like a child, making absolutely no progress in your goal other than alerting the world of people like you and letting the Military of the strongest country in the world to prepare for what they saw, I searched people all over the globe. Your first one is in Japan, then Germany. These will come first since Japan has one who is insane enough to join your revolution and Germany has three brothers. Lucky them huh?" The voice explained.

"Listen here..." Ramsaur began, "I am not some toy you can order around, and who the hell are you anyways that you can scan the damn earth?!" He barked to the voice.

"I am Ares, the God of War." The voice replied. "And I am partly inside of you, some of my power, my energy, part of me is in you allowing me to be one with you. You had a demon like spirit before I came in the picture."

The shock of the name hit Ramsaur hard. An actual God? The Greek Gods were real and he had one inside of him? "A... A God?!?!" He said aloud."

"Yes, now let us get moving. You are lucky you have me, because with me I can help you move around much easier. In fact, as you know, one who is an Aries can summon and use weapons and all kinds of battle things, specifically my kind of person. However, you need to make a connection, a bond with these. Rather special ones like I will give you. Hold your hands out in front of you." Ares ordered.

Doing as he was requested, Ramsaur brought his hands up in front of him and held them out, hands open and palms open. A dark red and gold glitter of light began to form into a solid, becoming a shaped object that looked like armored gloves. Really bulky with shark ends on the knuckles. A metallic object formed, two of them, placed into Ramsaurs hands. They were like specialized armored gloves, long spikes colored in a color between gold and silver. The spike was coming from the center part of the knuckles and extending out. "Looks like Wolverine lost two of his claws on each hand." Ramsaur said jokingly.

"These gauntlets will allow you to create a small portal that is opened for a few seconds, literally that if not less. You can keep it open longer, but normally they last for a short time and you would need to get in and out. This might give you a boost in going to locations. Take it as a gift from me... Ramsaur." Ares told him. "Think of it as a way to deem you my official champion." He said.

Taking in the item as a gift and that the God did something like this was great but also made him not sure if he should trust the God. He then felt the items in his hand glow as they burned, markings going from them to his arms and all over his body as his body glowed red like the items. Suddenly it vanished, a bound between the special gauntlets and Ramsaur was complete. Ramsaur placed on down next to him on the ground by his left foot as he took the right arm one and placed his hand in it slowly. Once in, the power of the gloves filled him with a sensation that was so new to him he rose his head up, straightened his back and looked forward with eyes wide open. The gloves on the ends attached to his skin, needle like points shooting in and into his skin to become bound to him. His head dropped as the spikes connected and the gloves began to glow a reddish color and then faded as fast as it appeared. Raising his head up, eyes eager, he spoke. "Aye... Let's get this done.. Ares." He said with a grin and looks of determination.

Ares simple responded with his deep voiced laugh. "Ha-ha-ha-ha." Things looked like they might get better for the champion of the God of War. "Good, let us begin shall we?" He asked as Ramsaur bent down, getting to his feet and grabbed the other glove. Directly sticking his hand in and let it attach like the other and straightened his posture and looked forward.

"Yea... Let's head to Japan." Ramsaur replied. With that, Ramsaur used his right arm and bent it ninety degrees, pointing the glove in the direction Ramsaur was looking, closed hand into a fist as the back of his hand faced the ground. He slowly moved it forward till his arm was extended in front of him completely and then twisted his arm, turning it completely one-eighty degrees as a dark red door opened from the needle on the gloves end, starting as a spiral and expanding at rapid speed, Ramsaur smiling at it with his eyes watching it as he dashed into the door and made his way to his next location. The door of a portal closing behind him.

The sky was light blue as the early morning air blew across Osaka. A few birds flew over in the distance as the red portal appeared in an alley in the Konohana prefecture, not far from the Minato prefecture. He jumped out as the door closed, slamming into a trashcan and flipping over, a box of old sweets on his shoulder. He was on his butt that sat on a bag of trash as he brushed the box off of him. He stood up and closed his eyes as an aura of red energy formed around his body, thinning out and forming into a business suit. Because of his size, Ramsaurs chest and arms were clearly defined through the chest. "So where is he?" Ramsaur asked as he walked out, the black leather shoes making clanking noises as he walked out, the sports coat unbuttoned. The suit in all was a dark grey, almost black, light blue and white striped tie and white collared shirt. His hair was still messy, but he robbed his right hand on it back and forth to fix it, removing some dust from the debris of New York.

As he walked out of the alley, he looked right and left, not many people were out, a few men in suits and women. Ares spoke up to him to explain the plan. "You need to head to the Umeda district. It will be crowded, but he is there." He said.

"How the hell am I to find this man? I do not know what he looks like and they all look alike. Human, human and more human." Ramsaur replied.

"If all you do is complain you will never get anything done you worthless sack of crap. You best mind yourself, should I ever meet you face to face you would lose all bowel control. So do as I say and your plan will work. Learn to trust people rat." Ares said to Ramsaur. The tone clearly dominating and powerful, not wanting to take any childish play from the young man.

This started to tick Ramsaur off, he was about to lose control because of it too. "Keep talking, maybe one day if we meet I might put you in your place." He said back to the God as he laughed with a sinister smirk.

Ares was silent for a few second before speaking up. "Remember who made you who you are currently and what you will be later, I can take it away before your next thought forms." He told Ramsaur. "Now go, I will provide you with this one gift... But speak back to me again and you will have no help." He told him. "This vision will allow you to see the energy level one has inside their body, in a sense you will see anyone who is like you. A Mystical." He told him.

Ramsaurs eyes began to glow red as the gloves did before as the color soon faded. Ramsaurs vision began to change slightly, small dots appearing before him. All light blue and one in the far distance, very small and hardly visible, white. "I see now, I guess I have to give you thanks. Quite useful." He said. "Will help with this highly populated city too." He stated as he finally began to move.

Ares began to think to himself on his choice of the boy. He has an attitude that seems hard to control, even Ares distastes him. Nether the less, he put him in his place.

As Ramsaur walked through the city, he took notice of a few looks from the natives, as if he was a monster. "What... Do these worms think I am ugly or something?!" He said to himself yet aloud.

"No." Ares spoke. "But you do not look anything like someone who lives in Japan, plus you probably stink." He told him.

"Hey!" Ramsaur yelled to the Gods remark of his smell.

"Shut it will you? Last thing you want is attention from the police or anyone else, you do not know these people and their ways. You just got back from a battle and dust of a building all over your skin. So you should expect to smell of body odor." Ares told him. Letting him know that the way he is starting to present himself might get him caught and in trouble with the law, yet again.

After a good thirty minutes of following the trail, making a few runs and walks, short cuts, Ramsaur finally had the district. "So... God of War." He began. "Tell me about this man or girl." He asked. "Anything I need to worry about? Like is he good?"

Ares didn't respond for a bit, and only after about a minute saying something. "He is a male and part of the Yakuza. Their base is, I believe around ten kilometers from were he is. He is high enough up there that he will be protected because of who he is, and they take him as a tool to use and want him alive to use his power. He's a Gemini Keeper." Ares pointed out.

"You think? Aren't you like a God? You should know everything." Ramsaur asked, slightly surprised.

"You think I care what you know? I am not my Father, I do not have all knowing knowledge like he might. Also, if we did, do you think the world would be this way? Needing your help or helping you? I have vast knowledge boy, but I do not know everything and I do not care about the distance anyways. I enjoy watching your surprised face appear as you waste time walking around. I have time, you do not." He pointed out to Ramsaur.

Ramsaur made his way, the white dot becoming bigger and bigger. It was then that the dot, including all the others that were white also vanished. "What?" Ramsaur asked.

"Times up." Ares told him.

Ramsaur spoke up, unsure why he was given such a helpful tool only to be taken when he didn't even offend the childish God. Not to forget the other people he needs to find. "What do you mean 'times up'? We just got here."

Ares sighed loud in Ramsaurs head. "Because moron, you are here, you will know when you find him. Just follow your instincts for crying out loud." He told him.

Ramsaur simply grunted to this as he made his way to the area, standing in the district as the place became busy with business and all other kinds of people by the time. He saw a man that stuck out, men with tattoos on them. "Hey... That has to be him. Those guys look like the Yukazaku group." Ramsaur stated.

"It's the Yakuza moron." Ares said bluntly. "I have to ask you, were you born under a rock?" He asked, knowing full well of Ramsaurs past.

"You taunting me God? I'll take you one." Ramsaur stated. By this time people were staring at him as they walked by, some making clicking noises with their tongue as if to tell him 'tsk'.

"You might want to think about talking to me in your head for once. Japan is a heavily populated place compared to America, they do not have a giant country with lots of open space occupied by rednecks and crops of corn. Osaka is one if not the most populated city in Japan next to Tokyo, you shouting and acting how you are in public, speaking to no one in their eyes, you will draw attention to yourself. The very fact you are a white man who clearly looks and sounds American, you push it they might come after you and try to deport you or arrest you for being mentally ill." He stated, warning Ramsaur of his actions.

Ramsaur remained silent for a little while as he then began making his way to the group of tattooed men. He chose not to respond to the God and just do things his way. Ares making comments how he can not speak Japanese.

As he approached them, he yelled out to him, calling for them by the gang name. "They are the Azuma-gumi, part of the Yakuza." Ares said as Ramsaur made his comment.

"Hey! Yakuza scumbags! You Azuma-gumi bags of meat!" He yelled, using his hand to wave in the air to show them who it was. The men stopped as one man in front of the group, wearing a white coat with a hood on it, metallic parts connected for looks and a black leather shirt underneath with tight pants made of some cloth and boots similar to what Ramsaur wore, but much more slimmer and less bulky. He had black hair with a yellow line going through his hair in the middle and the sides shaped like lightning bolts. He turned around looking Ramsaur in the eye, the mans eyes ocean blue and cold. He had tattoos along his arm in all kinds of shapes and sizes and marks going on his neck and two pointed fang like tattoos ending on his cheek, under his eyes.

"Oy, you trying to start trouble kid?" He said walking over to Ramsaur. His men following behind him. There was a total of seven of the men.

"Yea... I called you a scum bags... I have business to talk to you about." Ramsaur said to the man.

The man looked at his men with him and then to Ramsaur with a look of uncertainty. "Are you blind or just stupid? Why would I even want to talk to a gaijin like you?" He told Ramsaur to his face, even going so far to get up in it, only a few inches from it.

"Gaijin? Sorry I do not understand what you are saying... Take me up on my offer and you will be a very powerful man, more then the gang of pansies you are in will ever give you." He told him, raising his left arm up in effect of his motive and without thinking.

"Gai...Jin... You are a gaijin and I have nothing to say to you. And it means outsider. What stops me from having these men just kill you off right here and now, maybe let you go after cutting your tongue off?" He asked Ramsaur, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

Ramsaur looked around him, the guy had his men move around and surround Ramsaur, possibly to take him out any moment now. He smiled at the scene. "That wouldn't be very wise... In fact, why not try to settle it over at your main place, so it can get dirty. Me against your men. If I beat them without a single touch from them, you listen to my offer." He told the man.

"Odd offer my friend, usually people will say I should join them or something, you seem confident. Find, lets do it, I wish to see that face of yours wiped off with your blood on my shoes." He told Ramsaur. With this, he told one of the men to grab his car so they could get going. Within a few minutes, a black sedan and two motorbikes rolled up as the man ordered Ramsaur to get in. Two got in the sedan, one driver and one passenger. The passenger being the man Ramsaur came to get, as Ramsaur and one man holding a gun to Ramsaurs head sat in the back.

The last three men got onto the three motorbikes there and started them up as they all began to roll out of the area. The drive was short, passing by a few buildings and store. The man who Ramsaur came to get was on the phone as he started to talk. "Yes, I want five." He said as he hung up. Ramsaur knew what he might have meant on the phone and sure he would find out soon.

As they pulled to the building, having arrived in the Nishinari ward, also called Nishinari-Ku. The door opened as Ramsaur was ordered to get out, doing so the seven men appeared with an additional five, the guy who pointed a gun to Ramsaur smacked the gun on Ramsaurs side to make him drop as he was pulled into the street away from the cars. The vehicles were set to prevent anyone from coming in the road as the dropped the man on the ground.

"You can call me Denshi. In your language it means electron." Denshi said aloud to Ramsaur as he walked off to gain distance to a chair that was sat out for him, it was a plastic chair. "You guys can kill him now." He stated.

"Heh..." Ramsaur began, laughing slightly at the fact the man added more to the scene. "Afraid are you? Adding more men for me to kill?"

Denshi was now holding a bag of sweets as he began eating it, with his mouth full replied. "If you survive... Good luck gaijin." He said as he began eating more of the candy. "This Meltykiss is delicious. Too bad you wont have any as food for the fish in the bay, eh Gaijin?" Denshi said mockingly.

With that, Ramsaur began to scan the area. Out of the twelve men, one had a pistol, one long chain that had some rust on it, another a baseball bat, another a nightstick, five had nothing but their first, two with pocket knives and one with a pair of nunchucks. He had two, one on his lower back for later use and the other in hand. The men began to charge at him wildly as the one with the nunchaku began to move his weapon around, coming at Ramsaur as the man shot the free end to Ramsaurs face with a harsh speed that would break bones. Ramsaur grabbed the end with his hand, the man going to jump and kick but his weapon was yanked from him and used against him as Ramsaur spun around to smack the man with the now other end only for the man to duck. This was countered as Ramsaur shot his left kneecap up and hit the mans chin, smacking both hands to the man's skull and began crushing it with his force. The muscles under his suit showing more as the man with the baseball bat charged and swung his bat to Ramsaurs head from behind. The sound of the bat coming and the man's foot steps alerted Ramsaur as he turned and threw the man he had at the oncoming one. The one he had with a small line on his head were a creak in the skull appeared and came out of line, one out more than the other, causing a line to appear. His eyes in the back of his head.

Two down, one knocked out and the other on the ground with a body on him with Ramsaur standing there in his suit, nunchaku in hand. A man with a knife charged him from the side and the other one with his fist from the front. This followed with the other with knife also come at him with the man with the nightstick. As this all happened, Ramsaur scanned, his eyes moving rapidly from far left to far right and back. The man with the knife charging him pointing the blade forward to stab his foe as Ramsaur spun slightly, ducking at the blade and raising his hand and thrust his arm with the nunchaku to hit the mans head. Using this movement and continuing with it to and when he got in the position, side kicked after a with his leg, as if using a martial art skill. The force caused him to go flying into the black sedan, denting the passenger door and breaking the glass, setting the alarm off. The one using his fist but Ramsaur got to him faster than he could think, using the nunchaku to wrap around the back of his neck, both hands on their own handle and pulling down to get the mans head to connect with his kneecap as the other did, the turning around, holding the man in position and forcing the chucks to spin to have the chain on the front of the mans neck instead of the bad as he threw and pulled the man over his shoulder, letting go and throwing the man with the nunchaku at the man with the pistol who was watching for a shot. The man with the knife and the one with the nightstick charged, knife going for Ramsaurs spine, the nightstick rose as the man went to smack it to Ramsaurs neck. Both equally coming at the same time as Ramsaur spun to his left, only slightly as he used his right hand to push on the oncoming nightstick and pushing up and away, his left hand backhanding the knife, the men shocked at the movement.

This was not the end as Ramsaur continued going left and now the man basically having his back to Ramsaur, had his arm with the knife grabbed,his other arm and neck held by Ramsaurs other hand as Ramsaur used the weapon in the mans hand to force it and stab the man in the face, the blade hanging out from his right eye. He then turned to see the man with the nightstick bring the weapon down on him. Ramsaur used his arm to block as he used his right fist to punch the man in the gut and left go of his other arm as a shield and pulled back and let go, punching the man in the face with such force. The man flying down onto his bad, broken nose and half his teeth out.

Now remained only the one with the pistol, the chain and four with just their fist. Some slowly trying to get one of the fallen men's weapons. "I wouldn't if I were you." He told the men.

Denshi was clapping with a mouth full of candy. "Wonderful." He said swallowing his food. "I guess there is some bloodthirsty rage burning in you. Time to change things, you took out all but one of the number of men I had, so I will do this. Why not them and me against you? Eh? One more?" He noticed Ramsaurs face was still eager for a fight, but a lot more serious when he nominated himself to fight against Ramsaur. Denshi began to think about this man. "I wonder... I think he knows who I am. Rather what I can do." He then took his coat off and cracked his neck. "This should be fun, I haven't killed anyone since I was jumped by thirty men, killed than the number of them in seconds." Denshi said with a cocky smirk. He held his arms out as his hands opened, revealing his palms, and with that static began to form till a ball of lighting and it's bright light appeared. Bits of the lightning from the ball would hit the ground and other objects like a Tesla orb when you touch it. "Lets go..." He said seriously with a smile.

He charged throwing his right fist to Ramsaur. Ramsaur was forced to block it with his left arm, forming it at ninety degree angle. The look on hit face was serious as he went to stop the other hand that was not coming.

"HA-HA-HA, come on man!" Denshi exclaimed as the fist came close to Ramsaurs arm before vanishing. It reappeared lower and hit hit gut, some blood even coming out of Ramsaurs mouth as the hit and shock with the speed took its toll on him. The very force was much more then he thought it would be as he was sent flying to the car as well, landing next to the body, only actually hitting the hood and onto the other side. "Is this all you got?"

Ramsaur was laying on his chest as he began to pull himself up. As he stood up, his head tilted back as he then shot it back with a smile. "Is that all you got...?" He said in remark to the man to mock him. Denshi leaped forward and used his lightning as he vanished. Ramsaur looked in shock at the sight. "Where'd he go?!" He said as Denshi reappeared in front of him. He began to unleash his fist at Ramsaur, letting off a mass of punches at the man with electricity added. He then shot his knee to Ramsaurs gut and jumped, then spun around and shot his foot to the face of the American man, sending him flying to the street, hitting a car and forcing it to stop.

The man got out too see if he was fine. Burn marks and marks all over Ramsaur, his suit burned and scuffed. He began to stand up again as he grabbed his sports coat and ripped it off. He ripped the tie off and rolled his arm cuffs up to the end of his forearm.

He then got into a boxing stance and muttered with a trail of blood down his lips. "Bring it." The man with the chain ran from behind Denshi, threw the chain to Ramsaur, but Ramsaur grabbed it and wrapped his arm around it. He then noticed the small spikes on the chains that cut into his skin and used the chain to pull the man to him. He pulled his other arm back as he began to unleash his strength to the foe, tired of the petty games. As the man appeared by him, Ramsaur let go, shooting his fist to the mans face so hard, the skull came off, the head shattering and brain matter and blood spilling all over in front of Ramsaur.

Denshi stood in awe at what happened. "H... He's not a normal man." He said aloud with his eyes wide. He then got serious as Ramsaur began to spin the chain around, a bullet hit his face. It missed and scared his cheek but then another hit his right legs thigh. He then threw the chain to Denshi only to be dodged and grabbed, letting the lightning flow through shocking the man. But that was when Denshi was pulled forward. His face in shock as he saw the fist coming, as it did, he bent his head to the side as it missed just barely. Using his lightning, he vanished again and appeared by the man with the gun. "Shoot him in the head, I do not want him to use anything else against us." He said.

The man looked at Denshi. "Why? I thought you were some guy with powers, why not just kill him?!" He said as he aimed the gun for Ramsaur. He shot but his his shoulder, the flinch from the pain showed as he was now running to them. Ramsaur held his other hand out as energy that was blue dark blue began to form and shape into a throwing star. As he firmly grabbed it, the energy shattered and revealed a throwing star. He threw it while he ran at the man with the gun.

As he shot more, the man who was hooting was hit in the neck by the star, the bullet from his gun hitting Ramsaurs arm, sliding across and scrapping him as he moved to the right and ran. Denshi held his hands out again as the lightning formed like a ball again and created an arc that formed from palm to palm, going from the left pelf to the right, over his dead. Above his head at the center of the arc was another ball of lightning as he let go and pushed his arms forward, the smile across his face as Denshi let go. This caused the lighting to shoot and strike at Ramsaur, hitting him and threw him back at the Sedan. He didn't move as Denshi approached him. Bending down he grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and roe him to his face. "Nothing to say now huh!? He-he, you sure were fun though." He said as Ramsaur shot his eyes open and grabbed Denshi's neck with one hand and his other on his face and rose him up as he stood straight up.

The sound of the police was in the distance. "You are coming with me." Ramsaur said as he threw him on the ground and held one arm out as the energy formed red and one of the gloves from before appeared. He put his hand out in the same manner and used it to open the door as he grabbed the man by his neck and threw him and and jumped as the door closed. The police arriving at the scene and missed what happened.

Appearing in Germany, the door opened and the two fell from the sky at the height of ten feet. They were on a grassy hill surrounded by mountains as Ramsaur looked up. It was then he coughed some blood from the fight and began to pant from his battle. “Now it takes it’s toll…” He says jokingly.

Denshi was on his back looking up at the sky. “Who are you…?” He said turning over to face Ramsaur.

“I am Ramsaur…” He began.

“That’s kind of a stupid name dude.” Denshi said, interrupting the man.

“Shut your mouth, you are lucky I can not kill you now.” He said as he tried to catch his breath. “I am an Aries, a Keeper.” He finished. He looked up to see where he was as he took in the land. “Germany I see.” He said aloud.

“Tell me…” Denshi began. “What was it you wanted me so badly you had to kill half of my men and beat the others and bring me here for?” He asked.

Ramsaur stood up, as he began to rip the collared shirt off of him and dust himself off. “I have a goal. A goal to change the world, to bring true peace.” He said.

Denshi began to laugh out loud from the statement. “So you think bringing me, a Yakuza, a Japanese gang member, to this place to start a new world of peace?” He asked as he began to laugh more.

“I brought you because I know you are crazy enough to join me, even through my so called ‘crazy’ method. I also need help killing off a few people who are going to resist against me. Foes who you might have fun killing.” Ramsaur stated. He hoped Ares was right about this man, and he also noticed that Ares has been silent since before he approached Denshi. “The only way to true peace is to make everyone know who I am and those with me, force them into submission and to do as we say.” He said.

Denshi rolled onto his side, bringing one kneed closer by bending it and holding his head with his right hand. “So you basically wish to make a new world, act as god and kill anyone who disagrees with you by instilling fear into the people? Sounds like Death Note too me.” He said to Ramsaur, comparing him to the manga that Denshi has read.

“What the hell is Death Note? Is that some kind of weapon?” Ramsaur asked, completely thrown off.

“It’s a mang… Never mind. Anyways, I get your point. So you need me to help you? So lets say we do this, there might be others and then you have the largest military force in the world against us. The U.S., The European Union banning together, Russia, they will all come after us.” Denshi said.

“I know, I am counting on it.” He said turning his head towards Denshi by looking over his shoulder. “That is also where you and the others come in.” He said. “We need to recruit more on my list, I know who they are and when we do, we will need to find these jewels. These jewels will greatly make us stronger. Afterwards they will no longer stand against us, we will be Gods to the world as everyone is subjected to us.” He said to Denshi, turning his head back to face the mountains. It was night time over here, the stars showing and even the ring of the Milky Way.

Denshi began to ponder this for a bit before speaking up. He then stood up. “OK… Sounds fine to me. I get power and a good fight. Lets see what these threats of yours have.” He said. “I doubt they could even touch me.”

Ramsaur chuckled slightly. “I touched you and I have nothing to increase my speed nor did I rely on anything but one weapon summon, you best get your game up.” He said to Denshi.

“I… It was morning man, I honestly took you for a worthless being. If I know these people will be a threat, like I do the military, then it will be different. Trust me.”

Ramsaur smiled as he looked up, before him on the bottom of the hill was a town, the lights very little and far from the city, it was a small house with a farm. That was when Ramsaur spoke as Denshi stood by Ramsaur seeing the same building. “Good, now let us get our next group of members. The three here will do greatly.”

“Oh? Three in one place. Seems fun.” Denshi said smiling.

“Careful… These men are not to be taken likely… They are powerful from what I am hearing.” Ramsaur stated, explaining what he was being told by Ares in his head. “But we will win and they will come with us, don’t fret.” He said.

Denshi looked at Ramsaur with a look of uncertainty. “Why is that…?” He asked in a very serious tone.

Ramsaur replied with a simple smile as his eyes closed to the statement. It was then after he finished his little laugh that he opened his eyes that faced the farm and said what would soon send a chill down Denshi’s spin. “Because we have a god on our side.” He said, his eyes now beginning to turn red, not much, but a small change could be seen as his eyes were different.


Next: Chapter 11
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I tried to go in much more detail, taking more time in this one to make the fight better then a simple hit. This was my goal to try to make it much more detailed for those who care to read this. Stepping up compared to what you might have sense in New York and always working to improve.