Status: On a short hold till my novel for the NaNoWriMo is over.


Chapter 9: Colliding Stars 2


Chapter 9: Colliding Stars 2

Story thus far: Ramsaur and Mako began their fight after the death of Xian, stabbed in the heart by Ramsaur. The fight went on for sometime till eventually a dark evil possessed Mako mid fight and lost control, his power greatly increasing and forcing Ramsaur to go on the defensive much more. Soon the National Guard made their move to apprehend the chaos as to not let it continue anymore.


Ramsaur took in what the man told him, but he was not about to let that stop him. "Heh, god luck stopping me!" Ramsaur bellowed as he jumped off the roof, the gunmen focusing on Ramsaur, but his speed was no match as Ramsaur landed on the side, holding the side of the helicopter with one hand and the other on the gun to aim it to the air. "You will all learn who your true masters are!" He bellowed again as he pulled himself in and elbowed the soldiers face in, sending him on the ground of the helicopter with blood coming out of his nose. Ramsaur then noticed the pilots and rushed to pull himself in. The man pointed a gun to him and shot, but Ramsaur just barely dodged it, the bullet cutting his left cheek. He preceded to tilt his head and ram the man, sending the hard structure of his horns at the mans body, then lifting up and stabbing into the mans chest while punching the main pilot.

The helicopter was losing control as Mako stood up as the event took place. He did not know what to do without causing any more damage, if he used fire he could blow the helicopter up or kill the men, if he attack Ramsaur they might crash. He didn't need to think for long as the helicopter began to lose control and the blades tipping towards him. He turned around, nearly tripping and began to run as the blades cut on the roof and broke, sending a piece flying. The copter hit and skid on the roof and fell onto the floor below as Mako landed through another building in the window into an office. Glass on him as he looked up, some blood on his face from a cut. The flames light the smoke that came off the roof and into the sky, Mako looked as Ramsaur stood at the edge staring at Mako. His body black and eyes glowing a golden shine.

He was about to jump to Mako, crouching down, as he was suddenly hit by an unknown force, skidding across and into another building to also be victim of the battle. Laying in the rubble and smoke of a building, under the roof, he grabbed on some debris and clinched it out of anger. He pulled himself up with a slight struggle, looking at what did that. Mako saw the event and got up, setting his fists to begin their small flame to start covering them in a coat of fire of what might be another threat. Jellal appeared behind Mako as his words spoke. "You can drop the flame..."

Mako shocked, not sure how the man got behind him without him knowing of it. "H... how did you get there?!" He said turning around and getting in a stance that had his left fist facing him in a flexed form while his under forearm facing up. If this man was a threat, he needed to be on his toes.

"How I got here doesn't matter." Jellal began. Having used the shadow of the building he was in to end up there, but how he did it and when was unclear as of now. "You should leave the area and take that girl Xians body out of here." He demanded Mako as he looked based Mako for Ramsaur.

"Why? Why are you helping me?" Mako asked. "I thought you were with him?!" Mako was not sure what to expect, was this a game?

"Did you not notice how I hardly had to fight against you? What my motive is are of no concern to you. Just do as I say if you want the best results to happen. The rest I can explain when the time is right." He told Mako. Jellal was thinking in his head of the situation, he was far more skilled than he let off, but for his sake he needed to keep it low. But he knew that other girl who was a Libra as he was had made her way and someone else. One he has yet to fully met based on how he felt the presence. "I sense someone, I wonder if it is who I am thinking. I would not doubt it though, but this kid needs to get out. My time with the lunatic is over. This kid has his own destiny that needs to be done and the last thing I need is him to be killed by Ramsaur or the military." He thought.

"Who are you...?" Mako asked. "You seem different. I don't like it, but I'll take your word for now... I expect you to explain later on." He told Jellal. "What's you name? I'm Mako." He asked with the stance still there and very much a serious face of distrust.

"Jellal..." He replied while looking past Mako at Ramsaur who saw the talk take place. "I see, he must have gotten up faster than I expected. I guess his form is far more resilient than I anticipated. To be expected from one of the Ram." he thought as he pushed Mako, sending him off the building with nothing but a shocked face. In less then a second after falling into a free fall off the building he was encased in darkness.

Ramsaurs face was serious, as was Jellal's as they faced each other. "Yo... You betrayed me?" Al look of betrayal on his face, as if losing someone semi-important. "I... I thought he was lying and I was just going crazy... But you.... He was right. I guess you truly were not the one to help me." He said to Jellal. "Why...? WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME?!?!" HE yelled, demanding an answer as even through the fur, veins could be clearly seen and becoming more clear from the muscles flexing from his anger unleashing.

"I was never a part of anyone's group nor anyone's tool. I told you, I am not your pawn. You are delusional and clearly mentally insane Ramsaur. You have a view I can understand, regardless of you..." He began before being interrupted.

"Yo... You know of my past?! Who are you? How do you know me!?" He yelled at him again, the sound of cars and tanks rolling in below, jets in the far distance. An order to fire had not yet been given.

"What I am is no concern to you. Lets just say I am a special case if anything." His eye focusing on Ramsaur with intent. "But your rule will not hap..."

"SHUT YOU MOUTH WORM!!!" Ramsaur bellowed out massively as he has managed to draw off enough energy to leap at Jellal at a high speed similar to Mako and sending a punch to his gut and aiming down to the ground. The soldiers marched on as they were then ordered to stop. The sight of the building with smoke and dust from the top and windows breaking from the top level to the bottom, like an elevator light showing where it was at, a clear sign something was falling as the sign ended with a mass of dust and windows blowing out on the bottom floor. Breaking open the doors of the front of the building with tremendous force that one even came off the hedges. Inside as the soldiers and armored groups made their way to the building to inspect, Ramsaur stood over Jellal's body. Debris below them and Ramsaur took in big huffs of air.

The sound of footsteps echoed as a squad made their way, Sergent Belford leading the charge. He held, at only a few feet from the buildings opening to were the targets were, his hand up with a closed fist, pointing up, telling his men to stop as their weapons, automatic rifles stood ready. Sergeant John Belford was a 30 year old First Sergeant of the Army National Guard of the state of New York. He had a wife and a baby boy of only 6 months old. He had bright blue eyes that stood out and white hair, the color of snow. His hair very military style, very short to near bold side and top hair 2 inches. He was a tall man of near six foot and his combat outfit made him stand out more.

After his men were told to hold on, he slowly made his way to the side to walk along it to hide from side. As he got to the wall, he looked to his men and made hand movements to have them follow and the other half to split and go on their side and behind to the other end of the door on the front of the building. Sergeant Bellford heard the breathing of a man inside, it was heavy and deep, it almost seemed unnatural too.

Jellal however was on the ground, a small trickle of blood on the left side of his lip, rolling down and on the ground. The dust of the building painted his skin white. "Heh..." He made the weak laugh as his eyes opened up. "Quite the punch, but I don't have time for this." He said.

Ramsaur listened to the statement and replied. "You are in no position to say anything..." The voice appeared in Ramsaurs head again. "I warned you... Now you have suffered from it and have been set back." The voice told him. "SHUT UP!!! I won't let YOU tell me what to do... You hear me?!" He yelled out loud. This left Jellal with a stare of concern as to how mentally insane this man was.

"Is... Is he talking to me or himself? This guy seriously as issues. I stay around much longer I might caught it." He thought as he slid his hands outwards on the rubble and pushed to send him on his back moving behind him, bringing his legs up as they pushed in to Ramsaurs hooves and bent his knees and used his force to sent Ramsaur off balance and towards his butt and back. Putting more force in the push, he managed to get air and spin forward enough to land on his feet. He then grabbed the no longer seemingly sane man by the ankles of his feet hooves and squished hard enough to hold on. "Well Ramsaur, guess you will find out if I really have the position to say something soon." He said aloud as he bent down and then began to rotate to the left slowly straightening his back as he began to spin the man around. He was using a very odd and inhuman like amount strength. "Just a little more..." He said as a small shimmer fell of his body, invisible to Ramsaurs eyes do to lack of attention and with it, he spun a bit faster and let go, sending Ramsaur straight through the front door and into the building, breaking through that to another building and landing in there.

Jellal spit on the ground to get the dust from his mouth and saw a small amount of blood. He didn't show it, but he did get injured from the punch. "His punch was much stronger than I thought..." Watching the hole, he considered leaving the building after Ramsaur to see the result, but he also needed to make sure Mako and the others left.

"I see, so he holds a superhuman strength with that form, unless it is something else. For an Aries, he uses less summoning of weapons and more on physical hand to hand brutish combat. I know that we all are diverse, but most common Aries born Mysticals generally abuse their power and summon loads of weapons and shields. But not Ramsaur, he uses hand to hand, but he relies primarily on instinct and harsh unbalanced brute power. I would have thought he would use better techniques, but it's as if he has no knowledge." He thought, trying to analyses his foe after seemingly betraying him. While his motives were unclear, the shady man Jellal still showed signs of watching Ramsaur. "I'm curious if the anger and emotion flooding him is the cause, if so there could be any number of possibilities for this. I have to watch myself, he is a tad unpredictable with such a fighting style as asinine as his."

A lone shadow walking out of the dust, an arm dangling. It was Ramsaur, walking out holding his right arm as he had changed back to normal, his clothes gone but the smoke covered his lower parts, other than a few glimpse at his feet. His brain hair was no longer spiked, it was even more of a mess then before and one eye closed from damage. "I understand now... He warned me of you and here you are. I see, you use Gravity to make yourself stronger, that was how you threw me isn't it.... Jellal?"

"..." Jellal was shocked the man caught on fast. His eye gave that away. "So my thought was correct, there is another presence. And it doesn't feel right." He thought in his head.

"That's right, I know how you do it. You seem shocked. Is it because I know how you are starting to operate in battle? That if I know I might counter you and you might die? No matter, your life will be mine as was that puny worthless trash of a girl. I will be the ruler, I will be the God." He said, he noticed the soldiers just staring at him. "And I will begin with their lives..." He declared with a very low and dark tone. With that, he pushed out with his feet, the smoke following him a bit as he appeared far too fast for a soldier to react as their head was smashed into the building wall, breaking down the small part of the wall, the blood over his hand.

"Crap!" Jellal shouted in his head as he bent but Ramsaur chucked the smashed headed body at Jellal as he caught it to set it down and looked up at Ramsaur. "You just crossed the line of no return Ramsaur, you are going to pay for your crimes."

"That you helped? Good luck trying fool, as for you humans, take heed that your true master is here. Tell your people what you saw..." He said staring at Jellal as a mixed aura of black and red shot from his feat and to his head covering him and dispersing as fast as it came leaving Ramsaur out of sight. the soldiers shocked at what happened, not ever facing such a thing before, they turned to Jellal and pointed their guns. Sergeant Belford simply watched in horror at the mans body that was killed, it was a message from that man and he had lost a man, but to a thing he never thought would happen.

The Sergeant turned to the young adult in black, gazing at his dark eyes. "Who are you people? What are you?" A look of fear on his face.

"Look, I know you won't trust me, but you and your men have to get out of here. He was right, tell your superiors of this and tell them to warn the President of this and that the response is already on it." He told the man, the soldiers unsure what to do, looked at each other and then their squad leader.

"I do not know why, but I have a feeling I should trust you, don't make me regret it." He said turning from them to pull a phone out in private. "Code Red, I repeat, Code Red." He said in the object, waiting a response. Soon a click and then a buzz sound of white noise came out followed by a reply.

"This is HQ, what is the situation?" It asked.

"This is Sergeant Belford, tell General Phillips I have a message for him and the President of the utmost importance. Unfortunately he can only hear it from me." He said. There was no reply for a good minute and a half when the buzz began.

"Alright, General Phillips has given you permission to do so." With that the message ended.

"Everything seems clear, have the armed men sent back to base." Belford said.

"Roger, over and out." The buzz ended once more and Bellford put the phone back and walked to his men.

"Count yourself lucky, I will send the message. Men, I want you to head back to out while you are replaced with the appropriate squad to deal with the rest of the situation." They did so as they fell out. "I do not know who you people are, but I will assume this fight, you were on our side. I hope I can trust you." He said.

Jellal was surprised such luck happened, but was better than having to defend himself against the bullets of those soldiers. The sound of the jets shot out as they began leaving the area to which they were send to go and fire upon the order. "I know I got a little lucky here." He said getting up and walking to the man's side, the Sergeant facing were Jellal was and Jellal at the man’s side facing behind him were Ramsaur was. "Watch yourself though." He said as the soldiers reaction was a stunned looked as he shot around to the man to find him gone.

"The hell?!" He said to the situation.

Meanwhile Mako during all this had appeared out of that little shadow as if walking through a door and landed on his butt by Xian. A silly reaction of his rubbing his butt when a serious look came to him at the sight of the dead girl and Chimera walking up behind him. A look of despair and grief filled in her to the brim from what happened. She knelt down by Xian, her arm still broke. "I thought... I wasn't expecting this." She said with a stutter, a tear growing.

Mako looked in awe and then at the ground at how he couldn't do anything. He then noticed that power he had earlier was no longer active. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how late I was. I really hope this doesn't change your views on Keepers. I truly wanted to stop the chaos." He said rolling over to face her.

"AND LEAVE ME BEHIND?!?!" A loud voice shouted from behind them. Mako's face went to a frozen and shocked face, eyes wide open and mouth ajar. He slowly, in a twitching manner, turned around with his eyes closed to masquerade the fact how scared he was.

"H... Hello Alura. H... How was that medical search?" He said, shaking like a child in the dark. She grabbed him by the shirt and began to shake him violently.

"YOU LEFT ME!!! How could you!?" She asked, fire of anger flowing out of her eyes.

"Oh my... You're a Leo too!?" He questioned out of fear at the comical scene of the rage clearly seen in her eyes.

Chimera couldn't help but laugh at the scene of them. Alura noticed her and the girl as she held Mako, who was dangling, eyes in the back of his head, and unresponsive from the abuse. She looked at her and Xian at what happened, she noticed the mark as her face became sad and calm in a mix. She dropped Mako, playfully with him and walked over to her body.

"Was this from that guy from the town?" She asked her. Chimera nodded her head to Alura as they were both on their knees around the girl. Alura couldn't believe it. Sure she didn't really know the girl, but she couldn't help but feel sadness flood her. Where are they?" Alura asked.

"I don't know." Chimera responded shaking her head. That's when they heard an echo, machines and buildings. A few soldiers made their way to them as they saw the scene, one girl fairly beat up and the boy in a similar condition.

"Are you three OK?" He asked. He saw Xian and waved to a couple soldiers as they ran over and the man called on some phone. The two soldiers that made their way got between the three and picked the girl up.

"Please, let us take to a medical facility." They said as the man came back.

"I went ahead and called a jeep just outside the barriers around this area. We can give you three a ride out of here. It's far too dangerous." The man who was on the phone told them. Mako was surprised no one noticed him, he guess the ones he saw before were not on the side these guys came from or they are still blocking the path.

"Please, she is dead, if you can get us out, we will take her to a place to bury her. It's something we do." Mako spoke up.

"Are you friends?" The soldier asked.

"Yea." Alura responded. "We kind of grew up together in a sense. She has no family, so she has stayed with me." Alura told the man, understanding what Mako was doing. Last thing they need to to be questioned or have her body taken. A burial was what she needed, not to be inspected for who killed her.

The sound of a vehicle down the road grabbed the attention of the three as it pulled up. A lone soldier who was bald sat there, he gave a smile and winked. "Heh heh." He did as he smiled to them. The two soldiers holding the corpse laid her down in the back as the three got in.

"Take these three to the outpost to be inspected. Mako sure they are safe and then they will be free to go." The commander that called the jeep told the driver. The driver saluted and as they got in and space was made, they started off and the jeep began to make a one eighty turn and off to the out post. As they did, Mako thought about what Jellal had said. "You should get out of here, and take that girls Xians body with you." He remembered him saying. The shadow travel had worn Mako out, especially with the fight, but maybe they could knock this guy out and run.

The area which was used to block and separate the rest of New York and the battlefield came up as Mako tried to look down and hide his face as if trying to rest as they drove past the post. He didn't want to take a chance, and when an alley came up. Of course many were there, but now out of the checkpoint and not in sight of this military camp, Mako looked up and pondered on his next course of action. As the jeep passed by it, Mako rose his head up and grabbed onto the side of the car from the open window and leaped out of it. He made a mad dash for the alley, slightly losing balance as he began running. The driver and Alura looked at the scene as the man stopped the vehicle. “Hey, kid! Where're you going!?”

Alura jumped out, chasing after him as she turned to the driver. “Thanks, sorry about the sudden leave.” She said with a smile. Thinking in her head. “Darn it Mako, what are you doing?” The driver’s mouth hanging down, stuttering with his words.

Chimera saw this as she slowly began to get out with Xian’s body. moving a little slow as she tried to carry her, unfortunately and very innocently dragging Xians feet, the shoes on her rubbing on the ground. Her mouth tucked behind Xians head as she didn’t look at the man. “Thank you.”

The driver was just sitting there with his eyes wide and mouth open. “Crap! They’ll kill me if I don’t have those kids! Ahhh!” He said rubbing the top of his head. His face went back to normal when a static noise occurred over the radio on the dashboard.

“Hey, Johnson, are you on your way or not? You should have been at the gate by now.” The voice said.

“Ah, yea sorry about that.” He said in reply as he turned the radio off, looking into the shadow of the alley, likely the kids taking a turn. “Ah… No big deal.” He said with his eyes closed and rubbing the back of his head, the whole thing giving him a headache. “Too much stress for me to deal with, not like they were anything special. He said as he drove off to the small base set up in the streets of Manhattan during the event. While not a big base, it had a few tents and trucks ready with soldiers.

Mako was in the shadow of the alley, in between two brick old buildings as he looked behind him from a sound of footsteps to find Alura with Chimera carrying Xians body. “Why exactly did you jump out?” Alura asked Mako.

“Because, we should be able to use that shadow thingy right? Get out of sight and bury the body?” Mako asked Alura.

“Well… yes and no.” She told him.

“What do you mean yes and no?” Mako wasn’t sure what she meant, this whole using the shadow like a new car was new to him. Would it kill him? Was that what the pain was?

“Because Mako, when you use the shadow of any object, using and manifesting the darkness to go from here to where we were, you are crossing planes. These planes known as Mu, is where your body enters from one place to another. It puts a strain on the body, but I do not know much about Seekers who use light. I have never seen one use it, but I can tell you that if you use it to travel all the time like you think you can… You will die, ripped apart so small, the pieces ripped off would be smaller than an atom, sending half of you through each side and the middle way of Mu.” Alura explained. She picked of a small pebble on the ground and began to draw on the ground, making white marks to explain how it worked. She drew three lines next to each other, the ends curved in opposite sides of the other. Drawing a stick figure, she pointed out, “This is you.” She said. If you were to go back and forth, from just here to the realm we were in, known as Mu, then…” She began, her drawing depicting horribly drawn lines going back and forth, crossing each other.

Mako during this looked slightly scared in a comical way of what could have become of him. “So… How do I know if I can do it again?” Mako asked while Alura continued drawing.

“That’s the thing… You don’t.” She said, Mako a little scared from that and quite surprised, meaning he could have died at any given moment. “So I know of. You see, we were inside Mu, so I have no idea how bad the effect is, but I was not expecting you to leave and then go back in and out to another place. Mu has to planes.” She began to explain, scribbling out her old drawing to make a new one on the ground.

“You don’t need to draw me a picture…” Mako told her all nonchalantly. This was countered by her punching him the cheek. She then continued.

“The middle ground I spoke of between the two planes is also Mu, the other end of the plane is also Mu, not another part of the world, but one is a plane very opposite to this one, mixed, so I hear, of all things created filled to the brim with darkness. Creatures you will not find anywhere else. The border Mu is like the Event Horizon of a Black Hole. It’s not exactly in Mu, but you use it to travel from place to place, but all in all that is the Nexus between both Mu’s and places like here on Earth. Thing is, when Mu is used, people, if any, address Mu as the Nexus pathway, the shadow place that was dark and all purple like, that I would call nothing more than the Shadow Realm. It is pure toxic for the body of a Seeker to enter. I heard stories of a Seeker entering only to collapse and his face turn purple and blue from the lack of breathing. I do not know why, that is what I know and I rather not try it with this girl here.” She finished while pointing to Chimera behind her.

“Umm, if I may, you can call me Chimera. Also… I mean I can fly out of here.” She told Alura and Mako.

“Chimera right?” Alura asked, Chimera only to respond via a nod. “Look, we could fly but then everyone would see us. I mean, I do not know what you are flying but from what I thought I saw before, that thing is huge. The Jets were just over here and the American military will track us down.” She told Chimera.

Chimera looked down, hand on her mouth as she pondered this and thought about what Alura said. “Well… What if I manipulate the light?” She said as a metallic noise echoed through the alley, Mako and Alura went through the sewer without her. “hey! Guys!” She said in a slightly pouty way. She carried the body to the hole and Saw Alura sanding there.

“Drop the body.” She demanded as Chimera did so, Alura catching her and holding her over her shoulder.

“I have to ask.” Chimera began. “You seem fairly knowledgeable on this whole thing, Seekers, Keepers, portals and shadows. What do you know?” She asked. Chimera though the ride to now was wondering if this girl might know something she doesn’t. Maybe it might help her know more of the world.”

“Aye, I can tell you what I know.” Alura began. “You see…” From there Alura began to explain, however over in the city on the towers, the girl who was laughing like a crazy person before sat there, the wind blowing with the storm clouds looming over. The rain just now starting to come yet very fair.

A sound of splash hit her ears as she spoke up. “Took you a while…” She started as the figure looked at her “Jellal, seem torn up. Ha-ha!”

Looking at her, he made his way to the edge. “It was needed. What have you been doing? Did you just sit here and watch the whole time Amaya?” He asked the girl, turning around as her pink hair flipped to the other side. She smiled, showing her teeth with a big grin.

“And what if I did? It’s not like you care what I do. I asked for your help two years ago and still the task is untouched.” She told him, turning her head back over to the skyline, the red lights of the top buildings flashing, to her it was a beauty.

Jellal sighed to her comment. “I told you that I would do it. Jeez, you never lay off do you?”

“Look, it was a simple thing I asked you to do. How could we not have don…” She began until Jellal stopped her from finishing her statement. Closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

“I haven’t located your father just yet. I understand that you want me to break that seal, but it takes time. I may be a good fighter, that doesn’t mean I am superman who can fly around the world in an hour locating your father and his men and end it with a snap of a finger. Give me time and I will locate him. Believe it or not, your father has been extremely stellar with sweeping his footprints away. He probably suspects you would come after him.” Jellal explained to her.

Amaya just sat there for a few seconds after Jellal finished his speech. “Yea… I just imagine his heart in my hand…” She said as she turned her head to face Jellal. “The blood across my hand as I show it to his face before squeezing it for what he did too me.” With that she smiled at him, Jellal was fairly used to her antics, but most people might consider her a little psychotic.

He lowered his head down slight, eyes closed as he only responded with a simple small laugh. “Hmmh. If you say so.” He said opening his eyes and turning around and smiled. “Those kids there might be of some use, we could use the help if Ramsaur tries something foolish.”

Amaya began to laugh hysterically at this. “Couldn’t you just kill him? I mean you are a Libra, I would think someone who can use Gravity can beat a puny man with an iron sword or a gun.”

“Unfortunately many have the misconception of the Libra. While the power itself is vastly powerful, especially the Capricorn also, but using the power takes a toll and if you push your self, you might just die from strain. I could try to form a supermassive black hole right now and I might end up dead on the ground before I’d be pulled in. So powerful, yes, but hardly anyone can train their body or naturally have the strain and ability to use such powerful attacks. I bet out of a hundred Libra Keepers or Seekers, and less than ten would have the capability to even flatten all of Manhattan with one move. It’s both a curse and a blessing, a great power but it puts a toll on the person. Luckily no one has screwed up and killed everyone on Earth. Then you got those Capricorns, the rival to Libras in just power style, both an interesting fight. They too are powerful and have the strain similar to Libras. While everyone has one, these two have a higher handicap on their powers then anyone because of how great and destructive one could do.” Jellal said, explaining in some detail about Libras and the Zodiac powers.

“An tell me, do you know of any instance where these people have misused them?” Amaya asked.

“Heh, indeed there have. While some claim they know without a doubt what happened in London during that great fire, it was caused by a man named Thomas. He was actually getting involved in small skirmish with someone when he used his powers, obviously a Leo, so when he used his fire, he used to much and made a flame to powerful and it exploded. It was blamed that it was at a bakery from the ovens heat, however that was not the case. I would say Hitler, misusing his power of a gift and using it to turn an entire country and more into a monster, causing mass genocide. I firmly believe he was a sadistic man.” Jellal finished. He then began to think to himself, “The powers of the few who have such gift generally have a higher chance of abusing it. Claiming themselves Gods among men and deeming their rights and morals the way for all to follow.”

Amaya giggle slightly as she stood up and walked over to Jellal. “Well, no one seems to have gone THAT far yet.” She then looked to the distance. “ Also, why do you worry about this Ramsaur guy?” She asked him, curious as to why he couldn’t just finish him. She believed she could and that Jellal could, so why does he act like it’s such a threat?

“Because Amaya, he left and I do not think that is either completely him, meaning he might be influenced by someone greater like a Capricorn or worse, a demon. Or something else. So I have no idea where he went, the style he used to leave was a little different and if he is being controlled by someone stronger than I fear I he might end up recruiting some others.” He told her.

This confused Amaya slightly, what was it he was talking about exactly? The wind was slightly getting stronger with both Jellal and Amaya’s hair moving in the wind, her shirt and skirt flapping as the wind began to pick up. None of them worried about the rain which as well was slightly stronger than before.

“If I was trying to change the world, to make them all below me and do as I command, to become a tyrant out of spite of believing it is the only way to get my view to happen and forced to actually have peace, I would get a small group, easier to deal with and manage. Especially for one of Ramsaurs intellect. I would assume he might get anything between three to six. And I am sure I know what he might go for. Something that isn’t too difficult to get and not hard to learn of with a decent growth of power. The Jewels of the Zodiac.” He told her.

“What the hell are those? Some kind of necklace you wish to give me?” She asked with a smile on her face, blinking her eyes to him as if to be cute. This caused Jellal to lay his head into his right hands palm.

“No… They are jewels that are and were originally crafted long ago by god knows who exactly that would grant ones power to grow. So if Ramsaur got ahold of one of his moth of the zodiac, the Ares, his power alone would grow that is related to that zodiac power. It’s not simply having it either, it connects to your body, and it is not comfortable from what I read in an old scroll. But this was also in an ancient Greek scroll.” He explained. “The Jewels come in colors based on the month and they have an immense power on that month too. None the less if he was to get all twelve, I would have no doubts that even I would not beat him.” He told her, his face having become fairly serious just thinking of what Ramsaur might do.

“This is of course speculations, I can not currently think of another way he would do this to have as little help but enough to make his goal happen. If I knew what is helping him if anything or if it is just him. But he doesn’t seem like one of intelligence that would know of this sort of thing.” He continued. “In the end, we will find out one way, for now lets just leave this place. My clothes are wet, it’s cold and windy.” He told her.

Amaya began to laugh at him. “You are such a pansy. Can you not handle a little cold, water and wind? What would you do against an enemy that uses that?” She asked trying to poke fun at him. He walk to the edge and looked down. “Let go.” She told him smiling as she hugged his left arm, only to try to irritate the living hell out of him. He rose his free arm and with his index finger, touched the sky as if there was a wall there. The shadow of his body and hers drew energy out and to were he touched and made a line that was horizontal and only four feet long. It then shot open, vertical, both up and down until a black door that was seven feet tall appeared. He walked through it as she followed. The door closing behind them and vanishing without a trace.


Next: Chapter 10.
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This took way too long to type, but it helps to get it progressing a bit more. This should have been down last week, so this can count as two in one chapter, but another would be finished this week or weekend also... I hope.

For anyone who actually reads this and enjoys reading this or was not sure were the chapters where, I apologize. But this is the longest chapter I have typed to date, so I hope that helps also.

Thank you

Ray Valor