‹ Prequel: The Devil's Angel
Status: Hope you guys enjoy. Feedback will be appreciated. :)

Forever; The Devil's Angel

Trouble In Paradise

Her heels clicked on the cobblestone path as she sashayed her way to her special room around the corner, her meeting place. It wasn't safe and she very well knew that and she couldn't possibly stay in the hell hole. Well, it wasn't a bad place to have or stay but the imminent threat of Klaus hanging around the area was a real bad notion especially for her. No matter, how strong she became or how powerful, she would always fear Klaus.

It was a like a small child whose mother had had said that if she didn't sleep, the monsters in the dark will take her away and the fear that embedded, stayed with her forever, regardless of how a smart or successful person she became or how mature or rational. The dark was always the weak point. Klaus was her monster. Her monster in the dark, her weak point of fear.

Katherine switched on the lights as she came to stand in front of the couch when the door opened to reveal an upset Marcel, his brown eyes wide and lost.

"What happened?" Katherine was concerned. He was her partner in crime after all and she already had a devastating news for him or maybe he had heard already, she didn't know.

"Davina," he said and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand as he sat down on the couch and held his head in his hands. That was unexpected, Katherine thought.

"Davina?" she arched her eyebrow as she sat on the arm of couch and crossed her legs, her hand resting on his shoulder.

Marcel sighed as he raised his head to look at her beside him, "She's gone...somewhere. I've sent men to go look for her but...I don't understand. Why would she leave?" he shrugged, "Makes me think if she was taken," he said, shaking his head.

"We have to find her," Katherine said almost impatiently, "We can't afford to lose her," she stated simply and Marcel stood up, furious as if someone had electrocuted him, "If she goes against us..." she shook her head thinking all the possible dire consequences when Marcel cut her off.
"You think, that's it?" Marcel raised his voice levelling his eyes to her, "That she's just a pawn...an advantage we have over Klaus to, to what? To kill him?" he stuttered as he waved his hand, "I know you don't give a damn about anyone, Katherine but that girl is more than that," he blew out a breath, "She's special and she wouldn't betray me. Not after everything I've done for her."

"You care about her," Katherine said as she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, making Marcel back off from her, "I get it," she said, "You see yourself in her and it all makes sense just like Klaus saw himself in your eyes and got all mushy about you, " she took a step closer to him, "But look at you now. You're ready to rip his throat out," she stated in a bitter tone, "Where is your loyalty and gratefulness? What about everything he has done for you, huh? Where did it go? Why did you flush it down...?”

"Because he's asking me to give up everything I've build for myself," he almost shouted at her but she stayed there, unflinching, her arms crossed.

"And you're not?" Katherine shouted back, "With as much power as she possesses, you don't think that she might have a notion that you're holding her back, that she could achieve so much without you holding her like a damn captive?"

"I'm protecting her," he pointed his index finger to the ground, making a point.

"She doesn't need it," Katherine replied and took a deep breath as she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts while Marcel stood there realizing her point. As much as he hated to agree, he knew she was right. The only threat to Davina was their so called head witch Agnes and she was dead. So, potentially there was no threat to Davina but it didn't mean that she should just run away without even telling him anything. But then again, she didn't owe him anything, he was in actual using her for his own purposes no matter how much he genuinely he cared for her too.

Marcel sighed and shook his head while Katherine opened her mouth to say something else, another grave news...for him but she paused. She figured he needed a moment. "I think I should leave here," she said and Marcel looked up at her.

"Why?" he simply asked, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Klaus," she answered and the answer was enough for him to understand, "I have a feeling that he'll know soon that I'm somehow involved in this and then..."
"Aren't you an immortal?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't he?" She questioned back and then shrugged, "There's nothing I have to do here, anyway. You just make sure you have..." Katherine took a deep breath, memories flashing in her mind. She didn't want to hurt him but it was important, important for her and he was fool like always to love, to care. Marcel cleared his throat and Katherine shook away her thoughts, "Damon. Make sure you have Damon and the angel isn't going anywhere. She wouldn't leave him and when the time is right....which will be soon," she smiled, "She'll kill Klaus and Damon walks away."

"What makes you think that she wouldn't kill us afterwards?" Marcel stood up from the chair and faced Katherine, moving towards her, "That after we let Damon go, she wouldn't come for us?"

Marcel saw Katherine's eyes go wide and he smiled at her, "Not a thorough plan, huh?" he mocked and shook his head, "What do you say, Katherine Pierce?"

"I say we'll figure something out," she spat the words at him. She was Katherine...a Pierce. She always had the backup plan, plan A, then plan B and so on. "You think I have survived 500 years without thorough plans? I've been working on this one for the last 20 years," she smirked and turned around to leave when she remembered the last thing.

"Oh, and she killed your friend," she said, "Poor guy, choked on his own blood," she put her hand on her hip to face Marcel, his face drawn up in potent anger, even his eyes were glimmering with it.

"What are you talking about?" he snarled at her as he came to stand toe to toe with her. Katherine took a step back but he countered it by stepping up.

"What happened?" he asked again.

"Thierry," she named him, "Mia killed him," she shrugged, "He was pissing her off. Handle her nice, Marcel. She'll stay in the line if you press Damon down but don't pressurize her. Hurt him a little more and she goes berserk."

"She’s monster," The words escaped him and Katherine burst out with laughter.

"What do you think we are?" she raised her eyebrows and pat his shoulder as she turned the doorknob to leave. He could handle them both until the time came for their use and she could feel it close. She'd be free. Finally, she'd be free.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: I had a few questions, guys and I'd really like a response from you.

First being, does anyone here can make a video trailer for me? I'd really appreciate it and of course, I'll pay you back as a recommendation or anything. :)

Secondly, I was thinking about catering your questions if you have any with the characters of my story...like an interview sort of thing with Mia, Damon, Cam or anyone else in context with their story. :)

Is the story going ok? A reader of mine said that the chapters are long?? Does anyone else feel that way...let me know, I'll shorten them. Thanks you so much for your support and love. Your subscriptions/comments/recommendations are dearly appreciated.