‹ Prequel: The Devil's Angel
Status: Hope you guys enjoy. Feedback will be appreciated. :)

Forever; The Devil's Angel

Fool Me Once

"Mia," Elijah stepped into the hall as he saw her coming out, the sound of her clicking heel bouncing off the walls. He was going to look if she was alright. It had been long and she hadn't retuned which made him come here at this hour to check if she was fine and not caught by the inhabiting vampires of the haunted house. "You're alone," he said looking around her for Damon and she swept her eyes in her surroundings consciously wondering what was it that he was looking for.

"I am," she said slowly, having no idea of what it was about. All she knew was that Katherine had everything planned and she hadn't included her in them. That wasn’t like her. Katherine told her everything and as return of that courtesy, Maya shared everything. That was an unspoken agreement between them which to some extent made Maya feel betrayed by the unfurling information. First, she had to find, by her psychotic look alike that Katherine had the immortality drink, the one she had thought would be for her because that's what Katherine always said or that was always what had been implied.

Every time there was an issue, that her life was in danger and Maya would beg Katherine to turn her into a vampire so that she could defend herself properly, Katherine's reply always consisted that she didn't want to turn her into a monster and strip away the freedom that human life brought her and now that she had a drink, she used it for herself. So, yes. She felt betrayed.

"Why? Where's Damon?" Elijah asked and Maya looked at him snapping away from her train of thoughts. Damon? The beautiful stranger. Her cheeks heated up thinking about it and she was really not the kind of girl to blush but he was different and she liked it and of course, she had very fabulous fantasy thoughts about him. It wasn't her fault that he was hot as hell. "Damon," she said and turned her eyes to floor.

"What happened?" He asked her, "You said that Marcel could be keeping him here. Did you find him?"

"Oh," Maya said, her lips forming a perfect 'O' shape. She had heard Katherine's talk with Marcel now and it all came back to her. "Marcel is keeping him here," she said, "I just heard him talking to…some of his friend."

"What did he say?" Elijah asked stepping towards her.

"Nothing much. He wants me," she said and shook her head dramatically, "He thinks if he has me, I'll do anything for them as long as they have Damon," she explained in a single breath.

"You didn't see Damon?" he asked, his eyes narrowed slightly but his expression was pretty much the same.

"If I try and they get me...I wouldn't be able to do anything for him," she shrugged, "I figured, I might be able to help him this way. I don't know what they want from me," she scrunched her nose and Elijah nodded, understanding perfectly what she meant but there was still something off about her. Mia would never plan anything or figure something. She would just dash in and try to save Damon, damning the consequences just like he would do for her. That was one thing he knew about her when it came to Damon.

"You're right," Elijah said, his eyes making their way to her heeled shoes and her dress. Wasn't Mia wearing jeans? Elijah smiled inwardly. "Let's get you home," he said and Maya shook her head.

"No, I need to figure something out," she replied, "I'll come later," she said but Elijah gently took her hand in his and pulled her forward. "No, Mia. Don't worry about it. We'll both figure something out. You look tired and exhausted. You need to eat and rest. Klaus and I will assist you with this matter, tomorrow."

Maya gulped visibly. Staying with Katherine had fed in the Klaus fear within her. She hadn't met him ever and she didn't want to start now.

"Klaus? Really?" her voice was thick with fear and Elijah forced himself to stay still, yet a small smile broke on his face.

"Yes, Klaus. He is your...what I believe you call BFF," he said amused knowing this would have poor Maya shaking in her boots. He had to take her home and lock her up or something. Then, he had to find the real Mia, knowing she would be in trouble.

"I don't think," Maya started but Elijah cut her off. "Come on, Mia. We need to hurry before someone find you here and try to kill you," he said and Maya thought back to the conversation. Marcel had been angry that Mia had killed Thierry and if he saw her, the exact replica of the girl who killed his most loyal friend, he would flip at her without giving it a thought, he would surely kill her.

She wanted to be safe, needed it and looking at the Original, she was sure he would protect the precious little Mia and if that who he thought she was and was even half convinced, she would be safe from Marcel, Klaus and even Katherine as she didn’t want her to know that she knew the truth but then again….she would be most safe with her.

Maya nodded, "Ok," she said and started to follow the guy out. She was strong and she knew how to put up a fight. She could handle this one too yet she hoped that Katherine would see her somehow and know that she was in trouble or could be in trouble if she didn’t pull off the Mia act good.


"What do you mean? She just disappeared or something?" Cam shouted as he tossed the bed sheets on the floors. He was seeing red everywhere. How could they lose her like that? Where could she possibly go to or be? He just hoped she was alive and alright. He never should've left her. He had a bad feeling already at that time and she wasn't feeling good either. Damn it. He should’ve known better.

Cam paced around the bed, his hands clutched in his hair. "Calm down," Stefan said as he moved towards him. He was worried too and so was Elena but Cam was overreacting, maybe rightfully so but overreacting nevertheless and Stefan shook Damon's words from earlier, something he had to do every now and then.

"Calm down?" Cam exploded, "What does that even mean?" he yelled, "Do you know how much danger she is in, anyway? And now she's missing and we have no idea why? Or where could she be.... or if someone took her..."

"Nobody took her," Stefan said, "She went wherever she did herself," he treaded his fingers through his hair, "Nobody would've made a bed like that," he pointed to the bed and went to sit on it.

"She wasn't feeling well," Cam said a little calmly and Elena sighed. It was her fault. She was supposed to watch over her and she couldn't take care and now she was missing. "She's expecting. If some angel saw her and her color..."

"You said that angels can't see the color. They just feel the emotions of people..." Elena was saying but Cam cut her off.

"Some can," He said, "Some can see the colors. I can see the colors but that's not the only point. She's weak. Half her energy goes to the baby, she's not as stronger as she was before." He wasn't sure of his statement but it made sense for why she was sick at the first place.

"We have to find her," Stefan said as he moved his hands on his jeans and stood up.

"No kidding," Cam taunted him, clearly annoyed and pissed at everything. Elena shot him a glare but Stefan ignored him. "Maybe she's just where Damon is," Stefan suggested, "You did said once she was connected to him in the most deepest of ways," he explained.

"Yes?" Cam looked at him, raising his eyebrows asking him to continue. "Maybe the connection got stronger and led her to him," Stefan shrugged, "I mean, it is a possibility."

"You mean to say that she might be in New Orleans?" Cam asked and saw Stefan nod his head.

"Might be," he replied. He was worried for his brother and now there was Mia. They both were some serious couple and needed a hell lot of counselling. He just hoped that they would be fine but hearing the name New Orleans and the picture that formed wasn't the brightest of all.
"You're right," Cam sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair and stood up to face Stefan and Elena, "She wouldn't just get up and leave for anything but him. She would've thought through everything...and he's the only one she acts on instinct for," he completed sounding as if it was a bad thing to do and a bad vibe floated through Stefan but seeing the concern on Cam's face, it was clear that he was worried and he understood that, understood that he might care more for Mia than they would like him to but it didn't change anything except that he could be relied upon and he also knew him as the kind of guy that would do anything for the people he loved regardless of them loving him back or not and Mia...she considered him her best friend and for some reason that was enough.

"Why don't I call Elijah and see if he knows anything?" Stefan suggested, his eyebrows raised and Elena took a step forward, nodding.

"Yes, yes. He might and even if he doesn't, he might get to him," she shook her head, her eyes closed as she corrected herself, "Them...before us," She agreed and saw Cam nod his head from the corner of her eyes. Stefan gave them a single nod as he pulled out the cell phone and dialed Elijah up.


"Klaus," Elijah called out as he banged the door shut and stormed into the house. The whole day was getting worse by the minute and his king of a brother had no idea what was running in the kingdom of his. "Klaus," he called again but he was nowhere to be seen and it was annoying him to a whole new level.

"Elijah?" Hayley entered the room, her brows creased together in confusion as she leaned against the door frame and regarded him with seriousness, "Is everything alright?" she asked, a glass of water in her hands as she took a small sip, her lips puckering and Elijah had to divert his eyes, roaming the room as if it was his first time seeing it.

"When did you come here?" He asked resuming his gentleman facade when all he wanted was to grab his brother's girl...he shook his head, "I didn't see you here before when I came," he explained his reason for questioning, wondering if she would think he was getting a little too personal.

"Yeah, no," she moved away from the door as she passed Elijah and went to take a seat on the couch, folding her leg beneath the other as she ran her finger on the rim of the glass, "I just came and..."

"Do you know about Niklaus' whereabouts?" Elijah cut her off politely, his lips turned into a friendly smile. Hayley fixed her eyes on him for a moment, watching him look at her with an equal intensity she thought she was feeling before she sighed, realizing that it would never change between them and she shouldn't want that or put him in the kind of position where he had to go against his family. She knew, for him...family was everything and Klaus was all he had left. She understood that he wouldn't jeopardize the relation with his brother for a mere wolf girl but a girl could dream, right?

"He didn't come with me..." she started when Elijah's voice boomed in the hall.

"He let you come here alone?" he asked angry, his hands fisted as he looked at her with hard eyes and Hayley flinched under his unwavering gaze but Elijah closed his eyes and breathed in through nose as he tried to calm his nerves and Hayley continued, ignoring his remark and as much as she wanted to ignore his concern for her, she couldn't and that made her a feel a little more vulnerable with him.

"He sent a guard with me saying he would be here soon," she completed, wishing he would just say whatever that he was thinking about because she had a feeling that it would be worthwhile, that it would be the amazing truth she wanted to hear from him. Elijah opened his eyes to see her standing close and he took an instinctive step back.

"Are you ok?" she asked again and he nodded. "I cannot believe he would do that. I was thinking that he might..."

"Care and put an army with her?" Klaus interfered and Hayley gasped as she took a step back. Klaus marched into the room with his head held high. "Hello, brother," he gave Elijah a nod, amused at his annoyed expression. Elijah let out a breath and turned to face Klaus who was fetching himself a drink. "We need to discuss something," he said and Klaus raised his eyes, shining with humor.

"Hayley's queen guard, I suppose," he smirked at his brother. Hayley wanted to kick him for putting Elijah through this meaningless conversation and implications but she knew the price of opening her mouth. Though Elijah wouldn't let anything happen to her, she didn't want to get between two brothers and ruin things for them.

"No. About Mia being held a prisoner in your castle," Elijah retorted. Klaus halted in his tracks as he looked back at Elijah, "What did you say?"
"You heard me correct, brother," he replied, "Do you know what's going inside that home of yours?" he raised his brows at Klaus who threw away the glass as it shattered into million pieces against the wall and Hayley flinched. Oh, how he hated whenever Elijah questioned him like that?
Questioned the loyalty of his people?

"I assumed you didn't," Elijah continued as he stepped forward, "Your very dear friend, Marcel is planning a war against you. We don't know the key players yet," he sighed, "But I'm pretty sure that Mia's one of them."

"The angel?" Klaus questioned disgusted, "She promised she wouldn't hurt," he said, "Why would she get on their side?"

"It's not about sides, Niklaus," Elijah said trying to put some sense into his brother, "It's the fact that you're putting your trust in the wrong people. You abandoned your family for a kingdom who's plotting against you. I have no idea how they knew but they do know about Mia and how she can easily defeat you," he paused, "if she wanted to."

"But she don't want to," he said, "I know you don't want the things that I do, Elijah which is why I don't understand why you would lie to me," he said in a calm yet dark manner.

"You still think I'm lying to you?"

"Yes," his voice boomed in the hall, "Because they are my people. They respect me..."

"No, they're scared of you," Elijah cut him off, “There is a difference between both and you are in instant need of understanding. You stole their home. You took away the king they believed in and took his place. Believe me when I say, brother. They are not loyal. They never will be."

Anger flooded Klaus as he looked at his brother, his breathing was ragged, his hands fisted at his sides. How could he think like that? They respected him because he had power, because he was stronger than Marcel. That was what's important. They were loyal because they knew he would hunt them down individually if they betrayed him. And damn that angel. She had promised him the very first they met that she wouldn't hurt him if he didn't hurt her. That was their pact and now she was in on the plotting not that he believed a word that came out Elijah's mouth.

"They have Damon, Klaus," Elijah breathed out and shook his head. Klaus eyes snapped up to meet his, "What?"

"They have Damon and I'm very sure they will use him against Mia in an attempt to overthrow you...kill you," Elijah reasoned and Klaus shook his head. "No, they have Damon because they thought he was a warlock, much powerful than Davina. Everybody knows that he was the one who killed all those people in the forest."

"You knew that they had Damon?" Elijah questioned him.

"Yes, they told me. Surprised, are we brother?" Klaus smirked at him now. Of course, they would tell him everything.

"You didn't do anything?" Oh, he was surprised alright.

"Like what?"

"Like helping him out..." Elijah suggested.

"I need to gather the trust of these people, Elijah. Believe me, I know what I'm doing," he said.

"No, you don't. We need to get Mia out of there with Damon," he said, "We have Maya upstairs, locked in the room. She was pretending to be Mia with me which is why I know that Mia's in trouble."

"Wait, isn't Maya, Katherine's little..."

"Yes, yes. The same," Elijah cut him off as his cell phone rang and Klaus stiffened. Now that Katherine was mentioned, things did seem a little serious.

"Stefan," Elijah greeted in his calm and cool voice as Klaus passed him a 'what the hell' look. Elijah listened politely as Stefan went on about how Damon was abducted and they were out trying to place his position via locater's spell. "We're much very far away but Bonnie told us he was in New Orleans and also," Stefan took a deep breath but Elijah cut him off. "Mia's missing too?" he asked as Stefan was taken aback.

"Mia's with you?" Stefan asked, "Because Elena called and told us she wasn't there."

"Yes, she's here and so is Damon. They're locked up together, actually, I think."

"Locked up?" Stefan voice was a mixture of horror and anger.

"Don't worry. We'll get them both out and you said you were coming, right?"

"Yes," Stefan replied.

"Don't," Elijah told them, "They know about Mia's powers and took Damon because of her. We don't want you in this town becoming another problem. Why don't you stay there? Klaus and I will bring them both home."

"No, no," Stefan interfered, "We can't just stay here," he argued.

"You want what's best for all, then you'll stay there. I promise you, Stefan, we'll get them out. I will call you the moment we do so but there's no need to come here. In fact, I'll suggest you all stay together until we find out what's going on here."

"You make it sound so bad?" Stefan added hesitantly.

"You have nothing to worry about," he said and cut the call as he looked at Klaus and moved forward in an activated mode. "Ok, they don't want you to know that they are keeping Damon here to use him as a leverage for Mia to kill you. They want it to be a cold war without you knowing anything. It will be better if we use it against them. They will stay quiet because they wouldn't want you to know the real reason for keeping Damon there. I just want you to stand there in midst of it all. I'll take them both out and in case anyone asks question you tell them that they…everybody knows he's not the warlock like Davina they need to use against their war with the witches and they let him go. I'm sure they wouldn't protest in letting him go then. With him out, we get Mia automatically."

Elijah finished with a sigh, looking up at Klaus to meet the resistance he knew he would face but Klaus gave him a single nod as he turned around. "That's fairly easy and simple," he commented, "When do we do this?" he asked Elijah.

Elijah smiled at his brother. He may not believe him now but he knew that deep down Klaus trusted him more than his so thought group of wild loyal believers. "Now," he pointed at the door and Klaus rubbed his hands in anticipation. "Who am I to question your war strategy?" he commented amused.

"I hope it doesn't come to a war," Elijah said as both the brother got out the door.
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