‹ Prequel: The Devil's Angel
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Forever; The Devil's Angel


These people were his friends, the one who trusted him and the ones he trusted without a question. This was his home, the place he had resided in for years, the place where he rose, the place he built up from nothing, the place that meant everything for him. Looking around the faces of the people standing in front of him, he saw nothing but pain, suffering, fear, all the things that he had eradicated and seeing it back hurt him.

These people suffering hurt him because they were his people and damn Klaus for ruining things. Ever since he came back, things had been difficult. Now, Marcel knew that he owed Klaus a lot. He saved him from a tyrant when he was a ten year old boy, gave him a name, a home, a family. He took him under his wing and taught everything about life but then Rebekah happened, their first point of conflict.

Love wasn't a force to be reckoned with but Klaus never quite understood it, probably because he had been without it for so long but he had a family who loved him unconditionally yet he never got the meaning. Marcel had fallen in love with Rebekah, the ever loving sister of Klaus despite his warning. Klaus had strictly told him that his sister was off bounds but looking at her flawless beauty every day, training with her, conversing with her had Marcel enamored with her.

He somehow, considered it as a gift that she loved him back too but Klaus was always in the middle and Marcel never acted upon his feeling out of his loyalty to Klaus. The man had given him everything, he couldn't do just the one thing he asked him not to. Rebekah tried to persuade him but every time he had to choose between them, Marcel chose Klaus. Though in the years to come, he had come to regret the decision but he couldn't change his past.

Klaus and Rebekah left him suddenly and he never found out why. In fact, he had just assumed that they had died somehow because the alternative, the notion that they left him just like that was depressing for him to consider. Why wouldn't they want him anymore? He loved them, respected them so, why leave? Of course, when Klaus came back to New Orleans just a few months back, he found out the truth.

Klaus told him that they were running from his father Mikael but he still didn't understand why they couldn’t' tell him before. He also delivered the most heartbreaking news. He told Marcel that Rebekah had died. How? He never said but Marcel knew she was murdered somehow and he often wondered if Klaus avenged her sister and killed the person who murdered her.

To say that Marcel wasn't thrilled to have his mentor, his sire back would be the understatement of the year because he was thrilled, he was ecstatic but that was just until he found out what Klaus really wanted. Klaus wanted the power, the control of New Orleans, the town that Marcel had created and it pissed him off. Why the hell would he just hand him the power? It was his town, his people, his life and he wasn't just going to deliver it to him. No, he would fight. He would fight to death if that's what it took to win the freedom of his people, he wouldn't let them suffer, wouldn't let them live their lives in fear of Klaus.

That was the fuel he was running on. He had motivation, a purpose, determination. He knew Klaus never avenged his sister. It was apparent in the way he got whenever Marcel talked about her and Marcel wanted to hurt him for it. Why in the hell a vampire like Klaus couldn't hurt the one who killed his sister? Was he afraid of that person or was he that person himself? He found the answer for it when Katherine came to him. She told him about the angel, her powers and how she was the reason that Rebekah had died.

Marcel took a step forward, his eyes roaming over the faces that looked at him expectedly, with hope shining in their eyes and Marcel knew he was right to call the war. "Thank y'all for coming," Marcel started, his face passive but the passion in his eyes was unmistakable, "You all know why I called you here."

"Klaus," a person raised his face, his sneer visible to all.

"Yes," Marcel replied, "We all know that he's a nuisance, trying to take what's ours, uprooting us from our own home and now, he's taken it to another level. He's trying to find a witch," he raised his voice, "to bring back the wolves to destroy us but mark my words, we wouldn't let it happen. Y'all know he's the Original which means we would have to fight hard. We know about Hayley," his tone was disgusted, "We know what she's carrying, the spawn of devil himself and as soon as the child is born, Klaus will have infinite power and we will go from the hunters to the prey in a minute flat."

Marcel took a deep breath. He has heard the witches talking about Hayley and the baby. He knew that the child would be a hybrid like his father. The witch's community had already declared him some kind of abomination, a child with unlimited power of some kind and hand it to Klaus...he couldn't dire the consequences. He had to end it, end Klaus' reign, end the life of that baby and he had the perfect plan.

"Now, I know what some of y'all are thinking," Marcel turned serious, his face contorting into an image of pain and he felt it every time he remembered that night when he tried to take on Klaus but he was weak and because of him, so many had lost their lives, "We stood against Klaus before, and we failed," he said, "Uh-uh," he shook his head and pointed a finger ta himself, "That's on me. I failed. I called off the attack because I thought it was the only way to save lives, but make no mistake," he called to the people and they all straightened up, "If we don't stand against him now, our lives aren't worth a damn, anyway."

The crowd roared, cheered him on and Marcel reveled in the feel of it, the feel of power, the feel of people standing behind you and counting on you. He just hoped he win this damn thing. He had everything required for a war and he prayed that it was enough. "Wise man said, 'If you know yourself and know your enemy, then you don't need to fear the outcome of battle,' I know myself," Marcel shouted, "I know my friends, and I know my enemy. I know his strengths, I know his pride, and I know his house, every nook and cranny," he spoke through clenched teeth, "We're gonna go there tonight hard and fast all at once from every angle."

"As for Klaus," his tone hushed a little and people shifted on their feet, "He'll be coming for me, and that's exactly what I want," he said, "I'll lead him away.”
I just need the rest of you to get past Elijah and do what needs to be done."

Marcel looked to the far door at Davina leaning against the door but seeing Marcel's attention on her, she straightened up and started to walk towards him. Davina smiled at him and even though she had reservations, she wanted this because it had to be done. They had to stop Klaus and there was no way she could stand against him. Marcel was the only one who believed in her and he had sworn to protect her, something she had seen every day from him.

Marcel had saved her live when she was about to be killed in a Harvest, a tradition for the witches where they killed young girls to honor their ancestors and in return, the ancestors kept their magic alive, fulfilling them with power and energy. The Harvest was considered as a necessary sacrifice. Killing the four girls that represented the qualities of four elements for a connection with their dead witches. Davina was scared. Nobody wanted to die but their Elder Agnes had killed the three girls before her, transferring their energy to Davina and Marcel had saved her which resulted in Davina being the most powerful witch to live.

Marcel kept her safe after that even if was to be locked in a room but Davina never mind. What made her angry was that he had lied to her afterwards about Agnes. Agnes was the Elder, only she could perform the sacrifice. She was the one who had to kill Davina in order for the sacrifice to work but Klaus had killed her already which meant there was no danger for her anymore yet Marcel kept her there, locked in the room.

Of course, when Davina found out she was angry but it was Marcel and she realized that she couldn't keep him angry for a long time. Then, of course, Klaus had entered the picture, ruining everything but mostly what mattered was the peace that he destroyed. He had caused so much trouble by just being existing that she had to do something. She looked at her friend, Josh, the one that Klaus had tortured time and time again just to gain leverage, an upper hand and she smiled at him.

"Nobody harms Hayley," she said looking at Marcel as she went to him. Marcel gave her a nod and Davina stood beside him as she faced everyone, their team and friends, "The Hayley's child, no matter how wrong his existence might be is important to us, the witches," she said, "All of you know that the witches needs their power back but now they can't," she shrugged, "Because our Elder has died and there can be no sacrifice without her but I have found a way for my people. I have to. Sacrificing the last of Mikaelson's blood will renew their connection with the ancestors which means that I'll have to sacrifice Hayley's baby."

Davina's voice was pained. She didn't want to kill a child. She knew what it felt like, to be killed for some sacrifice but the child was an evil and the witches and others were going to kill it eventually. Davina just wanted to do something for her people and if it meant that she had to kill it, she will. She was against it but she was the most powerful witch and couldn't control her actions with that much power. She was a threat to her own friends and the only way to be normal was to sacrifice that child since her death was not significant anymore.

She wished she had understood it before, then she wouldn't have to sacrifice the baby but she couldn't go back now and she had to do what needed to be done. She turned towards Marcel, her eyes tearing up, "Am I a monster?" she asked him.

Marcel shook his head as he hugged her from the side, "No," he assured her, "I know you were afraid about dying. Who isn't? But they're going to kill Hayley or the baby anyway," he told her, "The child has to die, Davina. Let it be of use to your people," he urged her, "It'll be just like before. Us, vampires and the witches in peace and harmony."

"You're forgetting us, wolves from the equation," Vincent said as he came to stand with Marcel and Davina. They all represented their complete communities, the vampires, the witches and the wolves and Klaus had a thing for him coming as they all stood with each other united, hand in hand.

Marcel chuckled, "Of course, not," he said and shook hands with Vincent, "It's an honor to stand with you." He knew Vincent was not just the first family werewolf, but also an immortal and to top things off, Vincent was Klaus' real father who hated him with everything he was. Marcel didn't know the real reason why his father hated him so much but with Klaus, he wasn't surprised and to be honest, he was glad that he had such a great partner in his team.

Vincent had made a whole family for himself. He took every wolf he found under his wings and protected him with ferocity and in return they swore their loyalty to him. Together, they three made the perfect team to defeat Klaus. Though Marcel's one partner was missing, he didn't think he need her that much even if she was the reason that they three were standing together the way they were.

He wondered if he should call her, let her know what was going down in New Orleans but if Klaus found out about her, he would kill her for he had wanted to kill her for a long time. He knew about her plan with Mia, the angel and her look alike Maya. He knew he had to let her know so that she could prepare Maya for the battle but in her last call, she had told him that Maya knew everything that Katherine wanted her to know which meant that they were really prepared. He weighed his options, his lips pursed and gave himself a nod as he pulled out his cell phone and called her.

"Hello handsome," Katherine greeted him in her sly voice and Marcel chuckled. Typical Katherine.

"It's time," he said simply and heard her sharp inhale of breath.

"Already?" her voice hinted at fear and he understood the reason behind it.

"I think it's due," he replied, "She's strong, Katherine and we have to do it," he said. He knew she had reservations about Maya but they all knew that as powerful as they were, Klaus had with himself, the guardian, the angel who was with the most power but she couldn't stand much of a chance when Maya was around. They knew Maya weakened her. With Maya present with them, the angel's power would be transferred to Maya automatically in small doses but that's what they wanted, to weaken the angel enough to fight against her.

Katherine sighed, "I'll send her over," she said and he clicked the phone shut and came back to stand with Davina and Vincent.

"Y'all take the Quarters, " Marcel said to his people, "Just take care of Elijah. Let Klaus come after me," he said and looked over at Vincent, "I'll lure him out."

"I'll handle it from there," Vincent replied and turned to the wolves, "You know what to do," he simply said and they all cheered for him.

"Keep Hayley safe," Marcel said to everyone in a loud voice, "Bring her to Davina," he turned to Davina and looked at her earnestly.

"I know what to do," she replied in a low voice.

"So that's the plan," Marcel shouted, "Now, who's with me?"

"Yeah," everyone bellowed.

"I need to know right now, who's with me?" Marcel thundered again, his fist pumping in the air and people replied in unison, their voices merged with each other, their passion fevered,

"Yeah! Yeah!" They boomed.

"Now, let's do this," his words were simple, his command powerful and that's all they needed in their leader as they all started towards the door.

Vincent paved his path through a sea of people as he went out the front door and slipped into the first alley he saw. Waiting there for him was his trusted friend, Jock who gave him a look of appraisal, "All good?" he asked and Vincent sighed, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"Marcel is a dumb guy if he thinks that he can let all witches, bloodsuckers and us live together," he scoffed, "we're mortal enemies. That can't happen. Eventually, one of them will rise and I would really like it to be my brothers," he said.

"So, you say that we kill them?" Jock asked, his face serious but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he wanted this.

"It'll be a mess," Vincent replied, "He'll lure Klaus out but Elijah too is an Original. Oh, he'll fight back," he shrugged, "We can just help him, kill some of the bloodsuckers, reduce their number. Us wolves can rule," he raised his brow in a question, "What do you say?"

"I say let's go for it," Jock replied with a crooked smile as he rubbed his hands together in anticipation, "What about you? You think you can handle Klaus when it comes to it?" His voice was normal but his voice wavered. He knew what Klaus meant to him. He was his father and a proud one at that but his life had been too much for him. He wanted out. He wanted to die and meet Esther on the side. He knew she would be waiting for him.

Vincent wasn't sure. If it finally came to that. Would he be able to kill his son in cold blood? He knew Klaus wasn't the greatest person but neither was he. Damn Katherine for this! If he knew any other way to die without harming his son, he would do it but only Katherine had the cure and she required him to kill Klaus before she would hand him the miracle and he needed that miracle.

"For Esther," Vincent said, "Yes. Yes, I'll do it."

Jock slapped his shoulder, "Come on, then," he said, "We've got a game to play."