A Soldier I Would Be

Are You A Saint or A Sinner?

“You are to depart for Earth as soon as possible. There you will live with the humans and wait for further orders. You are the only one who we can fully trust with this assignment. We put our faith in you.”

I internally groaned as I walked down the streets of this horrible place.

Filth. Pure filth everywhere.

This damn demon could have chose a better place to live. Then again, this is a demon I’m talking about. Stinking creatures that just like to cause us trouble. I scoffed as a drunk human passed by me, limping from the intoxication that he was under. I checked the watch I had strapped on my left wrist, seeing as that humans used this mode of time. Only 3 fucking pm and these little shits were already getting drunk. Erwin had better had some amazing way to pay me back for this.

Angels and demons, huh? We’ve never gotten along.

Throughout our history, there has always been fights and wars between our kind. Even way before humans ever existed, angels and demons hated each other with a burning, fiery passion that only seemed to grow more and more. This, however, was the first time a demon had ever set foot onto Earth on their own two feet. Sure there were a couple of spirits and lower leveled demons that possessed humans due to their lack of power, but they were insignificant and were easily eradicated by the humans themselves. In this case, a higher leveled demon had actually dared to set foot onto Earth. A demon strong enough to get the attention of the higher ups from the Survey Corps. A demon strong enough that I had to be sent to destroy it.

Pests. That’s what demons were. Complete and utter pests. They thrived from human greed, guilt, death… They were nothing but pathetic, shitty scoundrels. It was our job, the angels, to keep them in check. Of course, not all angels were meant to fight against them. That is why the Survey Corps was formed, to group together the strongest angels to fight this everlasting war.

I made my way through the city where the demon was sited. These streets were defiantly the lowest of the low. All of the buildings were a pale gray obviously showing that the owners of the apartment complexes didn’t give a single crap about this neighborhood. Most of the windows were missing, replaced by homemade quilts and plastic to protect whatever was inside from the occasional changes of weather. On the streets, trash was laid everywhere and the homeless were spread throughout the small alleys. I growled under my breath when one of them grabbed my leg.

“Ey, you. Ain’ you got some good ‘ol moola fo’ a poor ’ol ‘omeless man like me?”

I looked over at the man. He wore a dark gray jacket, a filthy white t-shirt that almost looked black, and gray jeans. He wore no shoes but socks with holes that allowed his big toes to protrude from. My gaze went back to his face. He looked about forty, the wrinkles around his forehead and eyes giving away his age. He smiled and I was allowed to see his failure of dental hygiene that had probably started way before he became a homeless man. His hair was shoulder length and it was exactly like his outfit, gray. Pieces of mud and grime were stuck at the ends, making him look more like a mop than a human.

I clenched my jaw and shook my leg free, not even bothering to answer his question. Like hell would I give money to some shitty ass man who was only going to waste it on vine. The man frowned and sat back against the wall, almost camouflaging with it. He plucked a fag from behind his ear and a lighter from the inside pocket of his gray jacket. He quickly lit it up and gave a deep inhale. If he can afford a damn cig, than why was he asking me for money. I gave a low chuckle as I remembered what the commander of the Survey Corps had told me.

“Sometimes I wonder why you’re an angel, Levi. You seem more like a demon to me. You have very little compassion.”

What can I say, I’m an angel, not a goddamn miracle worker.

I groaned once again as I felt small pecks of water hit my face.

Great, just fucking great. This is what I get for not giving that damn man some money. Sorry heaven, I’m not a perfect angel. Then again, that wasn’t the reason I was sent here.

I covered my eyes from the muddy water and looked around, searching for shelter. At last, my eyes wandered over to a semi-decent café that looked rather warm, albeit being in such a horrible city. I quickly ran across the street to get to my destination. As I entered, I did a small check over of myself to see how bad the damage was. I sighed in relief when I saw that my clothes had only gotten a bit damp from the rain, my hair taking the worst.

“Welcome to Trost Café! If you’d like, I’ll take your jacket, sir. Oh and here’s a towel to dry up.”

I looked up to find the most amazing pair of eyes I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Green splashed with aqua and gold, making it look like the ocean was trapped in some kind of orbit. If you looked even deeper, you could make out the colors layering over themselves; each one of them trying to win the other. The dark pupils were like black holes, planted straight into the middle in an effort to ruin the perfection. Of course, it only helped the colors stand out in a majestic justice. The long eyelashes also only helped the beauty of it all as they cascaded down like a black waterfall across the beautiful and unreal irises.

I finally took in the sight of the whole human in front of me. He was a male with flawless tan skin, a small button nose, and soft pink lips. Dark brown hair started from his roots and it flowed all the way to his eyebrows, covering them slightly. A couple of strands that were a light brown, almost a golden tone, made the messy yet neat hairdo shine bright. If this male tried to cross dress as a woman, he wouldn’t have failed. His obvious baby face made him look young and it was what made it difficult to guess how old he truly was.

His outfit was simple and most likely the uniform of this café. A light brown, long sleeved v-neck was worn under a dark green apron. His jeans were a pale white and they hugged his legs in an incredible way that left the mind with little to imagine. The outfit was completed with simple brown slip-ons that matched his shirt. The apron itself was simple, a design like a shield printed in the front with a woman’s head facing the side. Under it was the name of the café, finishing the touch with a fine font.

I straightened up and removed my jacket, handing it over to this almost perfect human. He smiled and his eyes crinkled at the end. I bit the inside of my lips and took the towel from his extended arm. Damn, was he an angel in disguise? I swear to God he shined as bright as the guardian angels.

“Thank you..” I mumbled quietly.

I finally took the time to look around the Trost Café. The walls were a bright, yet homey, orange color. The floors sparkled a bright beige, the counters and round tables were a mahogany red, and the ceiling matched the floor. Photos adorned the whole room and they added to the relaxed atmosphere. The heater did a great job warming the room up, giving anyone who entered a safe haven from the cold rain.

“A table for one?”

I gave the angel human a nod and followed him to the nearest available table. He pulled out the chair and went back to the front of the table. I silently sat down and took a quick sweep at the table. The basic condiments were placed in the middle, along with a simple card displaying the café’s name. No speck of dirt was found on the table or anywhere else around the entire café for that matter. My gaze drifted back to the boy, who was currently digging into his apron jacket, withdrawing a simple menu from it along with a small notepad and a pencil.

“My name is Eren and I shall be your waiter for today Mister, er…” Eren cut off, giving me a sheepish smile.

“Levi. The name is Levi.” I replied, staring at his eyes as they glinted with acknowledgment.

“Mister Levi, would you like to start off with black coffee?” Eren asked, the smile never leaving his facial features.

“Yes, please. That’s all I’ll want.” I mumbled, looking out the window.

“Of course. Your coffee will be right up.” he chirped and walked away.

I followed his back with my eyes as he reached the counter. A fellow co-worker came up to him and whispered something in his ear. Eren replied to her and gave her the same smile he was giving me. His cheeks turned a rosy pink and his mouth opened slightly, showing off his perfect white teeth. At that moment, I decided that I liked his smile. I liked the way his eyes changed in correspondence of his feelings. I liked the way I could read him oh so well, even though we had only exchanged a couple of words.

I sighed and looked out the window. What the hell was I thinking? Shit, I sound like some love struck girl. Just look at me, Levi the damn demon killer falling for some human he just met. Sure he was cute and his eyes were amazing and his smile… okay, fuck, stop. I groaned and ignored my thoughts, brushing them off as simple weather blues. The rain was falling harder on the pavement than it was before and the homeless were no longer laying down on the streets. Probably went off under some roof or another restaurant.

“Here’s your coffee Mister Levi.”

I jumped a bit and look at Eren as he placed the steaming coffee cup on the table in front of me. He left a small jar of sugar next to it and smiled.

“It’s on the house.” he said, still smiling.

“You sure?”

“Of course. Enjoy your coffee.”

Oh, I enjoyed far more than just my coffee as he walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry that this is so short.

Anyways! Woo, a LevixEren slash! I haven't seen any of these on this website. Where are all the Attack On Titan fans? Am I the only one here? Nooooooo. //shot

Ah hum... excuse my totes weird ways. I hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. I suck at first chapters because they're like introductions. Introductions have never been my strong suit, but oh well. The story has to start somehow. Thank you guys much for clicking on my story and blah blah blah. Seriously though, thanks.

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