
This is a story that I've never told...

All the pain and the truth I wear like a battle wound...

Now I'm a warrior...

And you can never hurt me again.

When 17 year old Drew Parker moves to Stratford, all she can think about is moving back to New York City. But little did she know that here was the place she would meet the boy that brought out her darkest secrets.

"I love you and I always have."

"We cant be together."

"You don't understand. You'll regret staying with me."
  1. Unwelcome To Be Welcome
    "Enjoying isn't exactly the word I would use..."
  2. As If
    "Great first impression Drew."
  3. The First Meeting
    "Wait, SHE is your cousin?"
  4. My Apologize... Friend?
    "My lips are sealed."
  5. The Mob and the Mall.
    "Oh shit indeed..."