Glass Book of the Insane

Spill the milk on the night road

The rain flushes against the wind whipping harshly against the windshield. The car quickens it's pace, slushing it's way through an apocalypse of water.
White knuckles bared like the teeth of a wolf had a predator like grasp on the steering wheel. Sleep hollowed eyes searched fiercely into the night storm. Looking for a sign.
Looking for a light.
Unsteady breathing and the rains scream on the car was the only sound.
Dom bit her chap lips in a tender frustration.
How long had she been lost?
Never in her life had she seen a storm so fierce and never had she felt so small.
Suddenly she stopped the car, the rains laughter still beating down. She removed her thin hands from the wheel and grasped the oversized knitted sweater she wore; her nails dug into her skin.
"Where am I going?" she whispered, "What am I doing?"
And hand raised flustered to the temple of her forehead and flutters there in nervous ticks.
"Nothings right anymore...."
It's true, Dom had not been herself since she graduated, she was just about to turn 18, she was still so young. An orphan that was beneath the radar, so when she was raped at a party, nothing was done. When her son was born. She was alone.
She snapped her head forward and turned almost mechanically to the back, where a bundle of blue lay. it was quiet, it didn't move.
"Little jack a resting..." She trialed off
Slowly her hands re grasped the wheel and she began back down the street, to a cottage where the orphans used to spend summer.
♠ ♠ ♠

Please take note: I have no plans for this story, it will lead where ever, I don't know how it ends. the chapters might be short or long. I might abandon it.