Glass Book of the Insane

I am your woe

I am your woe
I am your bane

Dom woke up a cold sweat on her brow and a hunger in her eyes. The rain was still beating down. They had made it to the cottage by the break of dawn.
The wood was once white, but now the paint was long chipped. The door was nailed shut, but the broken windows allowed for access.
Completely exhausted Dom settled in the attic room, shoving the book case other the doorway and setting sleepy jack down in a dusty cradle. She would be safe. safe for now, and safe only from the physical world.
She had slept through the day.
And woke up near midnight.
Nightmares plagued her mind. A constant.
And even now as she sat up in her bed she shook.
The bags under her eyes now double laden with rest she could not find.
Was it worth laying down again allowing her mind to take her over?
She knew the consequences all too well but the overlords of her beckoned with hands of sandpaper. As she found herself ambushed by the night, a black silk drifted over her vision.
I am your woe
I am your bane

Soft moss felt moist between her toes, she looked in the smoke for the voice of her dream caller. Nightmares completely engulfed her senses. Everything was as real as when her eyes where open.


A voice from behind her called, she turned timidly her nails dug into her collarbone till warmth kissed her fingertips and wine graced her neck.
Nothing was there
Nothing ever was there.
Her heart beating double time.
Long boney arms covered in dirt shot from behind her engulfing her chest and stomach.


She let out a cry of a child, her eyes balling, salty like the ocean and it burned till her vision faded to black.
When she opened them again all she saw was wood. Everything was slow. The sound of her breathing was the only thing she could hear.
Then the ring of a child's cry.

Dom laid there for a while. her shoulder hurt and stung, she could feel warmth. she ventured with her hands and found blood.
Jack was still crying in the crib.
She got up emotionless and scooped him from the dust
"Hush little Jack now don't you cry, mothers going to get you a warm blanket."
She held the child, with a coldness that was not motherly, that was not human. Her blank eyes searched the distance.

"I am your woe.... I am your bane....." she whispered.
The rain laughed at her on the window pain.