‹ Prequel: Reunited...Again
Status: Active

Fallen Angels

First Born

Jasper Springs, Mississippi 1863

This soldier arrives at this small cabin, where two others were waiting for him.

"He's coming! Stand your ground, no matter what happens. The Knight must be protected."

There's some rumbling for a bit before it stops. The men's eyes turn black, as they're demons, and they aim their guns. As soon as the first soldier turns around, there's another man there who kills him, along with the other two.

Present Day

After everything that had happened between Sam and Dean, we stopped off at a bar to just get some down time.

"So....is that boudoir smile for me?" Crowley asks, and we both turn to see him sitting next to Dean.

"Crowley, what are you doing here?" I question.

Dean doesn't hesitate and takes out the knife ready to kill him.

"At least buy me a drink first."

"I said the next time I see you-"

"-dead. Yes, rings a bell, but let's not dwell on the past, shall we? This bar is a bust, and your prey, Gadreel, has left the building. So it's time to move on to more pressing matters, like destroying Abaddon."

"Yeah, good luck with that. The Knights of Hell aren't exactly the dying kind."

"No kidding." I scoff.

"But there is something that can kill a Knight."

"What are you going on about Crowley?"

"The weapon that the archangels used to execute them...the first blade."

"Never heard of it. Can I kill you now?"

"I've been chasing that blade for decades. The closest I got to it was when one of my droogs...Smitty...got wind of a protege demon of Abaddon's who claimed knowledge of the blade. Sadly, before Smitty could nab the guy, a hunter by the name of John Winchester nabbed the protege. I'm here to see if there's anything in the John Winchester Memorial Library that might lead us to the first blade...to killing Abaddon."

"You want to hunt? With us?"

"I do love a good buddy comedy."

Dean then takes out his father's journal that he carries around with him everywhere and starts to look through for something on the first blade.

"Oh yeah. Here it is. Yeah, he picked up a protege who had bones with Abaddon, but that's about all it says in here."

"What do those numbers in the margins mean?"

"None of your business."

"You're gonna play hard to get? We have time for a montage?"

"It's code...one of my Dad's storage lockers. He may have put something about the case there."

"And what does the 'T' next to the numbers mean?"

"Not a clue."

"Fine. Let's go find Daddy's man cave then, shall we?"

"And how do we know this isn't a trap?"

"You...don't. That's what makes it fun." Crowley states before leaving and heading out to the car.

"Do we really have to work a case with him?" I ask.

"Gets us closer to killing Abaddon."

"But it's Crowley. He's got to have something up his sleeve though."

"We'll gank him later. Let's go." Dean says before slapping down some money to pay for the drinks, before we leave.

But little did we know, a demon was right next to us listening to the entire conversation. In the meantime, Cas was back at the bunker, trying to enjoy a sandwich when Sam came back.


"Tastes like...molecules."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"When I was human, you know, I had to eat constantly. It was kind of annoying."

"Yeah, a lot of human things are pretty annoying."

"But...I enjoyed the taste of food. Particularly peanut butter with grape jelly, not jam. Jam I found unsettling."

"So, what? Now you can't taste PB and J?"

"No, I-I taste every molecule."

"Not the sum of it's parts huh?"

"It's overwhelming. It's disgusting. I miss you PB and J. We need to continue your healing. We're almost done."



"You're a terrible liar."

"That is not true. I once deceived and betrayed you, your brother and Brooke."

"Okay, that's not the point. Cas, what's wrong?"

"I noticed something. It's uh...it's resonating inside you."


"Something angelic."

"Okay, uh, what the hell does that mean?"

"Maybe we should call Dean."

"No. He wanted to go and he's gone. We'll handle this."

And back with the three of us, to make sure Crowley didn't know where we were going exactly, we made sure his head was covered, as we led him inside of the storage locker of Dean's father's. Once we were inside, we uncover his head.

"Is all this really necessary? I mean, I've been inside your brother. We're practically family."

That's when Dean takes him and pushes him up against one of the shelves.

"Listen to me. We are the furthest thing from family. You got that dickbag?"

"Oh yeah."

"Now you want to hunt? Let's hunt." Dean says going into one of the gated off areas.

"I'll be right here." Crowley says since he can't move any further due to the Devil's trap.

"So, what do you call this decor anyway? Rustic Obsessive? Paranoid Deco?"

"Here we go. Looks like my dad was working with another hunter when he nabbed Abaddon's pet." Dean says, showing us a picture.

"I guess the 'T' didn't stand for terrible father. It stood for-"

"-Tara. Doesn't ring a bell. Alright, looks like they interrogated the demon. Then they exorcised him. But not before he mentioned the first blade."

"I love it when I'm right."

"Yeah well, the rest of the file's empty genius."

"What? Didn't they teach note taking at hunter's Hogwarts?"

"Let's see if Tara's still kicking."

"I've found, well, something. It's a detail about when angels leave their vessels...I think. It's uh, Enochian, which can be a bit flowery. And the departed shall remain, and the remains shall be the departed." Cas states as he and Sam are digging though the books on what's angelic inside of Sam.

"Okay, so when an angel leaves a vessel, they leave behind a piece of themselves. Like uh...like an angelic fingerprint."

"Whatever you want to call it, this piece of the departed contains grace."

"Wait, you're saying there's angelic grace inside of me?"

"Yes. But it's fading each time I heal you."

"Okay. Is that good or bad?"

"Well, it's harmless. But the grace itself...might be helpful. According to this, we may be able to use the grace that remains inside of you to track Gadreel...if we can extract it."

"How would we do that?"

"Well...painfully. The men of letters believe that you could perform a tracking spell with extracted grace, but they were never able to test the theory."

"Well they didn't have a guinea pig, but we do."

"You have a guinea pig? Where?"

"Me Cas. I'm the guinea pig."

"Oh. Any idea where that is?" Cas asks about the extractor.

The three of us however were able to find out where Tara was, finding out that she owned a pawn shop. So after pulling up to the shop, we walk inside.

"Tara?" Dean questions.

"That's what the sign says. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, hope so. John Winchester ring a bell? I'm his son."

"You Sam or Dean?"


"Well, didn't you grow up pretty. Still in the family business?"

"Yeah, born and raised. Listen, bunch of years back, you worked a job with my dad. Well me, my girlfriend and my uh, associate h-" Dean gets cut off by Tara pointing a gun in our direction.

"Ever since '92, I get a painful little tickle in what's left of my knee whenever a demon is around."

"Hunters. So trusting. I'll go grab a latte while you get this sorted." Crowley says as he snaps his fingers but he doesn't disappear.

"Devil's trap under the knock off Persian, jackass."

"Tara listen, my uh, associate..."

"Friends...besties actually."

"Not helping."

"Not caring."

"Look, I'm the King of Hell. He's a Winchester. She's the girlfriend of a Winchester. There's a reason why we're working together."

"Yeah. It's called possession." She states before splashing us both with holy water.

"See? We're good. Okay? Yes, you're right. He is a jackass, but he's helping us on this."

"Helping you with what?"

"You and my old man found a demon who knew something about the first blade. We need to find that blade."

"Well, hell. You are as handsome as John. And as dumb too, if you're looking for that old relic."

"We're hunting a Knight of Hell."

"Why? They're all dead."

"One came back. Abaddon."

"And she's been nothing but a pain in our ass since we've been dealing with her." I add.

That's all it took to convince her, so she started to pull out all the info that she and Dean's father collected from the case where they exorcised that demon.

"The demon said the archangels used a weapon that could kill the Knights of Hell. We'd never heard of anything like the Knights of Hell or a first blade. Your dad thought he was lying, trying to save himself. We took him out. And we had a lovely weekend together. Then we went our separate ways. But I could never let the blade go. Something like that could really give a hunter an edge, you know? I looked all over the world...destroyed my knee and my life. And all I found? A location spell for the blade. That I could never finish. Couldn't find one ingredient...essence of Kraken."

"Kraken? I got a warehouse full of Kraken essence in Belize. Break the trap, I can be there and back before you say 'Presto'."


"I can help. Dean?"

"He wants Abaddon as dead as we do."

"If your daddy could see you now." She says before taking her gun, moving the rug, and shooting the trap so it's broken and Crowley disappears.

"You know, even if that blade is real, it ain't worth being bosom buddies with the King of Hell."

"Abaddon? Way worse."

"Exactly." I nod.

"We'll deal with Crowley after. Trust me."

"You sound just like your Dad...when he said he'd call me."

Just then Crowley clears his throat to break the awkwardness. "Shall we?" He asks.

She then pulls out a map and we put together all the ingredients. Once it's done and mixed together, she pours it onto the map and Dean lights a match, the map engulfed in flames. It burns until it pinpoints the location of the blade.

"Missouri. Figures."

"Would you care to join us?"

"Them? Anytime. You? Never."

"Thank you."

"Good luck Dean. You're gonna need it."

He nods and then we walk out and get back into the car, driving to Missouri, and the exact location where the spell pinpointed us to. When we get there, we get out and start looking around at our surroundings.

"Wait." Crowley stops us.


"I'm feeling something."

"Oh, cramps?" Dean remarks, and I can't help but snicker.

"I feel something dark."

"What, darker than you?"

"Oh no." Crowley says as he looks off behind us.

We turn to see someone attending to bees.

"Oh no what? It's just a guy tending to some bees."

"We need to leave here now."

"What, are you allergic to bees?"

"That's not a beekeeper. That's the father of murder."

"Sorry who?"

"It's Cain."

"As in Cain and Able?"

"Dean. We need to be a world away from here...from him." Crowley says as he turns around to get back in the car, but Cain is there behind him.

"You're not going anywhere. Crowley."

With that we were invited into his house, and were sat in the living room while we waited for him to return with some tea.

"Why don't you just zap out of here?" Dean asks Crowley.

"I'd never leave my domestic partner in crime."

"Yeah, like your heart grew three sizes. You can't zap out of here, can you?"

"Cain's doing something to me."

"Well, it's not your day for getaways is it? Alright, so tell me about this Cain."

"Well after Cain killed Able, he became a demon."

"What do you mean 'became a demon'?"

"Yeah, how does that even happen?"

"I mean he became the deadliest demon to walk the face of the Earth. Killed thousands. The best at being the worst. And then he just...disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead or, at least hoped he was."

"Any of you keep bees?" Cain asks. "It's very relaxing. They're such noble creatures. And the honey, well I keep it right on the comb. There you are. They're dying you know. Without bees, makind will cease to exist. So, what are the King of Hell, a Winchester and a Winchester's significant other doing at my house?"

"You know who we are?"

"I'm retired. I'm not dead. What I don't know is why you're looking for me...more importantly, how you found me."

"Ah that's uh, a funny story really. Bit of a misunderstanding. We really should..."


And just like that Crowley can't talk.

"Oh, you gotta teach me how to do that."

"That would come in handy someday." I nod.

"Why are you here Dean?"

"We're looking for the weapon the archangels used to kill the Knights of Hell. The first blade. We need it to kill a Knight of Hell...Abaddon. Look, I get it. You're retired. We're not here to get between you and the demonic AARP, but it's bad out there and I'm just looking to even the odds."

"One last time...how did you find me?"

"We didn't. The location spell was for the blade. One time deal."

"Honestly." I add.

"Anyone else know you're here?"


Back with Tara, she was getting some things from the back when someone walked in and her knee started to hurt again.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Wonder if you might have seen some of my friends pass through here. Big guy, kind of funny ears."

She then grabs her gun, pointing it at him, and then shoots him.

"Well, it's been a pleasure having company, but once a century is enough for me. You can let yourselves out."

"Hey listen pal. We're not leaving here without the blade."

"You have quite a reputation Dean. I see the part about you being brave rings true."

"Well, what can I say? I'm an all-in kind of guy. Abaddon is the last Knight of Hell, and if you're out of the game, what the hell do you are if she dies?"

"If your friend here could talk, he would tell you that I trained the Knights of Hell. I built that entire demonic order with my own hands...Abaddon included."

"Well, that is information we could've used five minutes ago!"

"Yeah, seriously. What the hell Crowley?" I give him a look.

"Well here's something your friend doesn't know, that no ones knows in fact...outside of Abaddon. It wasn't the archangels that slaughtered the Knights. It was me."

"Why did you turn on your own?"

"Once again, I admire your bravery. But if you'll excuse me, I have errands to run in town. Goodbye Dean Winchester. Never return."

We then leave shortly after.

"Well, that was lovely. Can we leave the country now?"

"By all means go ahead. We're not stopping you." I scoff.

"You said the first blade was our only shot at killing Abaddon. This is the closest you've been to it. We're not leaving."

"Will you listen to reason for once?"

"Hey. He said he was going into town. Awesome. We wait till he's gone, come back, bust in, take what's ours. Got it?"

"Sam, may I ask you a question?" Cas asks him since they've retrieved the extractor.

"You just did."

"Can I ask you another question?"

"Well, technically you...yeah, go ahead. What's up?"

"Sam, the trials. You chose not to go through with them for a reason didn't you? You chose to live rather than to sacrifice yourself. You and Dean...chose each other."

"Yeah I did. We did. And then...Dean made a choice for me."

"What Dean did.."

"It doesn't matter what Dean did. Look, I could have put a stop to all this Cas. I could've closed the gates of Hell."

"Oh, Sam."

"Dean's gone, okay? This is on me now, and if I can find Gadreel...I can fix this. Now...being a human means settling your debts. Let's start balancing the books."

Dean, myself and Crowley had waited until Cain was gone to break into his house basically to see if we could find the first blade.

"This is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had."

"Yeah well, it's early."

"Oh, there's nothing here. Shame. Let's go."

"Hey, sack up and start looking, okay? We don't have that much time."

We split up into different parts of the house to look for the blade, but we can't seem to find it in the house at all. What we didn't know was that the demon at the bar, found us.

"You'll never believe what the Winchester, his girl and Crowley found. Send back up. Send everybody."

In the meantime, Cas had gotten the extractor ready and stuck it into Sam's neck.

"Now comes the part that will actually hurt. I'm gonna begin the extraction." Cas states, extracting the grace.

"Is it working?"



"I-I need to push the needle in deeper. We need more grace in order to cast the spell."

"Okay. Do it."

"Sam, if I get too close to-"

"-Damn it Cas! Just do it."

He does so reluctantly and Sam starts to freak out, getting flashbacks, and that causes Cas to pull the needle out.

"What the hell was that?"

"Your body is regressing to the state it was in before Gadreel."

"Do we have enough grace for the summoning spell?"


"Do we or not Cas?"


"Then keep going."

"Nothing. Not even porn." Crowley states as he comes back to Dean.

"Nada." I add, doing the same.

"Think I figured out why he went off the reservation so many years ago." Dean says, showing us a picture of this woman named Colette.

"Lovely. Little plain. Who is she?"

"Cain had a similar ring on. Father of murder got hitched."

Just then we hear a door open.

"Oh crap." I mutter.

"He's back. Come on."

When we try to leave, we find out that we can't actually leave.


We try to go out a different way and Cain is there standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"That belongs to me." He says about the picture of his wife.

"Sorry. Gorgeous, by the way."

We hear a vehicle approach and then see headlights.

"Who's that? No one knew we were here." I remark, as we all go to the window to see who it is, finding out it's a load of demons.

"I don't suppose they're with you."


"I guess we can't wait any longer. Your friend Tara was very helpful! Got downright chatty...after I peeled all her skin off. We don't want any trouble, Cain. Just want the so-called King, the Winchester and his girl. I got a new master to impress, and I'm betting bagging those three will do just that."


"Abaddon. This lot all need to die. I count..."

"...too many."

"We can't possibly take on every single one of them by ourselves." I sigh.

"The whammy you put on the doors that keeps us in. Will it keep them out?"

"For now."

"I'm gonna barricade the entrances. Get ready for a fight." Dean says as he takes the bookcase to put in front of the front door.

"Well, good luck with that."


"You exposed my home. You exposed me."

"Well boo-hoo."

"Brave, but impulsive. You truly have lived up to your reputation."

"I can't say you've lived up to yours."

"What can I say? I'm retired. If you survive, you're welcome to join me for the last meal I will eat in this house before I disappear again. It's the least I can do."

"Sam? Sam?!"

"Keep going."


"We...we...we have to find Gadreel."

"No. Why must the Winchesters run toward death?"

"No, don't. Don't. Don't stop."

"Sam, when I was human, I died. And that showed me that life is precious, and it must be protected at all costs, even a life as...as pig-headed as a Winchester's."

"My life's not worth any more than anyone else's. Not yours or Deans or Brooke's...or Kevin's. Please. Please help me do one thing right. Keep going."

He does, still hesitantly, while Dean and I were now in the kitchen barricading that door with the fridge.

"Alright, we got this. You take the front." He says to Crowley.

He does so, closing the doors, and Cain is preparing dinner by peeling the corn.

"So, this is your play? Corn? What am I not getting here? I mean, it's not like you're a coward."

"Since when does the great Dean Winchester ask for help? Well, that doesn't sound like the man I've read about on demon bathroom walls. Maybe you've lost a step. Let's find out." Cain snaps his fingers and the door is opened only long enough to let two of the demons in.

"Oh, don't mind me. Enjoy yourself."

"You take him, I'll take the girl." I tell him and he nods, as we take out our knives.

But before anything could happen, one bursts through the doors to the other room and he goes after Dean first. It wasn't long before he killed the demon that came through the back door first, while I was still in a fight with the other one that was with him. She actually got away from me for a few seconds to help the other one slam Dean onto the kitchen table.

"Doing great." Cain states.

"Alright, it's on bitch." I grumble as I get up from the floor and pull her away from Dean long enough for him to fight back with the other one. After punches and such were thrown, I was able to turn things around on her and kill her, throwing her to the ground just as Dean managed to kill the one he was fighting.

"What? Was that some kind of test?"

"I felt connected to you right from the beginning. Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike."

"Right. Yeah, except I didn't kill my brother."

"You saved yours. Why?"

"Because you never give up on family...ever."

"Where's your brother now then?"

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I don't really care. Just give me the damn blade."

"Sorry Dean. I have nothing to hand over."


"I no longer have the blade."

"But you have to have it. I mean we did a location spell for the damn thing. It has to be here." I add.

"It's gone."

"What do you mean it's gone?"

As for Sam, he wasn't doing so good with the extraction of the grace as he was starting to become weak.

"Hold on. This may pinch." Cas says, pulling the needle out.

"Cas, what the hell?"

He says nothing and then goes to healing him completely.

"Cas. What the hell was that?!"

"I've healed your wounds completely."

"And the grace?"

"Well, whatever grace was inside you is gone now. What's left of Gadreel is in here. We'll just have to try the spell with what we have."

"Damn it."

"Sam, I want Gadreel to pay as much as you do. But nothing is worth losing you. You know, being human, it didn't just change my view of food. It changed my view of you. I mean, I can relate now to how you feel."

"What are you talking about?"

"The only person who has screwed things up more consistently than you...is me. And now I know what that guilt feels like. And I know what it...I know what it means to feel sorry, Sam. I am sorry."

"I know."

"You know, old me...I would've just kept going. I would've jammed that needle in deeper until you died because the ends always justified the means. But what I went through...well, that PB and J taught me that angels can change, so...who knows? Maybe Winchesters can too."

"How?" Crowley asks Cain about the blade being gone. "The spell brought us here to you, so it has to be here."

"Your spell brought you to the source of the blade's power. Me." Cain states, lifting up his sleeve to show us this mark on his arm.

"Really? Now?" Dean asks Crowley as he basically makes a cross with his fingers.

"It's the bloody mark of Cain."

"From Lucifer himself. The mark and the blade work together. Without the mark, the blade is useless. It's just an old bone."

"A bone?"

"The jawbone of an animal. The jawbone you used to kill Abel. Because he was God's favorite."

"Abel wasn't talking to God. He was talking to Lucifer. Lucifer was gonna make my brother into his pet. I couldn't bear to watch him be corrupted, so I offered a deal...Abel's soul in Heaven for my soul in Hell. Lucifer accepted...as long as I was the one who sent Abel to Heaven. So, I killed him. Became a soldier of Hell...a knight."

"And Lucifer ordered you to make more."

"My knights and I, we did horrible things...for centuries. Bringers of chaos and darkness."

"Then you met Colette."

"She knew who I was...and what I was. She loved me unconditionally. She forgave me. She only asked for one thing."

"To stop."

"When the knights found out, they took retribution. They took Colette, so I picked the first blade back up, and it felt so good to have it in my hands again, and I slaughtered the knights of Hell."

"Not all of them."




"My love."

"What have you done to my wife? Answer me, Abaddon!"

"We can make this right, can't we, Cain? Come back to us. Come back to me."

"I'm done."

"With the knights or with me?"

"I'm done!"

"Then so is she." Abaddon states as she starts to break Colette's bones from the inside.

"No. Stop it!"

"We could have been forever, but you chose her. Well, if I can't have you, then neither can she." She says, breaking more bones.

"Enjoying the view? I know I am. Best seat in the house." She laughs before leaving her body.

Cain tries to kill her before she can exit fully, but it's too late.

"No, Colette! Colette, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I will find Abaddon, and I will kill her."

"No, there's been enough killing. Promise me. You're better than all of this."

With that she dies.

"So I buried her, and I walked away."

"Well I'm sorry...truly. But I have to stop Abaddon. So, where is the blade?"


"Hey! Listen, you son of a bitch. You may be done killing, but I'm not."

That's when Cain takes Dean's hand with the knife and stabs him, but he doesn't die.

"You never give up on anything, do you?"


"Well, I do." Cain states before disappearing.


"Where'd he go?"


Just then we hear shouting outside, so we quickly go to the windows and see a whole bunch of demons making their way to the house.

"Well, I'll stay as long as I can." Crowley states.

"Aren't you a peach?"

Cain in the meantime had gone to where he buried Colette, kneeling down on her grave.

"I've tried. I've tried Colette, to see myself as you did. But I know who I am...what I am. I know you watch over me still. But I need you to look away now."

"What are we gonna do? There's too many of them to take on ourselves." I ask, as we hear them on the front porch of the house, and then banging on the door.

"I don't know." Dean says as he looks around and then he sees Cain back. "What the hell man? You in or out? I'm getting head spins."

"I can give you the mark Dean, if it's what you truly want."

"What are you talking about?"

"How can you give him the mark?"

"The mark can be transferred to someone who's worthy."

"You mean a killer like you?"


"Can I use it to kill that bitch?"

"Yes. But you have to know with the mark comes a great burden. Some would call it a great cost."

"Yeah well, spare me the warning label. You had me at 'kill the bitch'."

"Good luck Dean." Cain says as they grab hands. "You're gonna need it."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Let's dance."

He then grabs Dean's forearm and we watch as the mark slowly but surely gets transferred from Cain's arm to Dean's.


"Are you alright?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Alright, where the hell did you stash the damn blade?"

"Nothing can destroy the blade, so I threw it to the bottom of the deepest ocean. It's the only way I could keep my promise to Colette. You find the blade, kill Abaddon, but make me a promise first. When I call you...and I will call...you come find me and use the blade on me."


"For what I'm about to do." He says, snapping his fingers, the protection being taken off the doors, letting the demons in. Before we know it, we're outside, watching the demons go inside.

"What the..." I trail off, as I realize we're outside.

"They're all trapped in there." Crowley states as we see the house light up in red.

"With him." Dean finishes his sentence before we all rush and get back into the car and leave.

Cas and Sam however were doing the spell to use the grace with in order to find Gadreel. It kind of bubbles then fades out.

"Was that, uh...was that it?"

"I'm afraid there wasn't enough grace. We'll have to find Gadreel another way. I'm sorry Sam."

"It's alright Cas. You, uh...you were right. You were right about everything." Sam says, hugging him. "Now's the part where you hug back."

"Oh. Right. Uh, sorry."

"Ah, there you go."

"As far as I'm concerned, Metatron is the key to fixing everything that's wrong. I'm gonna find him. You know Sam, we could use all the help we could get to find Gadreel and Metatron."

"We got this."

"He was right you know." Crowley states as Dean parks the car. "You are worthy."

"Oh great. now you're gonna get all touchy-feely too?"

"Your problem mate, is that nobody hates you more than you do. Believe me, I've tried."

"So how do we find this blade?"

"You can't search the bottom of the ocean, but I can. So I'll find it and bring it to its new owner." Crowley says before getting out of the car.

"I saw you Crowley." Dean says before he too gets out. "Back at Cain's. You dusted that undercard demon, and then you just sat back and watched the main event. You knew. You knew about the mark. You knew about Abaddon and Cain. You knew all of it. And you played me. Why?"

"He would never have given me the blade. Who can say no to you? I need you to play along."

"You knew we were being followed, and you didn't say anything."

"Well, Cain would want to see his prize fighter up close. You plus demons equals fight night."

"Tara died. Thanks to you."

"Omelets. Broken eggs. Et cetera."

Dean just nods before punching him in the face.

"After I kill Abaddon, you're next!"

"You don't mean that. We're having too much fun. Listen up. Even with the blade, we're gonna need all the help we can get against Abaddon."

"Go find the blade."

"It's always something with you boys, isn't it?"

As soon as he disappears, Dean kind of rubs at his arm where the mark is. I sit back in the Impala with a concerned look on my face.