‹ Prequel: Reunited...Again
Status: Active

Fallen Angels

Blade Runners

"Come on Crowley. Pick up!" Dean says aggravated, as he's called Crowley several times, but he hasn't answered his phone. "Where the hell is is? It's not like he's got a social life."

"Um, are you actually worried?"

Too busy inflicting pain to answer. Leave a message.

"Guy's got one job...find the first blade, bring it back. How hard is that?"

"This is Crowley we're talking about here, Dean." I point out.

"Exactly. He's not exactly a team player." Sam agrees and adds.

"Yeah, but his ass is on the line too. He goes missing for weeks on end without a peep? Well, not one that makes sense, anyway. Listen to this."

Dean. Um...

The rest of Crowley's message was just gibberish, sounding like drunken gibberish.

"Wait a second. Did he...drunk-dial you?"

Dean ends the message and goes back to trying to call him.

"Come on."

It does indeed ring on Crowley's end, but he's too busy at the moment to even pick up.


"My king."

"My apres-consummation treat."

"On it, sire."

She goes into the closet where there's a man tied up, and gets his blood.

"Pantry's almost empty. We'll need another volunteer."

"You should add that to your 'to do' list."

He takes the syringe and then injects the blood into his system, falling back onto the pillows.

"Lola, pet? I do believe I'm ravenous."

She ends up leaving for a few hours, and comes back, with Crowley still in bed and watching TV. After she finds Crowley in the current state he's in, she heads to a shipping warehouse and sits on one of the boxes and waits, until a man comes up to her.

"My name is Aldo."

"My intel is for Abaddon...minion."

"And she appreciates the work you've been doing."

"At great peril."

"But she is tied up securing her place as new leader of the kingdom. She assures you that all relevant information can be conveyed to me. So...update?"

"The king is off his game. Except for sex, pizza, and human blood, he has no interests. He can't function without me."

"Well played."

"I should mention he keeps getting phone calls from those Winchesters. They leave voice mails for him."


"Mostly, they're rude. One mentioned something called the first blade."

"Interesting. Follow how this develops and report in."

"Oh I will. And when I do, I expect to report directly to the next queen of Hell. Capiche?"

In the meantime, that night we head to the nearest crossroads, spray painting a giant devil's trap in the middle, burying the usual box to summon one of the crossroad demons.

"Alright, do it."

"You sure this is gonna work?"

"The demon has no choice, we have to find out where Crowley is."

"Daemon, esto subiecto voluntati meae."

We turn around and there's one of the demons, and it's....Snooki.

"Winchesters. Brooke."

"I-is that, uh...?"


"Well, that explains a lot."

"Okay, uh, look...Snooki...can I call you 'Snooki'?"

"No. It's Nicole now."

"Okay, then. Nicole...we can do this one of two ways. The easy way...you talk. Or...the easier way...you still talk." Sam says, revealing the knife.

"I vote for number two."

"We just want some basic information on Crowley. That's it."

"Google him. Are we done?" She scoffs. "Whoa! Not the face! Are you crazy?" She says as Sam heads towards her. "Listen guys, what happens in Hell stays in Hell. I got nothin'."

"But you do have a pretty sweet deal with Crowley in charge. If Abaddon wins, you can kiss all that goodbye."

"All the fancy cars, the book deals."

"Show biz can be tough."

"I'm doing fine. Thanks."

"Oh. Well, good luck landing your next gig inside a devil's trap."

"What do you want to know?"

"Where is Crowley?"

"Last time I heard, he was somewhere in the Western Pacific."

"Makes sense."

"Really? Floating around in the ocean while his kingdom goes up in flames?"


"Hell's gettin' crazy. Even the loyalists want to sign on with Abaddon. She's gonna make her move. Are we done? I got a thing."

Dean gives Sam a look, an he smirks.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immunus spiritus..."

"Seriously? An exorcism? We had a deal!"

"See ya, Snooks."

"Best to get you out of her body anyway." I nod.

Sam then continues on with the exorcism. In the meantime, Lola returns from being gone all day.

"Honey, I'm home."

"Hello Pumpkin. Did you have a nice day?"

"Lola did some shopping."

"Looks like Lola did a lot of shopping."

"But not all of it's for me. Looky, looky." She says as he opens a bag full of bags of blood.

"I hope it's a good vintage."

"Well, you look like you could use a little pick-me-up. I just love what it does for you."

"Do you?" He smirks and then sends her flying into the bedroom. "You tried to play me? I play the tune! Everyone else dances to it. Got it?"

"Yes! I-I'm your slave."

"You're my rodent. My little rodent who went scurrying off to Abaddon to rat on me."

"No! No."

"Do you really think some other lowlife wouldn't sell you out? I thought you were a smart girl...a girl I could've helped."

"You're joking right? You help me? Look at yourself. You couldn't help anyone."

He says nothing, but he does take out a blade and kills her. He then proceeds to inject more blood into his system. He looks at the carnage in the room with him, two dead humans and then Lola who he thought he could trust. The three of us however after getting the info on Crowley, went back to the bunker and started the research on where Crowley could be.


"Hey. So...Cain said the first blade was tossed in the deepest ocean, right?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I nod.

"That's the Mariana Trench. Maybe Crowley found it, and it's a double cross."

"That doesn't make sense. He wants me to power it up and kill the ginger. He set it up."

"Okay. A-assuming he does show up with it, Crowley is only useful to us until we have the blade."

"Yeah. So?"

"So...there's nothing stopping us from using it on him, right?"

"Nothing at all."

Just then Dean's phone goes off.

"Speak of the Devil. Did you find the first blade?"

"Not exactly."

"Well, then what, exactly?"

"I'm in...a jam of sorts. Thought you might help."

Of course that prompted us to head to where he was since he told us of course and we made our way up to the hotel room he was staying at. We did however make it there before he got back, and we were sitting there when he came back.


"Hello you three."

"And what do you call this?" Dean asks about the three dead bodies.


"What's in the bag, Crowley?"


"Really? Maybe I can..uh.." Sam says as he grabs and opens the bag, revealing a bag of blood.

"What, are you knocking over blood banks?"

That's when we take him and sit him down in a chair, handcuffing him to it with the special handcuffs that'll keep him there.

"Look at you. You're a mess. You know, we were counting on you. You let us down."

"Your slimy followers were counting on you to kill Abaddon, and you let them down."

"The man with all the mojo...captain evil."

"Oh, it's pathetic."

"No kidding."

"What is this? An intervention?"

"You need to focus Crowley. Get a grip!"

"What, you just gonna let Hell go to hell?"

"You don't know what it's like to be human!"

"Excuse me, what?"

"It's your DNA. It's my addiction. My cross, my burden!"

"Alright, take it easy."

"I see the darkness of it now, the Anthony Weiner of it. It makes you needy. I needed her. Lola used me. She reported everything I did back to Abaddon."


"Crowley...did you tell her about the first blade?"

"I don't know. Things get a trifle blurry when I'm medicated."

"Great. If he told Lola, she definitely told Abaddon."

"Which means that Abaddon's in the hunt for this thing, too. Alright, you know what? This crap ends now. You're cut off. Okay? Kicking it. Cold turkey."

And since we had him, we brought him once again back to the bunker and put him back into the dungeon, chained up.

"Back in this fetid pit. Could at least have added some throw pillows."

"Focus." Sam scoffs. "Okay. You swept the Mariana Trench. And...?"

"And the first blade was not, as hoped, in the trench. It had, in fact, been scooped up by an unmanned sub, from who it was stolen by a research assistant, who reportedly sold it to Portuguese smuggles who, in turn, lost it to Moroccan pirates in a poker game."


"Poor Moose. It's always a little tricky keeping up, isn't it?"

"What are you doing?" Sam asks as he catches Crowley just staring at him.

"I'm still a little tainted by humanity. Makes me sentimental."

"Well, stop."

"You and I both know we shared a mo back in that church. And on some level, we are bonded."

"Crowley, the only reason you are alive is that we need your help to deal with Abaddon okay? 'Cause she is an even worse pile of rap than you are. And that is the extent of my concern for you. Got it? Okay. What happened after the pirates?"

After Sam got the information out of him, we arranged to meet with this dealer in a public location, a park, with Crowley joining of course. But he stayed far away from us for the time being. As we were waiting, Crowley starts to mess with the snack machine, trying to get one out of it.

"What is Crowley doing?"

"Having a mental breakdown?" I snicker.

"Stealing candy."

"He's...he's...he's stealing candy."

"You know, at least when Cas was human, he was an okay guy. Should've known Crowley would be a douche version. Hey. Hey! Cut it out man! Image! You're the king of rotten. Act like it."

"So is this guy gonna show up or...?" I trail off.

"I mean, this isn't exactly a place where million dollar deals go down."

"Look, word is, this Andre Develin character bought the blade from the pirates, and he's been shopping it around. That's all I know."

"Uh guys? I think that's him." I say, referring to a shadow coming through the trees.

"Mr. Develin, we spoke on the phone."

"You said you represent a serious collector with an interest in a private transaction."

"Did he? Oh. Well, what he meant to say was, is that we are with...the FBI."

"Then good evening."

"Wait a second. We just want some answers."

"Read Sartre. Jean Paul Sartre. I'm merely a facilitator between the buyer and the seller...a conduit. So unless I'm being detained..." He trails of before a cloud of red smoke enters him...Crowley, and then seconds later, leaves.

"So, am I? Being detained?"

"Not at the...moment. No, but we've got our eyes on you."

"So, Crowley what did you find out?" I ask when he approaches us when the other man leaves.

"National Institute of Antiquities."

Meanwhile two security guards were taking their night shift, playing a card game.

"Gin. Again."

But then they were possessed by two demons and they basically killed each other with gunshots to the chest. Of course not after killing the woman that came in with food for them on their shift. We got a hold of the case of course since it was one of those strange ones and proceeded to head there the next day.

"I don't have much for you guys. The guards were good men. They'd been here for years...vetted, honest. But..."


"Security camera shows a research assistant caught them breaking into vault number one."

"That's her?"

"Gets weirder." He says and shows us the camera footage.

"Like I said."

"Anything special about the particular vault they opened?"

"Vault number one is where they keep rare, new acquisitions while they're being examined."

"So what was stolen?"

"That's the kicker...nothing. The curator, Dr. McElroy, said the vault's been empty for weeks."

"Excuse me. Detective?"

"Okay, so just connecting the dots here...the blade was likely put in there when it first got here."

"The guards were obviously demons, so...what? When the vault turned out to be empty, they killed their guard meat suits and smoked out?"

"And reported back to who? Abaddon?"

"Who else would they report to?"

"She's closing in."

One the scene was cleared, Dr. McElroy showed up and we had a few words with her.

"So, the first blade was never on display?"

"No authenticated item by that name was ever on these premises"

"Authenticated. Dr. McElroy, this blade was stolen and smuggled into the US in violation of treaties with several government. We can compel you to speak."

"Compel? And what might that involve? Alright look, I did acquire the so called first blade. And carbon dating did peg it to biblical times, but the authentication proved unreliable."

"So it was in the vault."

"I removed it myself. The guards didn't know."

"And where is it now?"

"Several weeks ago, a confidential offer was made to purchase it. I was afraid we would never authenticate the thing, so..."

"Who was the buyer?"

"Sorry. The buyer insisted on absolute secrecy."

"Well...federal statutes trump your little deal. So...the buyer?"

"And you'll get it out of me one way or another, won't you agent?"

"Oh not him, I will." I give her a look, since she was basically flirting with Dean.

"I never did know his real identity. He called himself Magnus. Don't ask me where he lives. I have no idea. But I do have a meeting. So, here is my number, should you need anything else." She says, holding out a business card to Dean.

Sam goes to grab it, but she pulls it back and holds it out to Dean again.

"I'll take that." I remark, snatching it from her hand and she walks away. "We won't be needing her anymore." I add, ripping up the card.

"Did you catch that? Magnus? Albert Magnus? The name the men of letters used when they want to be incognito?"

"Yeah, but we know that all of the men of letters are dead."

"Do we?"

After we make it back to the bunker and change, we go to Crowley for answers, because he'll obviously have them.

"Alright Crowley, time to talk again."

"Turndown service? I'd like a mint on my pillow."

"What do you know about the men of letters massacre of 1958?"

"We know Abaddon missed our grandfather and Larry Ganem. Was there anybody else?"

"Let me get this straight. You keep me locked up in this closet, ignore my suffering, and then come barging in here and demand my help?"

"Pretty much." I nod.

"Did I or did I not keep my end of the bargain the other night? Quite brilliantly, I might add. We are partners! And you owe me!"

"Owe you?"

"We don't owe you anything Crowley."

"I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you three. You shoot me up. You make me a junkie. You keep me stashed away for months while my kingdom falls apart?!"

"What do you want?"

What he wanted was to basically be out of the dungeon and up where we were and that's where we brought him, handcuffing him to one of the chairs.

"It's not a very good scotch, is it?"

"Okay Crowley, we have gone through the records for the entire membership in 1958. Every single name matches the men who were killed."

"That would be the active membership, correct? Were you three dropped on your heads a great deal? Like I told you, rumor has it that a rogue member was tossed out on his arse. Does that make him 'active'? Seriously, how did you ever function without me? Well hello Miss Ichigatsu."

"Infamati et obliterati."

"Dishonored and forgotten."

"That must be it then." I remark before Dean opens the box and we search through the files until we come to Magnus.

"Wow. This guy was something."

"Tough name."

"Yeah, Cuthbert Sinclair. I'd have just gone with Magnus."

"Looks like he designed most of the warding that keeps the bunker safe."

"Says here he was named 'master of spells' right after he initiated."

"I guess his work got a little crazy. The leadership called it 'eccentric' and 'irresponsible'."

"Good. So these are the projects that he proposed the last two years he was here. Look at this...rejected, rejected, rejected."

"So difficult. Brilliant, ahead of your time, despised for it. Trust me, I know."

"Formal separating from men of letters...April 1956."

"He missed the massacre."

"I never knew his name, but I heard someone was out. Did my damndest to find him. Thought he might be my way inside this joint."

"So where'd you look?"

Instead of telling us, he proceeded to show us. All we had to do was drive a bit and walk through the woods to this opening.

"Here? This is where your demons tracked him to?" I ask.

"Exact spot. My boys could never find him. I'm sensing nothing, so if he's here, he's warded up to the gills."

"Well, he was a genius at it, right? Sure as hell ain't gonna be found by a bunch of demons."

"Oh, like he's gonna open his heart to you lot, because you're such prizes?"

"Better...we're legacies."

"Well they are anyway." I remark.

"Alright, if he's so bent on hiding, maybe he's watching. Give it a shot."

"Cuthbert Sinclair....uh, Magnus...whatever. We're Sam and Dean Winchester, Henry Winchester's grandsons."

"And men of letters ourselves."

"We know what happened back in the day. We don't necessarily agree with it. We figured...maybe you want to tell your side of the story."

Just when they thought nothing was happening, this cloud of smoke and such rose from the ground.

"Uh...guys? Look."

"You stay here with Crowley."


"Brooke....stay here. Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't go anywhere, leaving us in the middle of nowhere." Dean says, before him and Sam go through and disappear.

What happened was after going through that door, they were in this house with a woman singing in French over some speakers or whatever.

"Which way?" They pick a way, coming to a staircase, and then they're attacked by vampires, but kill them instantly after a fight.

"Bravo! Well done. Sorry about all the theatricality. I just wanted to see what you two were made of."

"So, what, are we underground?"

"No. No, my fortress is right where you were standing. But it's invisible."

"Then you must be Cuthbert Sinclair."

"Ugh. I haven't gone by that moniker in, oh 57 years now."

"Well, you're looking good for a guy pushing...90?"

"Well, thanks sport. There's a spell for damn near everything. I am impressed though. You did exactly what you should've done. Though I am gonna miss those two from my zoo."

"Your zoo?"

"Oh, gentlemen, you are in the midst of the greatest collection of supernatural rarities and antiquities on the planet. I'm sorry. Did you say that you were men of letters? I thought that whole thing died out after '58."

"Well, we are...we are legacies. But actually, uh...we're hunters."

"Hunters? Wow! Hunters. With the key to the kingdom! The boys must be spinning in their graves. Damn snobs. Bunch of librarians if you ask me. Although I was always fond of Henry. I was his mentor, you know? Yeah, till the squares gave me the boot. Yeah. 'Course, he came here to visit me, in secret. Called out to me, same as you did. Oh, yes. Quite the wild hair, your grandfather was."

"Listen Magnus, uh...we got ourselves a little situation. Abaddon, the last Knight of Hell, is looking to up her pay grade and take over the place."

"Things never change, do they? I kept telling the boys over and over again...I would say, 'we could stop all this. We could rid the world of monsters once and for all if we just put our minds to it'. But, 'oh no', they said. 'No, no, no. It's not our place. We're here to study. We're here to catalog'."

"Yeah, yeah, no, we get it. They're uh...geeks."


"But she can be stopped. But we need something that we hear you have...the first blade."

"Hmm. I see. Interesting. But if you'd really done your homework, you would know that it's absolutely useless, unless of course you're possessing the mark..."

"The mark of Cain."

"Oh my. How did you come by that?"

"Listen, if Abaddon takes over, the one thing she wants more than anything is to make hell on Earth. Not even you can escape that."

"And they say all hunters are morons. It's right there behind you gentlemen."

"Listen, if you're serious about taking action, this...this is taking action. You loan us that blade, and we will stop the bitch."

"Hmm. Let me think about it. Alright, I've thought about it. Abi, ab oculis meis!" He chants, blows some dust and Sam is gone.

Crowley and I decided, well it was more like myself, had decided that it was better to wait by the car, rather than in the open field. I didn't particularly want to be there with Crowley and it was sometimes unbearable because he would always want to strike up a conversation about Dean and I's relationship. And I wasn't going to share details, let alone with him. But just then we hear rustling in the trees and bushes and it was Sam.

"Sam? What's wrong? What're you doing back? Where's Dean?" I question.

"Magnus has Dean."


"What did you do with my brother?" Dean asks Magnus.

"Don't worry. He's fine. But I did what an good collector would do...I separated the ordinary from the extraordinary. I had the first blade. And now I have the mark of Cain to complete the set."

"Yeah well, problem is, it's attached. So how about you loan me the blade and I take care of business?"

"Dean, I am offering you the moon here...to be part of the greatest collection of all time, to be young forever. Let me teach you my secrets. Hmm? Be my companion. I have to be honest with you, it has gotten lonely here over the years."

"When you were saying any of that, did it feel at all creepy? Yeah. I'm just gonna grab the blade and go."

"One little design flaw to the place...no windows, no doors."

"Well, in that case...I'll just make my own."

"Shen ti ran shao!"

"Hey. Ahh." Dean remarks and drops his blade as it gets extremely hot.

"Tricky little spell, that first one, right? Chinese. Ah. Cheap magician's trick on that one...picked your pocket. Nice gun. Welcome to the collection Dean."

In the meantime, we were trying to figure out a way we could get back into the invisible fortress to save Dean. So Sam goes into the trunk where everything is stored. And of course, Crowley was being nosy, like always.

"You mind?" Sam says, taking out the knife to make him back off.

"Who would have thunk it, eh, Moose...you, me and Brooke, same team, in the trenches. When this is over, we can get matching tattoos."

"Thanks, but no thanks." I scoff.

"Just to be clear, Crowley, we are not on the same anything. By the way, since the place is warded, your powers are useless, which means you are useless, even more so than usual."

"You're gonna need another set of hands when you get in there, unless you have other volunteers in mind."

"Thanks. Pass."

"If memory serves me, I'm the one who helped your brother and your lover so to speak, find Cain so that we could find the blade, so that Dean could receive the mark." He says to Sam and myself. "I'm the one who flushed that lout Gadreel out of your noggin. So lately, I've seen more playing time than you two."

"Crowley, will you please shut the hell up?"

"Oh, you're a real sorry piece of work. You know that? Holed up in here, doing nothing. You bitch about the men of letters. You're way worse." Dean remarks as he's been tied to a pillar at the hands of Magnus.

"Should we fire it up? What do you say?" Magnus asks about the blade and the mark.

"Go to hell."

"Oh, come on Dean. This is the object of your quest. Tell me Henry Winchester's grandson isn't curious to see if it works. Give me your hand. Give me...your hand." He demands, forcing the blade into his hand and the mark starts to glow.

"That's it."

It gets so bad to the point where he has to drop it.

"Good. Next time, it'll be easier. You'll get used to the feelings, even welcome them."

It actually took until nightfall to find out how we could get into the fortress.

"Here's something. Apparently, he wanted to make the entire men of letters bunker invisible. All physical points of entry were to be eliminated, and entrance would only be gained...by spell. Oh. We're gonna need some things. You actually might turn out to be useful, Crowley."

"You'll come to understand Dean...nothing can stop us. Anything, anyone we want to own or destroy is ours."

"Well, how about this Magnus? How about I take a knee? Then what are you gonna do? Huh? You gonna kill me? 'Cause without this thing on my arm, that blade's nothing but a hunk of bone with teeth."

"Hmm. Well, I'm not asking you for your cooperation. I'm just taking it. Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo. Interesting effect, huh? All thought, all will just...drained out of you. I do this enough, you'll be read for whatever I have in mind."

After Crowley had gone to get the ingredients we needed for the spell, Sam and I put it all together and mixed it.

"I did good, eh Moose? Everything on the list. You're welcome."

"Remember...stay close, do what I say, and shut the hell up."

"I'm growing on you, aren't I?"

"Ingressum domi dona mihi."

With that, the door appears and the three of us head inside.

"Love what he's done with the place."

That's when we hear footsteps and find a place quickly to hide. It happens to be Magnus, and Sam sneaks up on him, putting the blade to his throat.

"Take me to my brother."

"Sam! No!" Dean exclaims when Sam comes into the room with Magnus.

But it's not really Magnus, as he's already in the room with Dean. The other Magnus changes into another guy, but gets killed initially.

"Shape shifter. You see? There are benefits to keeping a zoo."

Sam as well gets tied up himself, so now both him and Dean are captured.

"You know, I discarded you far too quickly, Sam. You're way more valuable than I thought you were. Why would I knock myself out trying to sap your will? I think Sam here will get you to see things my way."

"Magnus, I swear to God..."

"What? What are you gonna do? What is he gonna do? Huh?" He asks before cutting Sam's face. "Yeah look, look Sam, I'm not gonna kill you. Of course not."

While he's talking to Sam, Crowley and I sneak in.

"But I am gonna make you suffer unimaginably, alright?"

He cuts Sam's face again, and there's a smashing sound, and I get Dean free quickly. Magnus looks over to see him gone. He goes to kill Sam, but Dean comes up and cuts his head off with the first blade. Crowley comes into view and Dean looks at him, while still holding the blade, his hand shaking.

"Dean? Dean. Hey, it's over."

"Drop the blade Dean, drop the blade."

"He's dead. Dean! Drop the blade."

He does so and he goes back to normal for now.

"Dean? You alright?" I look at him with concern.

"Let's just get out of here."

And that's just what we did, using a spell to get out and head back through the woods and back to the car.

"Brilliant. I must say. I'm speaking of myself of course. All you three managed to do was get trussed up. Combine a little derring-do on my part, a little dumb muscle from squirrel, a little bleeding from Moose...happy ending. Roll credits."

Just then we stop, finding the car opened up.

"What in the hell happened? We left the doors closed."

"No. No! Come on. What the hell?"

"That's sulfur...demons."

"Abaddon's. Well, she's just one jump behind us. Guess she couldn't find Magnus' joint, either. What about the trunk?"

"Safe. Warding kept them out."

"Demon mitts all over my baby." Dean says as he closes the doors, noticing the scratchings on the doors. "Oh, come on! Oh, now they're keying cars?!"

"Bitches." I grumble.

"What language is that?"

"It's Enochian. The message isn't for you. It's for me. Be afraid. Your queen. She thinks I'm losing my grip."

"Dean. Dean. Listen, you said Crowley was only useful till we got the blade. We got the blade."

We then turn around, only to be throw against the side of the car anyway, the blade being dropped.

"You know, you lot, I'm in debt to you. You forced sobriety on me, and now I can see the situation for what it is. Dean, you are quite the killing machine. And it occurs to me that Abaddon is not the only name on your list. My name must be up there, as well."

He then motions with his finger and he obtains the blade.

"It's no good to you without me." Dean remarks.

"Yes, but as long as I have it, it's no good to you. Now, this is the way it's going to go...I'll hang on to old donkey teeth here until such time as you locate Abaddon. Then you'll destroy her. You're right, Moose. You can't trust me. But sadly, I can't trust you either."

And with that, he's gone and we're released.

"Now what are we gonna do?"