‹ Prequel: Reunited...Again
Status: Active

Fallen Angels

I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

So where we last left off with Dean, myself and Sam. We were trying to close the gates of Hell, only to find out that killing Crowley was a bad idea as Sam would die if he tried closing the gates of Hell. Dean and I had made it back just in time to stop Sam and save his life, but in the time being, Metatron had stolen Castiel's grace and expelled all angels from Heaven, making them all fall to earth.

"This makes no sense. I mean, how many angels fell? Hundreds? Thousands? And nobody sees anything?" Sam asks. "This is...look at this. They're calling it a meteor shower. Seriously? What's going on man, you okay?"

"Me? Yeah. It's fine."

"It's just we got a major freaking crap fest on our hands. Thousands of super powered dicks touching down and we got no idea what started it."

"Angels aren't our problem now. Or demons. Or Metatron, or whatever the hell happened to Cas."

"Why? Because we hugged it out in that church? And now we're gonna go to Disneyland? Dean, you said it yourself. We're not gonna sleep till this is done."

"I know."

"So what's the problem?"

"You. Look, there's no easy way to say this okay? Something happened back there, in the church. I don't know what, I don't know why. You're dying Sam."

"Shut up."

Present Time

What was happening there, was Sam's mind. He's in a coma and that's what his mind is showing him as he tries to get out of it. Dean and I were sitting bedside in the hospital room, watching over him. The TV was on and I was watching it as the news was on and the falling angels was being described as a meteor shower, globally. Dean had gotten up and looked at the scans of Sam's brain, while I sat there in the chair next to the bed.

"Dean....I'm sure he's gonna be fine. I mean people wake up from comas all the time."

Before he could respond, the doctor comes in, explaining what we're seeing in the scans.

"The MRI shows excessive internal burns, affecting many of the major organs. Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived. The coma is the result of the body doing everything in it's limited power to protect itself from further harm."

"This wasn't suppose to happen."

"If your brother continues on this projectory, the machines might keep him alive but..."

"...he'll be dead."

"Technically, yes. I'm afraid so."

"So there's no recovery? There's no bouncing back, there's no nothing."

"I'm afraid that's in God's hands now."

“You’re a doctor. You’re a medical professional. You’re trying to tell me that my brother’s life is in God’s hands? What, is that supposed to be a comfort? God has nothing to do with this equation at all.”

"I didn't mean-"

"-that's not good enough!"

With that he walks out of the room, leaving me and the doctor with Sam. I sigh and get up from the chair and follow him out into the hallway.

"Dean." I say as he looks at the doorway with the sad look on his face. "We just have to stay strong through this. I know it's hard, but don't you think Sam would want this? Staying strong for him that is."

"He's my little brother Brooke. I can't lose him....not again." He simply says as he turns and looks down the hall, then up at a sign hanging that says 'Chapel'.

"What is it?" I ask as I follow his gaze. "But the angels have been expelled from Heaven...even Cas."

"Doesn't mean they can't hear prayers." He says as he walks in that direction, and I follow.

The chapel has quite a few people, but Dean and I find a pew and sit.

"Cas you there? Sammy's hurt. He's hurt pretty bad. And um...I know that you think I'm pissed at you...okay? But I don't care that the angels fell. Whatever you did, or didn't do...it doesn't matter. We'll work it out. Please man, we need you here."

After that he looks around, and there is no Cas in sight.

"Screw it. Okay listen up. This goes out to any angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester, and I need your help. The deal is this. I'm at the memorial hospital, Randolph, New York. The first one that helps me, gets my help in return, and you know that ain't nothing. It's no secret that we haven't always seen eye to eye. But you know that I'm good for my word. And I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't needed. So..."

Sam's Coma

“Just because you’re dying doesn’t mean you’re dead, not yet, OK? We have jimmied ourselves out of worse. We’re gonna fight this. I got the plan, you just need to hang on. You hear me?"


"Think I'm lying."

"Pretty much, yeah."

"You understand that we're not really in this car right now. We are in your head. And you're in a coma and are dying."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm you. And you're you. All of this is you. We're in your head!"

"You're serious? The whole reason I stopped doing the trials was not to die."

"And next time we see Naomi or Metatron or whoever's to blame for this, we will get some justice. But for right now we gotta fight this man."

"Okay. Alright, what's the plan?"

"I'm working on it."

"What does that mean? I'm kinda...dying here apparently."

"It means I'm working on it, alright?"

"The thing is, if I am dying, and I believe you, I do. But if you're you, but you're really me and you're the part of me that wants to fight to live..."

"Yes. I have no idea what you just said, but continue."

"But if...you don't have any idea how I'm supposed to fight, then am I supposed to be fighting at all?"

"Are you serious?"

"Hell yes he's serious." Bobby says as he appears in the back seat. "And if you ask me, I think the kid's got a good point."

Longmont, Colorado

Along a deserted road, was Cas and he could hear all the angels that fell, in result, almost getting run over, having to jump out of the way.

"Hey buddy, you okay?"

Cas looks down at his hand which was pretty cut up, as the guy in the truck comes over to check on him.

"It hurts."

"The hell you doing in the middle of the road like that?"

"I heard angels."

"How about we get you some water?"

"I...I don't drink water."

"Dehydration's a real bitch up here mister."

"A phone. Do you have a phone?"

"No signal up here. How about a lift?"

"Yes. Good. I would fly, but I have no wings. Not anymore."


"Sam wants to die, and you think he's got a point?"

"Alright, I don't want to die. I ask if I was supposed to-"

"-shut it Sam. You, go. Oh and uh before you throw me under the bus, you're welcome for the Hell rescue."

"Hey, first of all, you didn't rescue jack half-wit. Sam did. Second of all, Sam you're in a coma. Now suck as that may, sometimes that's just the way things go."

"What're you talking about? There's always a way. You taught us that!"

"Oh you mean like the way one of you idgits does some backwards crazy thing to beat death? Like sell your soul?"

"It's exactly like selling my soul!"

"Yeah like that worked so well the last time."

"Enough both of you, I can't hear myself think!"

"You're not actually buying this are you?"

"Excuse me, are you dead? Because I am, and maybe I'm here because I'm the part of Sam that actually knows what the hell he's talking about."

"Well I'm in the front seat, because Sam put me here, because he wants to fight. Right?"

And just then Bobby was in the front seat with both of them, in between them.

"Well, that just got real uncomfortable. See ya Dean." He says, before grabbing Sam.

"Sam, don't you dare-" Dean trails off as Bobby and Sam disappear from the car and are in the woods.

"Yip yip yip. You alright?"

"Honestly Bobby, I don't know what's right."

"Let's walk."

Meanwhile, Cas gets dropped off at a local gas station.

"Hey." The man says, holding money out to him.

"No, I can't take your money."

"The phone...a sandwich if they have one."

"That's okay I don't-"

"-you'll figure something. Take care kid."

Cas walks across the street to the station, and finds a phone booth with it being occupied by a biker.

"Hang up the phone."

"'scuse me?"

"This is an emergency. I don't want to hurt you."

"Hold on hun." He says into the phone. "Sure you do. Hurt me."

"I'm sorry." Cas states before putting his fingers to the guy's forehead, nothing happens and does the same with his whole hand, but nothing happens either.

"I'm gonna finish this call, then I'm gonna stab you." The guy says and Cas nods and walks away.

"I know you." A girl states as he walks by her.

"I don't think so."

"Castiel. We met in heaven. My name is Hael."

"You're an angel?"

"Am I? What's an angel without it's wings?"

In the meantime, after the angel-wide prayer that Dean sent out, we made our way back to the room and sat there like we have been. After a while, a woman walks in. Dean immediately thinks she's one of the angels that he called to help.

"Hey. I'm just gonna break the ice. Are you an angel?"

"Um...sometimes I wish I were. My name is Kim Short, I'm a grief counselor in the hospital."

"I...I'm sorry...just tired. With all due respect, but uh...I'm not grieving..not yet at least...so..."

"I'm afraid as hard as this might be, it's a good time to talk....about the inevitable."

"Look, I'm sure you're a nice person and that you mean well, but...inevitable? That's a fighting word where I come from. There's always a way."

"And I'm a prayer-ful woman who believes in miracles as much as the next. But I also know how to read an EEG, unless you're telling me you have a direct line to those angels you're looking for?"

"Yeah..I guess I don't. But I might have something better. I've got the King of Hell in my trunk." He states as he leaves the room.

I kind of roll my eyes and sigh, following him out, giving the lady an apologetic look for his actions.

"Is that....sorry, is that a metaphor?"

He makes it out to the parking lot, with me trailing behind him.

"Crowley. Listen up you son of a bitch. One for yes, two for know. You alive?" Dean asks, but gets no response. "Come on, don't be a pouter." And of course that gets one knock. "There we go." He says as he goes to open the trunk.

I reach Dean just as he's grabbed from behind, a knife held to his neck by a man in a suit.


"You prayed?"

"Yeah, for help."

"Yes. You'll be helping me."

"If you lied to me Dean Winchester, I will rip your throat out."

"And then I'll make sure I'll kill you." I remark.

"You stay out of this. Unless you want to die too. Where is Castiel?"

"Who's asking?" Dean asks.

"Try every angel who was ejected from their home."

"Oh, well in that case I have no clue."

He then proceeds to slam Dean against the trunk of the Impala several times, and goes to kill him.

"No!" I scream, but then he's stopped by someone else.

"Easy there brother. This young man has prayed for our assistance. Are we creatures of wrath? Or compassion? I would argue the ladder."

"Forgive me brother. I don't recognize you."

"Happy to make your re-acquaintance. After you disarm."

He lets Dean go, but only in favor of punching the other guy in the face, which I can only assume is another angel, but the way he was talking to the other one.

"Come now. Is that any way to treat a brother injured in the fall?"

A fight ensues between the two, I carefully make my way over to Dean's side as we watch the two angels fight each other. The one in the suit had dropped his knife and I motion to Dean towards it. He nods and gets up, killing the angel in the suit before he could do anymore damage to his brother.

"Who are you?" Dean asks the still living one.

"Never mind me. Your Dean Winchester. I heard your prayer. And I am here to help." He states, before collapsing.


Meanwhile, Cas was sitting at the gas station still, talking with Hael.

"It was a normal day and just dark. And then I was falling. How can that happen?"

"I don't know."

"Your grace it's...gone?"

"I can still hear angel radio though."

"Then you've heard them. Our brothers and sisters. Many still circling for vessels, just so afraid."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I can assure you."

"But...Heaven there was order, there was...purpose."

"Well believe it or not, there may be something even better down here."

"I don't understand."

"There's opportunity for you and others who've fallen to finally do what you would like to do. Not just what you've been told."

"And what would I...like to do?"

"You tell me. If you could do anything, what would it be?"

"There's a place. I built it while I was last here. Many years ago. A grand canyon."

"The Grand Canyon, yes."

"I would like to see that."

"Let's go see The Grand Canyon then."

With the angel that Dean and I now have on our hands, we've decided to trap inside a circle of fire, until we get some answers out of him. It takes a bit, but he finally wakes from passing out.

"You want to help? Start with a name."


"Alright Ezekiel. How do I know you're not hunting me, Brooke, or Castiel like the other angels?"

"Oh I'm sure there are many angels who are. Many more are on their way here most likely."

"How do you know that?"

"You put out an open prayer like that."

"I must really be desperate."

"It's for Sam, Dean. You had to do what you had to do." I remark.

"Believe it or not, some of us still do believe in our mission. And that means we believe in Castiel and you."

"You said you were hurt during the fall."

"I was. Entangling with my brother back there did me no favors. But what strength I have left, I offer to you."

"I wanna fight, I do. I just feel like..."

"...like you got nothing to swing at? You're punching at shadows? You gotta let go of the fight. Scratch it. Looking for loopholes, because that ain't happening."

"So...so what, I eventually just die?"

"Just die. All the good you've done, all the people you saved, all the sacrifices you made. You saved the world son. How many people can say that? How many people can say that they've left this god forsaken hunk of dirt that much a better place? What you call dying, I call leaving a legacy."

After letting Ezekiel free, he follows us into the hospital and back into Sam's room, where he's still in his coma. Ezekiel goes over and place a hand on him to see how strong he is, and what's wrong.

"You still able to cure things? After the fall?"

"Yes I should be, but...he's so weak."

"Well he took on a lot." I nod, just as Dean's phone goes off.

"Who is this?"


Dean's eyes widen and he excuses himself from the room to talk.

"Cas, what the hell's going on?"

"Metatron tricked me. It wasn't an angel trial, it was a spell. I wanted you to know that."

"Okay that's great, but we got ourselves a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"Sam...he's um...they say he's dying."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. At first he was okay, and then he wasn't, and then...have you heard my prayers? I've been praying to you all night."

"Dean, Metatron, he...he took my grace."


"Don't worry about me. What are you doing for Sam?"

"Everything I can. There's actually another angel in there working on him right now."

"What other angel?"

"Oh, his name is Ezekiel, he's cool. I mean I think he is. "

"Ezekiel. Yes. He's a good soldier. He should be able to help until I get there."

"No no no. Hey, that's not an option."

"Might be a few days but-"

"-hey, Cas listen to me. There are angels out there okay? And they're looking for you and they're pissed."

"Not all of them Dean. Some are just looking for direction. Some are just lost."

"What are you talking about?"

"I met one. I think I can help her Dean."

"No, Cas. I know you want to help okay, I do. But helping angels is what got you in trouble in the first place. Now I'm begging you for once, look out for yourself. Until we figure out what the hell is going on, trust nobody."

"And do what? Just abandon them all?"

"Damn it Cas, you hearing yourself? There's a war on and it's on you. There's thousands of them out there....you said you lost your grace right? That means you're human. That means that you bleed and you eat and you sleep, all the things you never had to worry about before."

"I'm fine Dean."

Just then the whole hospital starts to shake violently.


"What's going on?"

"I think we got more company. Look, get your ass to the bunker. Alone, you hear me?"


"Go Cas."


"Dean, what's going?" I ask as he comes back into the room.

"Angels. One of yours?" He asks Ezekiel.

"Trying to secure a vessel. We need to move."

"We can't move."

"No no, if we move him, he dies."


"If we stay, we could all die."

Dean looks around until he comes across a dry erase board with markers.

"Brooke, here, help me." He says, grabbing the markers, tossing me one.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Draw the symbols to protect the room. No angels are getting in or out of here." He says as he starts to draw the symbols.

I nod and start going around the room myself.

"I don't understand." Hael says to Cas after he explains that he can't go to the Grand Canyon. "I'll come with you. We can see your friend together."

"It's complicated. There could be trouble. It's best if I go alone. My friend..he needs my help."

"I need help."

"You can do this Hael. This is your chance to help people. Help yourself. I'm sorry." He says before walking away.

She picks up a board and hits him across the back of the head, which in result stops him. Between Dean I however, with both of us drawing the symbols, we get the whole room covered.

"As long as these are up, no angels are coming in, no one's coming out. You gonna be okay?"

"I'll manage."


"They're here."

"Okay. Brooke you stay here. Do not open this door or anybody but me. Save him, you hear me?" Dean demands as he leaves the room. Just as he goes down the hall, glass shatters everywhere, meaning the angels were there. He pulls the fire alarm to evacuate the hospital. "Everybody out! Now! Get out!"

With Cas and Hael, she's put him in a car and started to drive him down the road and he soon comes to.

"You understand that I couldn't just let you leave. I'd be lost without you Castiel."

"Yes I'm beginning to see that."

"It's the least I can give you, considering well...this is all your fault isn't it. Making the angels fall? So, we'll drive to the Grand Canyon, you'll tell me more about humans. And I'll show you what I'm capable of. We're going to become more than just friends Castiel. We're going to become one."

"You want to possess me."

"Your vessel is strong. This one won't hold me much longer. You were right Castiel. With us together, I think I could learn to like it here."

Dean finds the grief counselor on the floor covered in glass, so he helps her up.

"Hey, you've got to get out of here. Come on. Whoa. Stay behind me."

And just then she attacks Dean, holding him in the air by his throat.

"Or not."

"There it is. Everything inside, you need to help you on your way. Go on son. I'll be waiting for you with a couple of cold ones."

Just then he gets stabbed, and Dean is revealed to have done it.

"Sorry old man."

"Dean, are you insane?!"

"Come on Sammy. Bobby was the part of you that wants to die. I know it stings, but he had to go."

"No. You have to go. When are you gonna realize, it's over! There's nothing to fight for.

"Now Sam, I know you don't believe that."

"Really? Then what's your plan Dean?"

"My plan..." He trails off, hitting him. "...my plan is to fight! My plan is to try! My plan is to give a damn! You tell me there's nothing, huh? You're telling me there's nothing to fight for? That there's nothing to hope for!"

"No, I'm telling you there is. You might not like it, you might not accept it, but it's in there. It's in that house."

"You know what's in that house! Now I can't help you, if you ain't willing to fight for yourself!"

"I know. It's okay. It's what I want."

After being beat up just a bit, he's dragged away by the revealed angels, down the hall, a little groggy.

"Let me make this easy. Tell me where Castiel is, or your brother's gonna wish he were dead. And we'll kill your little girlfriend too."

"Good luck getting past the warding."

"But we will. And when we do, I'm gonna strip off all their skin, and you're gonna watch."

"Bite me."

She then hits him so hard he slides across the floor a bit.

"Hahaha. Anybody ever tell you, you hit like an angel?"

Meanwhile with Sam's coma, he goes into the house, walking through it until he spots Death standing there by the fire.

"Hello Sam. I've been waiting for you."

While Ezekiel and I were sitting by Sam's bedside, all of a sudden, there was a crack and an ax went through the door, initially breaking the warding on the door at least.

"They're breaking in....DEAN!!!!"

"Okay, wait wait wait. I'll tell you where Cas is. I just have one question."


"If Heaven is locked, then where do you go when I do this?" He asks as he puts his bloody hand on a drawn symbol and the angels disappear.

"They're gone." I state in relief, but then the monitors start beeping like crazy and Ezekiel isn't looking too good.

"What's wrong?"

"The warding..."

"What the hell's happening?" Dean asks as he comes back in.

"This started...and the warding. I'm afraid I'm weaker than I thought. I am sorry Dean."

"No. No no no. No we had a deal okay? I fight, you save."

"I would if I could. I'm just afraid it's too late."

"You kidding me? Are you saying there's no way to save my brother's life?"

"No good ways I'm afraid."

"Well what are the bad ones? We're out of options here man, good or bad. Let me hear em'."

"I cannot promise, but there is chance I can fix your brother from the inside."

"From the inside."

"Possession?" I question.

"You want to possess Sam?"

"I told you."

"No way."

"It's your call."

"No, it's Sam's call."

"Dean he's not conscious. He can't make the call. I honestly think this is best for him. It's the only way to save him." I try to reason with him.

"There's no way in hell he'd say yes to being possessed by anything."

"You would rather die?"

Ezekiel stands and clears the monitors.

"I'll leave you three alone then." He states as he starts to leave.

"Dean..." I trail off, giving him a sympathetic look.

"Wait. If I consider this, and I mean just consider it, I need something man. You've got to prove to me how bad he is."

He nods and goes over, putting a hand on his forehead, and his other on Dean's.

"Close your eyes."

"I must admit when I heard it was you, well I have to come myself."

"I bet you get off on this."

"Perhaps. Not in the way you assume. I consider it to be quite the honor to be collecting the likes of Sam Winchester. I try so hard not to pass judgment at times like this, not my bag you see, but you...well played my boy."

"I need to know one thing."


"If I go with you, you promise...that this time, it will be final. That if I'm dead, I stay dead. Nobody can reverse it, nobody can deal it away, and nobody else can get hurt because of me."

"I can promise that."

"What, what did you see?" I ask Dean as he comes back to reality.

"Sam...Death..." He trails off.

"Death's come for him in his coma?"

"What the hell are you doing Sam?"

"As you can see, there's not much time."

"I know. Damn it, I know."

"Wait, what are we gonna do then?"

While in the car with Hael, Cas sees the knife in her lap. He then grabs his seat belt and puts it on before turning the wheel and making them crash.

"How will it work?" Dean asks Ezekiel, on how he plans to help.

"Mutual. I heal Sam while healing myself."

"And when he's healed?"

"I leave. It's the best of a bad situation Dean."

"Even if I did say yes, it doesn't mean squat. Sam would never say yes, not to you. But he would say yes to you."

With the car crashed. Hael had been ejected through the windshield and thrown onto the ground, broken. Cas gets out of the car and walks around, seeing her on the ground as he picks the knife up.

"I don't want to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt any of them, I want to help you. I will devote my life to helping you all."

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound? Help angels? After what you did? They don't want your help Castiel, they want your head."

"You're wrong. I'm one of you. I will never stop being one of you."

"Don't you get it? Together I can protect you Castiel."

"I don't need you. I don't want your protection."

"If you leave me here in this broken girl, I swear it Castiel, I will tell them where you are. And they will hunt you until their last breath, they will seek revenge on the angel that did this, who destroyed Heaven."


"They will seek a vengeance on you that will make God striking down Lucifer seem like child's play."

"Will you stop it?"

"I will go on angel radio and tell them everything, unless you open your heart and say yes-" She gets stopped when he plunges the knife through her, killing her.

"It's time Sam, shall we?"

"Hold on."


"It's okay Sam. I uh...would've brought cronuts, but time is short so..."

"By all means."

"What's going on?"

"I found a plan."

"It's too late. I'm going."

"No no. No no. Listen to me."

"No, why are you even here? I'm not fighting this anymore."

"You have to fight it. I can fix this, okay? But not if you shut me out. It's not his time."

"That's for Sam to decide."

"Sam listen to me. I made you a promise..in that church. You and me, come whatever. Well hell, if this this ain't whatever. But you gotta let me in man, you gotta let me help. There ain't no me, if there ain't no you."

"What do I do?"

"Is that a yes?"


"Come on." Dean states as he puts a hand on Sam's should and then transforms into Ezekiel and they disappear in a flash of white light.

Sam comes back, but he's in Ezekiel's body, Ezekiel is in Sam's body. We end up leaving before Sam wakes in Ezekiel's body. The doctor comes to check on Sam, only to find Ezekiel of course.

"Who are you? What the hell is going on here?"

"I have no idea."

"So? How's it look in there?"

"Not good. There's much work to be done."

"He's gonna wake up right?"

"He will."

"So what he does...what is he gonna fill you inside triaging his spleen?"

"He will not feel me no. There's no reason for Sam to know I'm in here at all."

"You're joking...no, this is too big."

"And what will he do if you do tell him he's possessed by an angel?"

"He'll have to understand."

"You know he's not good in that department Dean." I remark.

"And if he does not? Without his acceptance, Sam can eject me at any time. Especially with me so weak. And if Sam does eject me, he will die."

"Then we keep it a secret for now. Or until Sam is well enough where he doesn't need an angelic pacemaker. Or I find a way to tell him. As for him being in the hospital, I'll have to figure something out."

"Best thing to do." I nod. "Don't tell him until then."

"I can erase it all if you like. He will not remember any of this."

"Maybe that's for the best too."

Cas in the meantime has come to a laundry mat to wash his clothes. He uses the money he was given and goes over to one of the washers, putting his clothes inside. But that's when he notices the snack machine and he's stuck with a difficult decision. He then turns to see clothes laying in a basket and decides to take those instead and get a water from a nearby store. Dean, Sam and myself however are back in the Impala and back on the road again. It's been a long day so I decided to get some sleep while Dean drove. Sam too has woken up, himself, not Ezekiel.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"Whoa. Sam?"


"Okay, take it easy. How're you uh...feeling?"

"Tired. Like I slept for a week."

"Well try a day. Been out since the sky was spitting angels."

"What the hell happened?"

"What do you remember?"

"The church, feeling like crap, the angels falling and that's it."

"But you're feeling good?"

"Yeah, I mean I just um...you've been driving around with me passed out in the passenger seat for a day?"

"I mean, I stopped. Let a few Japanese tourists take some pictures, nobody got too handsy. I knew you'd pull through. I meant what I said at the church. You’re capable of anything, Sam. And hell if you didn’t prove me right.”

"Good. Because we got work to do."