‹ Prequel: Reunited...Again
Status: Active

Fallen Angels

Bad Boys

Hurleyville, New York

There are a couple kids, running around in the dark, seems like they're running away from something or someone. One of them ends up tripping and falling.

"Wait up!"

"Hurry! He's right behind us."

They get to their feet and start to run again.

"Come on, come on! Hurry!"

They reach a barn and go inside, running to the back. It seems another is chasing them, as he goes into the barn.

"Come on guys. The barn is a no-fly zone during hide-and-go-seek."

"Boys?" A faint voice calls out to them, causing the one kid to run and hide.

"Come on, you delinquents. Time for bed! Alright! Game is over boys! Let's bring it in! Lights out was 10 minutes ago! You little bastards. Okay, I'm gonna..." The man trails off before breathing and seeing that it's extremely cold. "You got till the count of 10, and you better come out or the belt's coming off! 1..." He trails off again as he flashlight starts to go all crazy. "Come on."

Just then, the tractor in the barn roars to life.


The lights on the tractor then come on and the gears are put in place and it starts to move towards him. He trips on a rock and it isn't long before he's impaled with the spikes on the tractor.

In the meantime with us back at the bunker, Dean and I were busy in our bedroom, since we were taking advantage of the time we had to ourselves after not having anything to do.

"Dean?" We hear Sam call faintly, but being caught up in the kiss we were in the middle of now, Dean didn't want to move.

"Kevin?" Sam calls for him, but no one answers.

He then grabs a book off the shelf, a book about Oz and sits down to read it before a noise is heard. He looks over and it's Dean's phone on vibrate, going off.

"Ugh, that's my phone."

"Let it just go." I say, continuing the kiss.

"....it could be important..."

"...fine. Go."

"I will be back, so save those lips for me." He winks before getting up from the bed and heading out of the room.

Sam in the meantime answers the phone.

"Hello? I'm sorry, there's no, uh...there's no D-Dawg, uh.."

"I got it. I got it." Dean says, taking the phone from Sam. "Sonny, hey. So, what's up? Okay. Alright. Yeah, just sit tight. i'll be there as soon as I can. Yeah."

"So, what was that all about, D-Dawg?"

"You remember when we were kids that spring in upstate New York? Dad was on a Rugaru hunt. We uh, we crashed at the uh...The Bungalow Colony with the ping pong table."

"Yeah. You disappeared. Dad came back. You were gone. He shipped me off to Bobby's for a couple months, and went and found you. You were lost on a hunt or something."

"That's what we told you. Right."

"I'm sorry, that's what you told me?"

"Truth is, um...I lost the food money that dad left for us in a card game. I knew you'd get hungry, so I tried taking the five finger discount at the local market and got busted. I wasn't on a hunt. They sent me to a boys' home."

"A boys' home, like a reform school?"

"Yeah, more or less. It was a farm, and the guy who ran it...Sonny...he uh...you know, he looked after me."

"Wait. Does Sonny know what we do?"

"Yeah. He's good people. I gave him the number to the bat phone, and sounds like he's got something in our wheelhouse. So...hey, you gonna be cool to do this, or are you too tired?"

"Uh, no. Yeah, I'm just, uh...I'll be fine."

And everybody's okay with heading out to the Catskills?"

"I am everybody."

"Yeah. Right. Alright. Grab your stuff, and we'll head out."

"Hey Dean...I mean, why didn' t you just tell me you went to a boys' home?"

"I don't know. Uh, it was dad's idea. And then it just...you know, the story became the story. I was 16."

"So, what's going on?" I ask when Dean comes back into the bedroom.

"I believe we have a case."


"Yeah, and old friend. Pack your things and we'll get going."

After a long drive for days, we ended up in New York and pulled up to this nice looking house.

"You were here for two months and Dad couldn't find you?"

"Oh, no. He found me. He found me quick. But he left me here 'cause I lost our money."

"You were 16. You made a mistake."

"Yeah. I made the mistake. Look, I know ho you think None of this was Dad's fault." Dean explains before we walk up to the front door and knock, a woman answering.


"What can I do for you three?"

"I'm Dean. This is my brother, Sam. My girlfriend Brooke. Sam and I are old buddies of Sonny's."

"Prison buddies?"

"No. Uh, you mind telling him that we're here?"

"I'll go get him. I just mopped this floor, so you take off those roach stompers." She refers to our shoes.

"Sonny's an ex con huh?"

"What, and we're such angels? Trust me, he's more than made up for it." Dean says as we remove our shoes and walk inside.

*"Steven Hewlett caught him red handed stealing up at his store."

"So, what did he take?"

"Get this. Peanut butter and bread."

"Okay. And how about family?"

"Well, his old man called. Once he found out what happened, he said let him rot in jail. Judge is off on a fishing trip. The boy's too young to leave in county. So we thought it best he stay here till arraignment."

"I don't see why not man."

"Appreciate it Sonny."

"Where'd you get the shiner?"

"You think that's funny?" The officer asks young Dean.

"I think you're slow."

"You sucker punched me!"

"You wish!"

"Come on now Billy. I got this buddy. It's alright. You shouldn't do that kid."

"Yeah? Why? Because he's a cop?"

"Because when you make him mad, he leaves with the key. Eh, don't sweat it." Sonny says as he grabs something to open the cuffs with, and sees the cuts on Dean's hands. "Deputy do that? What, your old man? Well then, how'd you get it?"


"Okay." He says as he gets the cuffs off.

"So, how do you know I won't just run away?"

"Because you're hungry."

"No I'm not."

"Well then, why'd you steal bread and peanut butter?" Sonny asks, and Dean just shrugs.

"So what is this place anyway?"

"It's for boys like you. You work the land. Teaches you some discipline and responsibility. Keeps you out of trouble."

"That's lame."

"Beats jail. Come on. I'll fix you something to eat."*

"D-Dawg!" A man greets Dean as he comes into the room, who Sam and I assume to be Sonny.

"Sonny, good to see you."

"Hey you too brother. Oh, and this must be Sam."

"Good to meet you."

"Back at you brother."

"I'm Brooke." I introduce myself.

"Ah, so you're the girlfriend Dean's been telling me so much about."

"In the flesh."

"So, farm looks, uh..nice."

"Oh please man. It's barely standing. Only got a handful of kids working around here now."

"Why's that?"

"Because these days, the system would rather incarcerate a boy than redeem him."

"Hey Sonny, uh...y-you mind if we talk alone?" Sam asks, referring to the woman who answered the door that was cleaning.

"Hey Ruth, would you uh, please go check on the boys. Make sure their morning chores are getting done?"

"Alright. So, what's happening?"

"Well, you remember Jack don't you?"

"Yeah. The uh...tough, old leatherneck."

"Mmhmm. Well, somehow that ancient, rusty, broken down tractor just roared to life and ran him over the other night."

"Maybe...maybe it just uh, slipped out of park or something."

"Couldn't have. You know, I never...I never believed any of this mumbo jumbo stuff you three are into, but...something ain't right."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just things started happening...you know, lights flickering on and off, strange scratching sounds coming from inside the walls, windows and doors slamming."

"Alright. You think you could round up the boys while we take a look around?"

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem. Most are home on break...well, except those with no home worth going to."

"Mm. Alright. Why don't you take the house, Brooke, you take a look around the house, and I'll check out the barn."

"Yeah, of course." I nod, following Dean out so I can look around outside and Sam stays inside to look around.

After looking around inside, he goes to where the kids stay, coming across a bed with duct tape on it and a name written on it, tearing off the tape to reveal all who used the bed, finally coming to Dean's name. Just then there's rustling in the other room that grabs Sam's attention and some indistinct talking. He pulls out a knife and cautiously heads towards the room, only to reveal Ruth inside, praying.

"Hey. I am so sorry. I..I..I thought I...saw something in, uh..."

"Like a ghost? Sonny told me you were old friends, but I know why you're really here. That's why I was praying for us."

"Praying for what?"

"For the ghost that haunts the farm to leave."

Dean in the meantime had went to the barn to take a look around, and he comes across the tractor that killed Jack. So he pulled out the EMF meter and it was going off the charts as expected.

"Alright Casper...where are you at?"

He then hears a boy laughing in the distance and goes to check it out.

"Hello? Anybody here?" He calls out, turning around and finding a boy there. "Hey kid, what are you doing in here by yourself?"

"Fighting monsters."

"What kind of monsters?"

"All sorts with Bruce the Monster Smasher." He explains, holding up an action figure of his.

"Hmm. Is that a cape? Little impractical for smashing monsters huh? You know, you could choke."

"I clobber evil!" The action figure says.

"I bet you do. I'm Dean."


"Let's try that again. If you're gonna be a man, you got to learn how to shake like one okay? So give me your best kung fu grip. Good. Now look me straight in the eye. Let me know that you mean business. Shake as hard as you can. That's it. You shake like that, you'll be alright. Hey Timmy, did you know Jack who worked here?"


"What can you tell me about him?"

"He yelled a lot. He was yelling when he had his accident."

"How do you know that?"

"'Cause me and the other boys were playing here when it happened."

"Did you see anything?" Dean asks and Timmy shakes his head. "Is there anything else about that night that you can remember, anything at all?"

"It suddenly got really cold. Can I go? I have to finish my chores before Ms. Ruth gets mad."

"That Ruth...she runs a tight ship huh? Yeah, you better roll."

"I grew up in this town. I used to come up here as a little girl. The Wasserlaufs, Howard and Doreen...they used to own this farm back then. My co-worker Jack, may he rest in peace, he worked here as a farmhand. Howard was a nice man but...well, he'd get into that corn liquor. And one night he got it into his thick skull that Jack and his wife Doreen were rollign around in the hay. It wasn't true, but...but Howard's paranoia got the better of him. He tried to kill them both. Jack got away, but Doreen..."

"He killed her?"

"With a meat cleaver. Got life in jail...which for Howard ended a year ago. He always swore he'd get his revenge on poor, old Jack, and...looks like he finally got it."

"Is Howard buried here in town?"

She explains to him that he is and tells him where. Sam thanks her before going to find Dean and myself. Sam had found me first, before finding Dean and told us what he found out. We then went and found Sonny and told him that we would be taking care of the ghost problem and things should be back to normal. After that we got back into the car and headed off to the cemetary, making sure it's nightfall when we get there. We locate the grave and I stand guard as they start to dig.

"So....Dad didn't want you to tell me. How come? Was this place really so bad?"

"I don't really remember. I mean, look, nobody bad touched me. Nobody burned me with their smokes or beat me with a metal hanger. I call that a win."

"Hey." Sam says as there's a thud.

After cleaning off the coffin, they open it to reveal Howard. They get out of the grave and grab the salt and pour it all over the body.

"Alright. Let's barbecue Old MacDonald here, get the hell out of dodge." Dean says, lighting a match and throwing it into the grave.

Back at the farm, Ruth was in the tub, taking a bath, music playing in the background as she relaxed. she put a cloth over her eyes to help. The lights started to flicker and it started to get cold as the mirror froze in the bathroom. Then the shower curtain came off and started to cover her and suffocate her. She screamed for help, and Sonny came to the bathroom door after hearing everything.

"Ruth, you okay? What's wrong? Open up! Ruth!"

He couldn't get in and Ruth ended up suffocating to death. After getting the long drive we had stopped at a diner for some food. Sam and I were sitting there looking at the menu while Dean was distracted with something else.

"Dean, you know I'm fine just grabbing a burger to go somewhere right?"

"What and miss out on the best banana pancakes you ever had?"


"No problem. I do this for all the boys after they've been here for a month."

"I meant for getting the charges against me dropped."

"Well, being hungry's not a crime. Stealing it is. But I feel if you only do that once, you don't deserve a record. And seeing as how we can't find your pops anywhere, you can stay here as long as you want, Dean. You're doing good in school, you're making friends, you made the wrestling team. I'm proud of you. Let me ask you something. And I want you to be straight with me. Are you into the whole heavy metal, devil worshiping stuff?"

"What? No."

"Hey, I'm not...I'm not judging. It's just I found a few occult-looking symbols carved into your bedpost."

"It's...it's a very long story."

"That story have anything to do with why you put the salt in front of your bunk door every night before bed?"

"Well it's a family thing, so I can't really talk about it."

"Same family that left you here? What are you...what are you, in the mob or something?"

"More like something."

"I was part of this gang, right? They were my family. I lived, breathed, I would have even died for them. You know where it got me? 15 years in a correctional facility. And for what? Being loyal? To who? I should have been loyal to myself. Because you get one shot at this game Dean, and when you look in the mirror, you want the guy looking back at you to be his own man."

"Hey guys."

"Hey Robin, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Good. Meet my new ranch foreman here, Dean."*

"Hi, welcome to Cus's. What can I get for you three?" A woman asks as she approaches our table.

"Bet you never thought you'd see me here huh?" Dean asks with a grin, causing Sam and I give him a look.

"Uh, look. I'm a little bit slammed right now. Do you guys want to hear the specials?"

"Robin...Dean Winchester."


"I used to live up at Sonny's."

"Oh, oh. Uh, look, sorry. There's just...there's so many boys that pass through there, it's...it's hard to remember every...every name and face."

"Yeah. Uh, no. Sorry, I just...I remember you coming up there with your mom. She'd give guitar lessons. It's uh...it was a long time ago."

"Yeah. Mom...she loved helping out the boys. I guess that's why I kept giving lessons after she passed. Um, would you excuse me? I'll be right back."

"Dude..." Sam starts.

"Let's go." Dean says, getting up, grabbing his jacket and starting to walk out.

"Dean..." I trail off, and we quickly grab our jackets and follow him out.

"What was that?"

"Yeah, really?"

"Nothing." Dean simply states before answering his phone.

"Nothing? Well obviously it was something. Who was that waitress?"

"Said it was nothing, alright? Drop it. Sonny. What?!"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Ruth. She's dead."


"Yeah, we'll be there soon. Hang in there Sonny." Dean hangs up and gets into the car, and then we do and head off to the farm.

When we get there, the coroner is there and everything. We stay there to find out what happened, everyone else leaving.

"I tried to get in to save her, but the damn door wouldn't open."


"There's no locks on the farm."

"That means our little field trip to the cemetary was a bust. Sonny, is there anything else weird you can remember?"

"What, 'cause we're not chest-deep in weird already?"

"I know, I know. I mean anything...really."

"There was one thing. Ruth always had her rosary beads with her, but now I can't find them anywhere."

"Alright. Um, let's start with the vics okay? I mean, both lived in the house. They both uh, worked closely with the boys."

"Alright, why don't we go have a chat with the rug rats, see what's up?" Dean suggests about him and I.

"Yeah. Sonny, you got any employee records on the victims?"

"In my office."

"Let's do it."

As Dean and I were walking, we heard some commotion a little ways ahead. What we say were two other boys picking on Timmy, the boy Dean encountered in the barn yesterday.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! What are you doing? Come here. Huh?"


"Didn't look like nothing." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Timmy, what's going on? Alright you two. Where were you this morning when Ruth had her accident?"

"Unless you're cops, we don't need to tell you anything."

"Oh, okay." Dean says, motioning to me and we take out the FBI badges. Well...how about that?"

"We weren't even here this morning. Sonny sent us into town to get some chicken feed...we swear."

"Alright." I nod.

"What about Ruth? What can you tell us about her?"

"Uh, we used to cal her the warden. She was a real bible thumping hard ass."

"Obviously. What else? Anything different or weird you can think of?"

"You mean besides Timmy?"

"Hey. Either of you touch him ever again, I'm gonna go all Guantanamo on you. Understand me? Get the hell out of here. Go on! Get."

The boys go running off and Dean helps Timmy walk over the log in front of him.

"You okay Timmy?" I ask.


"Listen to me. Guys like that...they're cowards, okay? All you got to do is stand up to them one time and they'll stop, I promise."


Sonny had led Sam into the house and after walking in, Sam had stopped and noticed all the awards on the wall.

"Sonny, wait. Um...w-what is all this?"

"It's our hall of fame. We had some pretty great athletes come through here, including your brother. He was Sullivan County 135-Pound Wrestling Champion."

In the meantime, the boys from earlier were in the front yard doing their chores, mowing the lawn and raking. Robin had shown up with a guitar for the lessons she continues from since her mom passed.

"Hey guys!"

"She could give me a lesson anytime."

"Gross. She's like ancient."

They continue their chores, until something gets caught in the mower.

"What the hell?" The boy questions, turns the mower off and turns it on it's side to find Ruth's rosary beads.

"What this doing in here?"

He then starts to pull the grass off of the blades, trying to get to the beads. Timmy is watching from upstairs, and then the mower turns on and ends up cutting at the boy's hand. We heard the commotion outside and went there running, to see what had happened, seeing the boy's hand cut up from the mower. The ambulance was called and he was checked over before being sent to the hospital.

"Kid's gonna need about 8,000 stitches, but he'll be fine." Dean says as we go inside and find Sam in Sonny's office.

"That kid was bullying Timmy before the accident, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Check this out. Timmy was found in an abandoned building about a year ago all by himself. No one was sure how long he had been there."

"And what about his parents?"

"Well they posted a picture on the internet, but no one ever showed up."

"Well, then what's he doing here? Shouldn't he be in an orphanage?"

"He kept running away from child services. So about three months again, Sonny offered to take him in."

"Alright. So hard ass counselors, bullies all bite the dust, but Timmy's still standing. So what are we talking? We got ourselves a Damien on our hands?"

"No. EMF rules out a demon. So..probably ghost possession."

"Seems likely." I nod.

"Meaning what, we find find Timmy and shove a fistful of salt down his his throat? Forced ejection? You're taking the barn this time."

When Sam goes through the barn, he comes across an attic space and he heads up there, only to find drawings all over the wall, pretty disturbing drawings at that. Dean and I were looking around the house, and he stopped in the doorway of the living room, seeing Robin playing the guitar. He stopped and stared for a few moments.

*"So, you've been a lot of places?"

"Yeah. My uh...my dad likes to move around a lot."

"What's your dad do?"

"Boring stuff."

"Do you like it?"

"No, not really. But my dad expects me to follow in his footsteps. So I've kind of gotten used to it."

"Yeah. I-I get it. My pops wants me to take over the diner, but that's not happening. So, what do you really want to do? I want to be a photographer and see the world. Go to strange lands, eat crazy food."

"I want to be a rock star, but...I also really like cars."

"Being a mechanic seems rough."

"What? No, no. Not at all. Cars are freaking cool as hell. Fixing them is like a puzzle, and the best part is when you're done, they leave, and you're not responsible for them anymore."

Just then Robin kisses him, and he's kind of taken back by it.

"Have you kissed many girls?"

"What? Yeah. Of course. Lots."

"Really? Well, I guess we'll just have to keep practicing."*

"Oh, hey." Robin says, looking up to see us standing there. "Uh, what happened to you at the diner? I turned around to take your order, and you were just gone."

"Long story. Um, have you seen Timmy?"

"No, not yet. But he should be here any minute for his guitar lesson."

"Yeah, we're gonna cancel that."


"We got to get out of here, okay? I don't have time to explain. You just got to trust me...us."

"T-trust you? And why would I do that again? Trust you...yourself?"

"You do remember me."

"How could I forget?"

*"What's wrong?" Dean asks, after Robin pushes him off her slightly from the kiss they were sharing.

"I just hope this lasts."

"I'm not going anywhere Robin."

"Yeah, says you."

"Well, I can't. Who else would take you to the school dance?"

"Is this your way of asking me to be your date, Dean Winchester?"

"Yeah. How am I doing so far?"

She just laughs and they go back to kissing.*

"There were...there were reasons why I had to leave. I don't have time to explain them to you right now. I got to get you out of here." Dean says, going over and grabbing her.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She exclaims before the front door which was open, slams shut on it's own.

"I'm sorry." We hear Timmy say and we turn around to see him standing there.

"Sorry for what Timmy?" I ask.

"I can't stop it."

"Stop what?"

Just then, something smashes against the wall.

"Go, go, go!" Dean exclaims, rushing us into the other room.

Things start flying everywhere as we make our way to the kitchen, Dean picking up a iron fire poker from the fireplace.

"Sam, go!" Dean tells him to leave, before the door slams shut on him as well.


"Damn it! Brooke, check the cabinet over there for salt."

I nod and do so, finding it instantly and I make the circle for safety.

"Dean, what...what just happened in there?" Robin asks.

"Okay, listen to me. Whatever happens, you stay inside this circle. Understood?"

"Alright. Dean..." Sam trails off as Timmy is in the doorway.

"I can't control her."

"Who Timmy?"

"Your mom right?" Sam asks. "Timmy, listen. We need you to tell us about the fire okay?"

"It was late, and we were driving home when we crashed in the woods. Everything was on fire. But she saved me, pushed me out...before the car blew up...with her in it."

"But that's not all, was it?"

"I ran through the woods. I found an empty building, where I hid. I was scared. It was dark and cold. So I cried. I cried for my mom. And then she came."

"But she changed, right?"

"I'll bet she gave you that cool action figure huh?"

"Yeah. When I turned 9."

"Timmy...I'm gonna need that action figure."

Just as he goes to give it to him, something comes up and pushes Sam out of the way, and we assumed it was Timmy's mom. Dean hits her with the fire poker and she disappears momentarily. Dean takes the action figure and goes over to the stove, lighting a flame and setting the toy ablaze.


The toy dies out, and then the wind blows, getting rid of the salt circle.

"It looks like it wasn't the action figure that was anchoring her here Dean."

"Well then, what is?!"


"What do you mean it's him?"

"You know what? I think maybe his mom can't let go and she's still protecting him from the grave."

"Protecting him from what? What, from us?"

"Maybe she doesn't know what threats are real and what's not, so she just attacks all of them."

"Great. So, what, unless we waste the kid, we're sitting ducks?"

"This is...this is crazy." Robin says as she goes to leave.

"Robin. Robin! Damn it." Dean says, going after her. "Robin, wait!" He says as he catches her.

"Who are you?"

"Right now I'm the only thing that's keeping you safe."

She goes to run again, only to be met by Timmy's dead mother. She backs away and Dean tries to intervene, but Timmy's mother gets the iron bar out of his hands and sends him flying, and slowly tries to kill him.

"Okay Timmy you have to listen to us alright?" I ask him.

"We're gonna need your help okay?"

Timmy's mother hears us, and lets Dean go before disappearing.

"Listen to me. We need you to focus, okay? Look, we are not here to hurt you."

Just as he says that, Timmy's mother comes up and grabs him, throwing him into a wall. She holds him there with one hand using her ghostly powers as you would call it. She then takes her other hand and throws me against another wall, both of us being held there by her supernatural force.

"Sammy! Brooke!" Dean exclaims.

Timmy's mother has to let one of us go and she lets me go, in order to send Dean flying into the table and frozen there.

"Timmy...you have to help." I tell him.

"I can't stop her."

"Timmy, you have to try! She came to you when you cried out for her. Now you have to tell her to stop and go away!"

"She's my mom."

"She's a ghost. Timmy, because she can't move on, she's going crazy. Okay? You got to let her go. You'll be okay. Listen to me. Sometimes you got to do what's best for you, even if it's gonna hurt the ones you love."

"Mommy...stop it."

"Timmy, kung fu grip!"

"Mommy, stop it! Stop hurting people!"

With that she turns to look at him and lets Sam and Dean go. She holds out her arms for him.

"You have to go. Never come back. I'll be okay. I promise."

Her face then changes from scary to normal.

"I love you too."

That's all it takes for a bright light to shine and she moves on. Timmy goes right for Dean and wraps his arms around him in a hug, and we all watch on from where we were. We kind of stuck around to make sure nothing else was wrong, told Sonny what had happened, decided to head out at nightfall.

"So, then this is the family business?" Robin asks Dean.

"Told you it was boring."

"Yeah right."

"Well as you can see, I did not run off to become a rock star."

"Mm...I don't know about that. You look pretty rockin' to me, Dean Winchester."

"And what about you?"

"I mean, I always thought that I would hate being in the same little town my whole life, and you know, taking over the diner like my Dad always wanted, but...I don't. I just...I love it."

"I guess we didn't know everything we thought we did at 16 huh?"

"Not everything. Just some things."

After kissing his cheek, she then heads inside with Timmy, before coming back over to Sam, myself and Sonny.

"Sounds like Timmy's gonna need some help adjusting."

"Yeah, but he's got you."

"I always hate to see you go, D-Dawg. Can't thank you enough for this one man."

"Sonny we'll see you around."

"You can bet on that. Take it easy man."

"Hey, h-how did you know Timmy asking his mom to leave was gonna work?" Sam asks as Dean goes around to the driver's side, after I get into the back myself.

"I didn't. Total hail mary. Got lucky."

"You just got lucky? Kind of like you did with this place. I mean, here I was thinking this was the worst part of your life, and it turns out it was the best. Why'd you ever leave?"

"Never felt right."


"It was two months Sam, okay? And I couldn't wait to get out of here. I don't know what to tell you. It wasn't me."

*"Oh, look at you. You clean up good!"

"Thank you. You know uh...I've never actually been to one of these school dances before."

"Yeah. Look about that Dean, your old man's outside. And man, he's really something. I tried to tell him what a big night it was for you Dean, and ask him if he could come back later, but he just said to tell you he had a job, said you'd know what that means. You know, after I got out of jail, this place gave me a second chance. And it's done the same for you too. So if you want, I'll stick my neck out for you, and I'll fight for you to stay."

The car horn honks and Dean goes over to the window to see his father there and Sam hanging out the window playing with a plane, and he laughs.

"Sonny...thank you...for everything. But I have to go."*

After Dean flashbacks to that, he gets into the car.

"Dean...thank you."

"For what?"

"For always being there, for having my back. Look, I know it always hasn't been easy."

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." He says, starting the car and we leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lines with * before and after, indicate the flashbacks since I can't italicize the words.