‹ Prequel: Reunited...Again
Status: Active

Fallen Angels

Rock and A Hard Place

Hartford, South Dakota

This girl had just ended her shift at the diner, and locked up for the night. She had a container of food, and left it for the homeless man sitting outside. As she's going to her car, she hears noises that scare her so she hurries, and ends up tripping, her keys going under the car. She goes to retrieve them and takes out her mini taser in case someone was coming after her. Just then the car lifts up and a blue flame surrounds her and she disappears. She's then being dragged along and dropped into a hole, the lid being shut.

In the meantime, we're back at the bunker. Sam and I were in the kitchen, having breakfast. Well I was eating, Sam had fallen asleep. Dean comes in and gets some coffee, and a bowl, dropping it on the table, waking Sam up.

"Morning." Dean says to me, kissing me quick.

"Morning." I repeat.



"You okay?"

"Yeah. Uh...yeah. Just uh...resting my head for a second. Um, how's Kevin? He uh...he find anything?"

"Uh, jack. On about four days no sleep. He looks worse than you."

"Huh. What about Crowley? Um, do you think he might be lying about the whole uh, 'Metatron's spell being irreversible' thing?"

"Oh Crowley, lie? I do know one thing. Next time that junkie's jonesing for a hit of blood, we got leverage. Seriously, you want a pillow?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You're sick."

"No, I'm not sick. I'm just, um...I feel like my battery can't recharge."

Just then Dean's phone goes off and he answers it.


"Hey Dean, Jody Mills."

"Sheriff Mills. Hang on. Sam and Brooke are here too." He says, putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Jody."

"Hey guys. Uh...I got a bit of an oddball to pitch your direction."


"A small town I cover outside of Sioux Falls...only crime to speak of being the occasional cow tipping. Then last week, four people go missing."

"Alright, so what makes you think this is our kind of weird?"

"I got a witness who says he say someone lift and SUV to nab a girl last night."

"Lift an SUV? Either it's someone who's doing too much body building or it's something supernatural. Seems worth coming over to check out. We'll be there." I remark, finishing my breakfast, putting my dishes in the sink and then heading to the bedroom to pack my bag and change of course.

We made our way to Hartford, South Dakota, meeting Jody there in the diner parking lot where she said for us to meet her.

"Sheriff. Laying off the blind dates I hope."

"Yeah, you bite your tongue boy."

"Hey. So?"

"So. Car was right over there, ass over teakettle. Now, normally if somebody would tell me that one guy lifted an SUV, I'd tell him to take a flying leap, but after what I've seen..."

"Nothing's impossible."

"Uh huh."

"And this matches up with the other missing how?" Dean asks as we go through the files she gives us.

"Well, four abductions, strong evidence left at every scene...literally."

"So, first vic was a pastor?"

"Yeah. Door of his study was punched in. And then the next too...engaged couple."

"Locked bedroom, window was ripped open."

"Mmhmm and then we have our waitress here with the topsy turvy ride."

"Any other connection among them?"

"Yeah. They were all members of Good Faith Church here. My uh..my church group back in Sioux Falls was in a tizzy over it."



"I didn't peg you for churchy."

"Yeah. You know...choking on the Ladies' Room floor 'cause of witchcraft kind of makes a higher power seem relevant."

"Jody, are you sure you're uh, ready to jump back in the fray?"

"It's totally okay if you're not." I add.

"This wackadoo stuff keeps coming. More I know, better armed I'll be."

"Okay, so we have uh, missing church folk and super strength. Maybe angels harvesting vessels? Could be a Buddy Boyle type thing."

"Wh...angels? You're joking."

"Unfortunately not."

"Don't get your pants on fire. They suck."

"You said there was a witness."

"Yeah, well...more or less. Head inside and get us a table, I'll meet you there."

"Okay." I nod, as we do so, going our seperate ways.

We get a table inside the diner, and order some coffee as we wait. Jody comes back with a man and they sit.

"Okay Slim. My friends here want to talk to you about the missing girl."

"Yes, please. Tell us everything you know."

"Honor. Her name was Honor. Nice girl. Always left me meatloafs."


"Slim, why don't you tell us what you saw that night?"

"I heard a big noise, got woke, and there's somebody over there lifting a car up...like this."

"And did you happen to see who it was?"

"I was too far. But I saw a light go off."

"A white light?"

"Blue. Blue like fire. But not. Then she was...she wasn't there."

"Could you think of anything else?"


"Mm. Okay. Well...Slim, thank you for your time."

"Okay, so no white light."

"No angel. Has anybody talked to the victims' families?"

"It's next on my list."

"Okay, and you said they were all part of the same church?"


"Ready to get your worship on?"

That very day, after getting a motel room, we changed and headed off to the church and got a tour through it, before going into an office.

"We hope you enjoyed the tour. Any questions before we get you three registered?"

"Yeah, uh look, um, Ms. Futchko..."

"...oh please. Bonnie will do just fine."

"Bonnie. Okay, um...we love the church. We do. But...well, we've heard that a few members have gone missing, and to be honest...that kind of scares us."

"Let me assure you, with our increased security, good faith has never been safer. And those people who have gone missing, well they are front and center in our prayers."

"What a relief. Now, you must have been, uh...close to them."

"Well, we do share the APU bond."

"The APU?"

"Our chastity group, Abstinence purifies us."

"Oh. W..wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it's for us?"

"I'm afraid it's members only. I'm sorry, but it can get pretty personal."

"Then count us in."

"Well. I'll be a squirrel in a skirt. I'll be back in a jiff with the papers."

"A chastity group?" Dean questions Sam as soon as she leaves the room.

"Exactly, I mean we all know very well that we're not virgins Sam." I give him a look.

"Listen, if all the members were in APU, then maybe whatever took them is stalking virgins."

"And that slim guy said he thought he saw fire. So, what are you thinking, dragons?"

"Mm. Shh." Sam says as Bonnie comes back in.

"Alrighty. You can just sign there, and your purification can begin." She says as she hands us each a clipboard.

"Purity pledge?"

"It's a commitment to your virginity."

"I don't think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean?"

I give Dean a look and hit him on the arm, before turning to look at Bonnie.

"We're not exactly.....virgins...anymore." I explain.

"Oh. I see. Well...if you just ask for God's forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well then, you'll be born again as a virgin in his eyes."

"So you just hit the 'virginity do-over' button, and all is good with the man upstairs?"

"It's not a button. And...this isn't just a piece of paper. I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage."

"Well, you had me at 'clean slate'. Let's do this." Dean says as he signs his name, as well as Sam I and I do with ours, handing them back to her after we're done.

"Congratulations, Sam, Dean and Brooke. You're all virgins."


In the meantime, Honor, who was taken from the parking lot has finally awoken and used her taser to see in the dark the best she could.

"Please. Stay away from me."

It was a few hours before we attended the group, and it was mostly women.

"Good afternoon everyone. I'm Suzy. I thought we'd begin with a silent prayer for our missing friends. Amen. Now, does anyone have anything that they would like to share?"

"I wrote a new piece of verse. It's called 'Sex is a racket, and God's ball is in your court'."

"And we would love to hear that, Tammy....later. Why don't we hear from our new friends? Sam, what brought you here to reclaim your virginity?"

"Well, I guess because every woman I've...ever...had relations with, uh...it...hasn't ended well."

"He ain't lying."

"Thank you for being here Sam. Stay strong, stay pure."

"Stay strong, stay pure."


"Well, I always said that I would wait until marriage, but under certain circumstances within the past couple years, that kind of changed. I felt like now was the time to stay true to that and wait until marriage."

"Stay strong, stay pure."

"And you , Dean? What set you on the path away from sin?"

"Uh, hard to say, exactly. Yeah. Sex has always felt...I don't know...good, you know? I mean, really really good. Uh...but, uh...sometimes it just makes you feel bad, you know? You're drunk. You shack up. Then it's the whole morning thing. You know, 'hey, that was fun'. And then, 'adios'. You know? Always the 'adios'. But you know, when you get down to it, what's the big deal, right? I mean sure there's the touching and the feeling all of each other. My hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body. The two of us moving together, pressing and pulling...grinding. Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just..." He says, imitating an explosion, and Sam clears his throat. "Yeah, uh...but the whole thing was just a little too uh...sticky. So uh, I got my 'V' card back. The end."

Looking around the room at all the other women, I could tell that they were feeling the same way I was after that description. Oh he's gonna get it later. After the group meeting was over, we disbanded and they cleaned up.

"So um, a wee bit of an over share Dean?" Sam asks.

"I was purifying."

"Purifying? Really?" I ask with a look.

"Yeah, letting it all out."

"You let it all out alright." I remark. "You have no idea how you made me feel in there." I say low, but loud enough for him to hear. "You know what I think we should do?" I ask before whispering in his ear.

While I do that, Bonnie comes up to Sam.




"How did you like the meeting?"

"Oh, I-I-I-I loved it. Yeah. Um, you know, I couldn't help but think of those who weren't here."

"Oh. Honor. She's my favorite. Would you excuse me?"

"Her favorite? She has no idea what kind of girl Honor is."

"You don't say? Uh, Tammy, right? The poet?"


"Tammy, why...why don't you tell me what kind of girl Honor is?"

She then proceeds to tell Sam what kind of girl she is and then goes off complaining about her.

"And I bake real cookies for the bake sale. Honor just brings Oreros!"

"Oh. You know what? Excuse me." He says as we get his attention.

"We're gonna be waiting in the car okay? Don't be too long alright?"


I give him a look, and it takes him a bit to finally realize what we're talking about.

"You sure that's a wise thing with this whole chastity thing we signed up for?"

"No one's gonna find out Sam. And don't worry, we'll get a completely different motel room so you won't have to be somewhere else or be disturbed by it."

"Alright, just let me finish up here. I'll be out in a second. Hey. Sorry. So, where were we?"

"Honor is going to hell."

In the meantime, Jody was back at the hotel room that we all got, looking up records on the missing people. It isn't until a little while after that where Sam walks in after we had gotten back from the chastity meeting.


"How was church?"

"Well it turned into confessional. Apparently two of our vics, Honor and Pastor Fred, did the dirty."

"Well, they're not the only ones. Barb Blanton, our missing bride to be..."


"Her Mom said she heard Barb and her fiance in Barb's bedroom."

"Going at it?"

"Well, she said she heard sex noises, then Barb crying, then Neil telling Barb it didn't count because it was under 30 seconds. And then, two hours later, she heard a smash and saw a flash of light under the door."

"Blue light?"

"You know, I'm thinking whatever this thing is, it's not going after virgins, even born-again virgins."

"It's taking virgins who break their chastity vow. So dragons are off the list."

"I'm sor...dragons? Those are a thing?"

"Yeah. Too many things are things."

"We never should've signed that purity pledge. Neither one of us could deal with that." I say as we walk into the room we got for the night at least to ourselves.

"Especially with a girlfriend as hot as you." He agrees.

"But I know. It was the only way into the group to see what was going on."

"Exactly. And it's not like anyone's going to find out. Just our little secret."

"Exactly." I grin.

"This is Dean's other other cell, so you must know what to do."

"Dean, come on, call me."

"You know, for being born again today, you sure look like crap."

"Wait a second. Did you...get..."

"Born again?"


"Sam, I don't make promises I can't keep. It's just...I enjoy church. I mean, after...after Bobby, Crowley...I needed something that maed sense to me. You know, comfort, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess we're all looking for that."

"Except those that got it. Come on. You and Dean? That's something special don't you think?"

"So, where were we exactly?" I ask with a grin.

"Oh I think about here." Dean says, before he pulls me close against him and presses his lips to mine.

Mid-kiss however, Dean's phone goes off, and he groans in frustration before pulling away.

"Hey. Dean? Hey, Dean...are you there? Hello? Dean? Dean?"

"Sammy! Hey."

"What's going on?"

"What do you think's going on? You interrupted a moment here."

"Yeah sorry, but I found something big. So get this...it's not a dragon."

"Uh huh..." Dean trails off as he's too busy being mesmerized by me.


"Gotta go Sam." He says, hanging up, tossing his phone to the side.

I just smirk, because I had begun to shed my clothes so he did the same before joining me on the bed. His lips are back on mine and his hands are wandering like crazy, as are mine. Since we both had shed our clothes, we didn't have much to really take off later. He pulls from my lips and starts to kiss the exposed skin that I have, starting at my neck. When he hits the sweet spot there, I arch up into him. In the meantime, Honor is still looking to see where she is until she trips over something. She finds emergency supplies and pulls out a lantern, only to see another person laying there.

"Pastor Fred."

Just then he wakes up and she screams, turning around.

"Neil? Barb? What was that? What happened to him?"

"What do you think? He's starving to death. Just like we will if we don't get out of here."

"Why didn't you tell me who you were? I was so scared."

"We were scared."

Just then there's a noise and they hide. The blue light comes into the room and then just disappears, the door closing and locking them in yet again, and it took the pastor.

"Where'd he go?"

They hear him scream, clearly he's being killed. With Sam and Jody, they're still looking up what the blue light could be.

"What's up?"

"This thing is taking people that break their vows, right? Dean and Brooke...they've been in their hotel room over an hour."


Dean and I have since gotten dressed since we did need to solve this case on the missing people. No matter how much longer we wanted to stay in that bed together, we did have a job to do.

"Wish we didn't have a job to do."

"I know, me too. But it makes us appreciate when we get moments like that."

"Oh definitely." I nod, before leaning up and kissing him again.

We then go to leave our room so we could go back to the other room that Sam and Jody are in, but once the door opens, the blue light knocks us back and we're knocked out. Sam and Jody see this too, and they rush over as fast as they can, only to see the light disappear and us gone. Back where the others are, Barb is scratching her nails along the brick wall, hurting herself actually.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm so thirsty. There has to be a way out!"

She's ruined her nails by scratching the brick wall to the point where her fingers were bleeding, and she licked them, eating the blood. Just then the door opens and Dean and I are dropped in, and we're locked inside. They come and investigate the noises and see that we're there.

"Dean..." I shake him, trying to wake him up and it works.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"Hell." Neil replies.

Sam and Jody however were looking around for any clues as to where we could be. There was no use in asking anyone around, because there barely was anyone around.

"You sure they were in here?" Jody asks.

"Pretty sure. The car is parked near here, and they were going to get a separate room just to themselves. After what happened at the meeting today, I knew what was gonna happen."

By this time, Dean tried to get us out of wherever we were. He was up by the door/hatch, and started to bang on it, trying to get it to open.

"We tried. There's no escape."

"Seems sealed pretty tight. Are we gonna run out of air?" I ask.

"I don't think so. Somebody wants us to die nice and slow."

"And then it's gonna take us, just like it took Pastor Fred."

"What took him?"

"We couldn't see, exactly. It...it was so bright. I..it was like it was on fire."

Jody and Sam have since returned to the motel room they were in and she was doing more research.

"Hey. Virgins...fire...sound familiar?"

"Vesta, Roman Goddess of the Hearth."

"Six virgins were dedicated to this chick every year. Their main duty was to tend Vesta's Hearth."

"Wait, so fire is connected to virginity?"

"Yeah, the girls had to be pure because fire is the symbol of purity."

"Huh. Okay, as long as Vesta's fire was kept lit, Rome received a good harvest."

"The virgins had to stay celibate for 30 years. If they broke their vows, they were buried alive."

"Son of a bitch." Dean grumbles as he can't get the hatch open.

"Way to end up right? We do...you know..and we get captured and thrown in a hole."

"Yeah, just our luck. Son of a-"


"Took my phone. Luckily...I keep a spare. Come on, bars."

"Vesta was often enveloped in a blue halo of light, which she could control at will to disorient, to maim...ohhh...or to kill."

"Okay, what about some way to kill her? A-a weapon or...or something."

And then Sam's phone rings. Dean had gotten a bit of a signal, and was able to call him.


"Sam! Sammy! Hey. Listen to me. We're...."

"Dean, wh..."


"Say it again. I can't hear you."

"We're....some kind of..."

"Dean! I lost him."


"Listen, is there some kind of train station around here or something? I-I could've sworn I heard a whistle."

"Don't Neil. Please don't."

"Shh. Shh."

"Don't what Neil?" Dean asks.

"Just mind your beeswax pal."

"Yeah, why don't you shut the hell up?"

"Why don't you?"

"Hey. Hey! Listen, we're all stuck down here together. So, you got something to say, you say it."

"Okay look, whatever that fireball thing was, it's taking the weakest, and I'm not gonna be next. So the way I see it, her leg's busted anyway. We serve her up. It could buy us some time." Neil says about Honor.

"Screw you Neil."

"Busted leg? Try a sprained ankle okay? Nobody's serving anybody up!"

"We are under the gallows, all of us. Give it Honor. It might save the rest of our necks, unless you have a better plan.

"Maybe I do. Maybe we'll give him you. Oh, what, you don't like that idea? Then shut up."

"Here we go. 8:00 P.M. Train out of Sioux Falls. 79 miles an hour. What's five miles east of Hartford? Anything?"

"Uh...pasture mostly. No...the old Wimmer Farm."

"Wait, anything on a weapon?"

"Oak stained in virgin blood. Where are we gonna get a virgin?"

"I'm a virgin."

"I think we need the real McCoy here Sam."

They rush out the door and get into the car, heading to the church, hoping some of the people are still there. They get there and find Tammy the only one there, explaining to her what they need.

"You need what?"

"Your blood. Just a dab."

"But...Pagans use blood. Are you Pagans?"

"What? Pagan? No, look, it's for a weapon that..."

"You are in a house of God. Your psycho rituals aren't gonna fly here."

"Okay, we don't have time for this."

"I don't have time for devil worshippers. I'm calling the cops."

Jody then just punches her in the face to shut her up.

"I am the cops."

"What the fudge lady?!"

"Wipe your nose dear."

They get to the farm a little while later and start to look around.

"Jody." Sam says, telling her to split up from him to look around.

"You broke too huh?" Honor asks me as we're sitting there.

"Yeah. Recently born again, signed the pledge. Couldn't help myself."

Sam was above us and notices something odd, and starts banging on the hatch.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Told you. It's back for one of us. What are you gonna do now? Right, you should have listened to me..."

"Shh! Shut up."




"We're here!"

"We're gonna get you out! Jody I found them!"

"Sammy? Sammy! Sammy!"

"Hey dean, we're here! We're gonna get you out!" Sam exclaims as he tries to pry the hatch open, but he's grabbed and pulled away from it.

"Sammy, are you still there?!"

"Sam!" Jody exclaims, only to be grabbed herself.

"Now, now. Shh." Bonnie says before her finger glows blue.

"Really? This is how a Goddess acts?"


"I'm sort of new to this, but, you know, a Roman deity burying people alive in a barn? Sort of pathetic don't you think?"

"It only got pathetic when I started having to do it myself. Because of that hippie from Bethlehem...before him, they practically threw virgins at me. And now..."

"They let your fire go out. They forgot about you. Yeah, I know. Sucks to be Lindasy Lohan doesn't it?"

"Actually I figured if you can't beat them, join them. That's right. I adapted! Now I chew on the cud of prayer. Heck...I even got a sweater set."

"What is it Dean?" I ask as he finds something on the hatch.

"Screwdriver anybody?"

Honor then takes the first aid kit and finds a pair of scissors, hoping it'll work and hands them to him.

"Hey. From the first aid kit."

"They used to bed to stay pure for me. And now I have to drag them kicking and screaming. And they're not even real virgins. They're born again. You want to talk about pathetic?"

"Yeah. You're a real charity case."

"Oh no sweetheart. This isn't charity. I take what I deserve. When those trollops are about to die soaked in their juicy fear, I...eat....their...livers! Because that's the only part of them still working to purify the body that they'ves trashed. Now normally, I like them weaker, but let's just call this a hunter's exception, shall we?"


"This is how a Goddess acts!" Bonnie exclaims, taking the oak stake from Jody and goes to kill her, but Sam stops her, only for the oak to go into Jody's chest anyway.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on." Dean says, getting another screw undone.

Bonnie on the other hand touches Sam with her blue finger, but nothing happens.

"What's wrong with you?"


"Your liver. It's...it's no good. Dear boy, you're all duct tape and safety pins inside. How are you alive?"

Before he could answer, Jody gets up and kills her. Dean has now gotten the hatch open, missing everything that happened of course.

"What did we miss?"


After Dean gets out, he helps me out, and then everyone else. We all give them a ride back to their homes, before going back to the motel. Well after getting Jody to the hospital, and her arm is put in a sling. The next day she ends up leaving.

"Ahh. I'd tell you three to stay out of trouble, but what's the point? Ow."

"Thanks for bailing us out."

"Oh, what can I say? I'm getting the hang of this."

"Drive safe."

"Thanks. Don't get the door for me or anything." She says before leaving and we go back to packing our things to go as well.

"What's up?" Dean asks as Sam sighs and sits on the bed.

"What if there is something wrong with me...something...really wrong?"

"You're just crapped out man. You need some rest."

"Oh, it's more than that. I mean, Vesta said I was practically dead inside."

"Oh, and she's in the circle of trust now?"

"Why would she lie?"

"It's probably the trials okay? Probably some sort of a, you know, aftereffect. It's not like you're bouncing back from the flu here. I mean you were glowing with freaking trial juice."

"I don't know."

"Well, what else would it be?"

"Why does it have to be something else? It's always something else. We're always scraping to find some other explanation when maybe it is...just me."

"Oh come on Sam."

"I'm a mess Dean, you know it. And sometimes I feel like maybe I'm never gonna actually be alright."

"You will. Alright, 'cause whatever it is, we'll figure it out."

"Or this is...just the way I am."

"I can't. I can't let you put this on yourself. Listen to me. It's not you Sam."

"I wouldn't do that Dean." Ezekiel comes through before Dean could continue.

"He deserves to know."

"Your brother is not ready. If he ejects me, he will not make it."

"Damn it Zeke! How much longer we got to keep playing this?"

"Not much longer. I promise you that."

"What?" Sam asks.


"What...what's not me?"

"Nothing. I just...I-I meant that...if there is something wrong...it's not your fault. We'll deal with it. But you got to have a little faith Sammy."

Things just go quiet and Sam takes his things and goes out to the car, leaving Dean and I to finish packing.