Status: once



Every step she took was one step closer to her goal. She kept running. Her steps matching the beat of her music. She would get there. She wasn't going to stop anytime to soon. It had at least been an hour since she started. Her new sneakers were now becoming more used every time. She would have the body of a girl that everyone would envy. All the boys would adore her. She was going to change. She wasn't that fat lazy girl in her past. SHe would lose all that weight and become skinny. That was her goal. In high school she was the girl everyone hated, called fat or made fun of her. Nobody liked the fatass. But she had been invited back to her high school reunion and she wasn't going to show up fat.

Every step she took the more tired she got. But she wasn't slowing down or stopping. She was going to get rid of it. It would be gone, soon. She wasn't her old self. She wasn't lazy. She had a good job and a normal body. But that wasn't good enough for her. She wanted to be fit not normal. There was a difference. She looked at the screen of her watch as she kept running. She had been running for almost 90 minuets. she only had 30 more to go. She wasn't going to give up. Not yet. She just kept telling her self to keep moving forward.
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just a short story about running...