The Chronicles of Beacon

The Princess and the Tactician.

The Princess and the Tactician
It was a quiet day at Beacon Academy, with no explosions or monsters wrecking the grounds.
It was a 'rest day,' with no classes being held, no training exercises being initiated, so the students were left to complete homework, bond with their team, or in the cases of teams RWBY and JNPR, relax and do nothing at all.
'Today is peaceful,' Yang said abruptly, shaking her head as she looked up at the sky, 'I don't like it. As exciting as cloud watching is, my babies need some action!'
Blake looked questioningly at her, one eyebrow hitched.
'I meant Ember Celica, duh!' Yang exclaimed, throwing her arms up into the air and then letting them flop back down. Blake smiled and shook her head, returning to the book in her hand, sitting in the shade as she read. The others had hardly noticed the small outburst, being far too busy or lost in their own thoughts.
Ruby was settled in the shade of a tree -not too far away from Yang- writing the week's events in her journal. Weiss sat with her eyes closed and her back on the tree trunk, thinking upon an unknown subject to those around her. Alex was high above the others, nestled in the tall branches of the tree, observing and wondering about this new foreign world.
Jaune was quietly interrogating Pyrrha about her life before she came to Beacon Academy, their heads close together in deep conversation. Nora and Ren were sitting together, Nora just about talking Ren's ear off about how an elephant might snore, while Ren was sitting there listening intently, not making a sound. Midori sat next to Blake, drawing and noting blueprints for a possible new weapon of hers, a Dust-enhanced power gauntlet.
They sat in silence for a few minutes more, until Ruby finished up with her writing,
'Weiss, why did you want to become a Huntress?' Ruby asked, her endless curiosity getting the better of her.
'Why do you want to know?' Weiss asked in return, narrowing her eyes in suspicion, wanting to change the subject. 'It's boring anyway, you don't want to hear it,' Weiss tried to dismiss it with a wave of her hand, but she knew Ruby wouldn't give it up that easily.
'Come on Weiss! I know why all the others want to become Hunters and Huntresses, can't you just tell me your reason so I know everyone's?' Ruby whined, pouting slightly and letting her eyes look sad.
'Please Weiss, just tell me?' Ruby continued begging, not breaking Weiss until another person joined in the persuasion.
'Just tell her Weiss, I'd also like to find out, and I know I'm not the only one around here who would also like to know,' Alex said, gesturing to everyone around him.
'I personally don’t care,' Midori shrugged, 'it's her story and she can tell all of us when she's good and ready to.' Blake supported this with a simple nod. Weiss smiled at Midori and Blake, appreciating their efforts. 'Thanks both of you, but now that the subject had come up, they will never leave it alone,' Weiss sighed, losing her smile as she began her story.
'The Schnee Dust Company was in the middle of negotiations with another, smaller Dust Company, to merge their two companies into one, staying under the Schnee company name. In order to receive a yes from the smaller company, my father, the head of the corporation, offered my hand in marriage to the eldest son of the other Dust Company’s boss.'
'That's like a fairy-tale!' Ruby squealed, interrupting Weiss.
'Please let me finish, this is as hard enough as it is without interruptions,' Weiss admitted, staring at her clasped hands. 'I'd never even seen this man before, so naturally I was disinclined to go through with it. I thought my parents loved me enough to let me choose my own future, but apparently not,' Weiss breathed out heavily, shaking her head. 'They said I had to go through with it, as it was 'for the good of the company.' I disobeyed my parents, coming here to find a refuge and choose my own future. I don't want the future my father has laid for me, a complacent, dutiful wife, never to have her own opinion. No, I want to become a Huntress and help people, show my father I am good for something other than a convenient bargaining chip.
'How do you know you wouldn't have had an opinion? The man might've been nice,' Blake said quietly, applying logic to her story.
'He might've been, but I couldn't take that risk,' Weiss answered huffily.
'You'll spend the rest of your life wondering!' Yang exclaimed, with a grin on her face.
'It doesn't matter whether he was nice or not! He might've been the nicest guy in the world and I still wouldn't have married him!' Weiss yelled, storming off to Team RWBY's dormitory room.
The rest of the day was uneventful, with the remaining members of both teams heading to their rooms and going to sleep after a hearty dinner.

The next day came quickly, with classes resuming their normal schedule. It remained a normal day for both teams until a bell rung, signalling the end of classes and the beginning of break-time.
Ruby stretched her arms wide, getting up and out of her seat. 'That lesson felt like forever! I'm so hungry!' Ruby said, rubbing her empty stomach.
'I'm with you there Ruby. Let's get going to the tree,' Yang replied, putting her sunglasses on.
'I'll be right behind you,' Alex said, leaping to his feet and pulling his bag out from beside him, carrying food he'd quickly prepared the night before.
On their way to the tree, Blake had joined them, as she had spent her last class outside...
Crossing through the main courtyard, the group heard a soft voice from behind the fountain. Yang and Ruby looked at each other; their shared curiosity piqued, and slowly crept around the fountain to see what was going on. Alex and Blake rolled their eyes, and simply walked behind them, stopping when they almost bumped into the siblings. What they saw stunned them.
A man sat on the edge of the fountain, strumming a guitar and singing in a soft voice.
'Who's he, a transfer student?' Yang whispered, peeking around the side of the fountain.
'That's can't be right. Beacon doesn't accept transfers except in the case of special circumstances, such as Alex here. Besides, the semester has already started.' Blake stated with her arms crossed.
'I don't think I've seen him before. Are you three sure you don't know him?' Alex asked them.
'Alex, it would have to be extreme circumstances for me to not remember that face.' Yang scoffed.
'Well, why don't we just go and ask him what he's doing here?' Ruby asked.
The others thought this over for a moment, then agreed on Ruby's plan. 'See, this is why you're leader,' Yang smiled, ruffling Ruby's hair. Ruby shook her off, leading the group towards the unknown man.
The man looked up from his guitar as he heard footsteps towards him, meeting the gaze of four teenagers. He stood up and introduced himself as Marcus Cane, a traveler from a far-away land. He gave his reason for being at Beacon as he was "looking for answers".
The four teenagers looked at one another, and then asked who might provide these answers. Marcus, after hesitating slightly, told the group that he had been told only one person could give him answers; a young girl with the name Schnee.
That night after a long hard day of classes the Team shared with Weiss what they had learned about the mysterious man by the fountain. Weiss remained silent for a few seconds leaving everyone on edge.
"Well, Weiss what do you think?" Alex questioned he believed that this may be a trap. For whatever reason would a person travel from a faraway place with nothing more than a name to go on, 'Pretty suspicious circumstances' if you ask him.
"Well, if he's looking for answers he must be looking for my father...” Weiss voice sounded unsure of the man’s intentions.
"Right, this guy comes all the way from where ever he's from to talk to your dear old dad, He clearly wants to see you, Weiss" Yang noted.
Ruby then shares her opinion, it could have been an elaborate trap set up by a rival of the Schnee Dust Company in order to get to Weiss's father. "Why don't all of us go meet with him tomorrow, find out more about what he wants with Weiss?"
"I'm with you on that one Ruby, sounds like a plan" Alex said standing up. Blake and Yang both nodded in agreement.
"Well catch him tomorrow, for now am tired am gonna go to bed" Ruby stifled a yawn and rubbed her tired eyes. The others soon realized how tired they were and all climbed into their beds where sleep soon overtook them.
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This story is probably the first one I've actually managed to get close to finishing.