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Meetings in Elevators

I pressed the button that signified the 5th floor, the doors slid shut. I was officially on my way to the top. I had been called in by the CEO of blood line records. He had seen some of my videos I suppose. My heart rate picked up as I watched the numbers slowly turn. This is what I wanted, why else would I have agreed to the meeting. There was a ding and then the doors slid open, watching my feet, I walked out of the elevator. I was only making sure I didn't trip over my self. But as my ears were greeted by laughter I ran into a concrete wall. I felt two large warm hands grab my hips as we both fell. There was silence, then even more laughter as I looked up at the face of my wall. Two green orbs met my own blue ones.

"I'm so sorry! I should of been watching where I was going!" The man under me smiled his eyes twinkling.

"It was my fault" I mumbled trying to stand up.

I think he realized our predicament because he sat up quickly and helped me off of him. As we both stood my head barely reached past his nose.

"No honestly, it was all me. I'm Troy!" He put his hand forward and beamed down at me.

"I'm Mack." I whispered, taking his hand in mine. His smile grew as we shook hands. "I'm sorry I have to go. Meeting." I pointed over my shoulder in the direction I hoped the CEO 's office was in.

"Of course," he laughed "I hope I see you again!" With a smile he walked into the elevator where three more guys stood waiting.

I stood there blushing for approximately three seconds before I realized I was running late to my meeting. I raced down to the large doors at the end of the hall. I knocked and note a second later I heard "come in". I opened the door and was greeted by my own voice. A man looked up at me from behind a laptop, he smiled and pressed a button, cutting my voice off.

"You must be Mackenzie Callister, please sit down. I'm Richard miller."

"Thank you, you can call me Mack." My nerves were jumping and I was sure I was close to vommiting.

"Well the reason I have called you in here is your vocals. Your a beautiful singer, I wanted to offer you a place with a band that is signed to my record. The band is called Lincoln's broken logs, and they have been looking for a vocalist for quite some time now. They came to me with this video of you, and simply put, we all want you." He looked at me expecting an answer immediately it seemed.

"You really want me in this band?" I was shocked to say the least. I would have never expected that.

"Well it really depends on how you sound in the studio, and all of that, if you can perform live, you know the basics, other than that, yes I want you in this band. Would you agree to going to the studio with me today?"

"I um yeah , I suppose." He stood and walked to his door straightening his jacket. He turned and motioned for me to follow him.

"Candace let Mickey know that miss Callister and I will be in the studio shortly." He directed the command towards a dark haired woman who sat behind a desk, that I hadn't noticed before.

"Of course Mr. Miller." She nodded and picked up a phone as we made our way towards the elevator I rode up in.

I stood silently next to the CEO as we waited for the doors to open. "after you" he said, and again there was silence as we rode the elevator. He seemed comfortable in the silence, but it was slowly eating at me. Finally we made it to the studio and he opened the door for me.

"Mickey, your here. Good, let's get started. Miss Callister is there any song in particular you can sing on hand?"

I nodded " yeah sure. Um have you heard royals? By lorde?"

I was shuffled into the studio, a headset was placed on my head and then they played around with some buttons. I was finally given the ok.

"I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
I cut my teeth on wedding rings
In the movies
And I'm not proud of my address
In this torn up town
No post code envy.

But every songs like
Gold teeth grey goose
Tripping in the bathroom
Blood stains ball gowns
Trashing the hotel room
We don't care
We're driving Cadillacs in our dreams."

Before I could continue Mr. Miller held a hand up. I stopped and then was able to here his voice through a speaker.

"Miss Callister I have some papers out here. Please come and sign them." He smiled at me and held up a pen and paper.

I couldn't help the squeal that escaped my mouth as I ran towards the door to the other room.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a new story I'm putting up, I'm really gonna try to keep uploading this time and I really like the beginning so far. I know it sais original fiction and it is mainly about two of my own characters but there will be some bands, including sleeping with sirens, all time low and others
~A.J. <3
Comments are greatly appreciated! :)