Diary of an Obsessive-Compulsive Blonde

Chapter 3: Dani's House

10:34 p.m. October 22, 2007
My bedroom

Right now I'm sitting on my bed, my legs wrapped in my cheetah print comforter, my dog Chewbacca and my kitten Elvis on my lap, and of course, writing in this diary.

So, after school got out, Amber, Danielle, and I piled into Danielle's Mercedes.

"Hi, Ramiro!" we all said in unison to Danielle's chauffeur.

"Hello, girls. How was school?" he asked as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Pretty good," Danielle replied, "Barbie is so lucky! She got Parker Cole, the Parker Cole, as her lab partner in bio! And he said she was pretty!"

"Really? Wow, Barbie, every teenage girl in America would die for Parker Cole to say that to them," Ramiro said.

"Yeah, I know. But, to tell you the truth I'd rather that Luke said that than Parker,' I sighed.

Both Amber and Danielle slapped me on the arm, and Amber said, "Oh my God Barbie! You are such an idiot! I can't effin believe you!"

"Hey! Sorry! I do think it is pretty cool, though. I mean, it is Parker Cole after all," I said.

"Now you're coming 'round," Danielle said, "You must have temporarily lost your sanity."

We all laughed and began talking about the fist fight at lunch. When we got to Danielle's mansion, we ran inside and began raiding her extensive kitchen.

"Girls! You're home! How was school?"

Danielle's mother, Lara, ran in as fast as she could in her mile-high stilettos and gave each of us a hug and kiss. Danielle and Amber's mothers were like second mothers to me, and all of our mothers were good friends.

"School was great, mom," Danielle answered.

Amber finished chewing her snickers bar and added, "Yeah, and we got new lab partners in biology. Barbie's so lucky! She got Parker Cole! And he said she was pretty!"

"Yeah, but you're forgetting the fact that he now thinks I'm a freak," I said.

"Then why couldn't he keep his eyes off you at lunch?" Danielle asked.

I shrugged, "I dunno. Maybe I had food in my hair or something."

Lara put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, "Honey, believe me, if a guy can't keep his eyes off you, then he obviously likes you. I must say, you are very lucky, hon. Parker Cole is sexx-yy…"

"Mom. Don't embarrass yourself," Danielle said.

"What? He is!" Lara defended herself.


"Alright, fine. Sorry, sweetpea. Oh, by the way, Barbie, Danielle told me that your cat was sick last week. Is she okay?"

"Yeah, Elvis raided the pop-tarts again last week. We had to take to the vet, but she's fine now. We've had to lock that cupboard with the pop-tarts though. She can somehow reach them, no matter how high we put them."

"Oh, that's good that she's better. She is so adorable! Well, I'll leave now. I can see I'm not wanted. Have fun, girls!"

We finished our snacks and walked upstairs. As we passed the playroom, we heard some loud, very bad rapping. I opened the door curiously and saw Danielle's little brother and sister rapping, "We fly high, no lie, you know this! Ballin! Foreign rides, outside, it's like showbiz! We in da building! We fly high, no lie, you know this! Ballin! Hips and thighs, oh my, stay focus, you ni**as need to stay focused when you're dealin wit a mothaf**kin G-"

I shut the door and looked at Danielle, my eyes wide, and asked, "What the hell?"

"They're going through a rapping stage right now. Don't worry; they'll be over it in a few days."

I shook my head, "That's just not right."

"Yeah," Amber agreed.

We continued walking up the stairs to Danielle's suite on the third floor. We threw our backpacks on the floor and blasted Madonna. We broke out the Tab energy drinks and got really, really hyper. After we jumped and danced around for a few minutes, we played dress-up (I know, real mature) and put on crazy makeup. Then, after our sugar high had died down a little, we played guitar hero for a while.

Finally, Danielle said, "Alright guys, I know you never do your homework, but I actually do, and I need to get started."

"Okay, can Ramiro drive us home?"

"Sure," Danielle said as she walked over to the intercom, pressed a button, and said, "Ramiro, can you take Barbie and Amber home?"

"Sure. I'll bring the Mercedes out front," he replied.

"Okay. See you tomorrow, loves," Danielle said as she gave us goodbye hugs.

True to his word, Ramiro was waiting out in front, and Amber and I hopped in. He dropped Amber off first, and then me. When I walked into my apartment, I set my backpack down and said, "Mom? Madre? Mother? Mamacita?"

I paused for a moment and asked, "Dirty whore?"

My mother answered from her bedroom, "Yes, darling?

I walked in and gave my mom a hug, "I love how you only answered to 'dirty whore.'"

"Well, what can I say, I am."

I laughed and asked, "So, what's for dinner?"

"Shit!" Mom yelled, running into the kitchen, where a pot of macaroni and cheese was boiling.

She quickly turned off the gas and we both looked at the burned mess that was supposed to be macaroni.

"Change of plans. Looks like we're having cereal again." Mom said as she emptied the pot.

"Sounds good," I answered, pulling out a box of coco puffs.

Mom and I settled on the couch with our bowls of cereal and turned on the TV. We both squealed when we saw that our favorite movie, Cinderella, was playing on the Disney Channel.

We began singing along and reciting all the lines. My mom fell asleep on the couch and I came in here to write this entry. All in all, it was a very good day.

Until tomorrow,
