Status: I'm still writing this one, I hope you like it.

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing

Chapter 1: Just call me Mia

Mia’s POV

“Hi, are you Amelia?” I looked up from my phone and saw a blonde haired boy with pretty blue eyes standing in front of me.

I stood up quickly while I slid my phone into my back pocket. He smiled at me in amusement as I looked for the clipboard that was right in front of me.

“Just call me Mia but yea.” I nodded picking up the clipboard.

“Okay.” He chuckled. “I’m Patty Walters, Jake told me to come find you.”

“Yea, follow me.” I smiled walking away from the table I was previously seated at.

I looked at him while he pulled his phone out quickly before returning it to his pocket. He glanced at me and then smiled shyly.

“Who are you here to see exactly? It doesn’t say on the papers I was given.” I played with the clipboard absent-mindedly.

“Alex Gaskarth.” He mumbled receiving a nod from me as we climbed the shallow stairs to the backstage area. “How did you get this job?” I smiled at the question but ignored it.

I led the way through the busy stage workers, waving at Jeremy of ADTR as we walked. When we finally came to a clearing there were a few tables set up ahead of us where PTV, SWS and ATL was sitting. They were all laughing and talking when I walked up to the brunette guy Patty was here to meet with. He looked up at me with a smile and then stood when he saw the punk boy behind me.

“Hey, Alex Gaskarth.” He extended his arm to shake Patty’s hand with a smile.

“Hi, I’m Patty Walters.” Patty seemed a little shy but he hid it pretty well.

“So I see you’ve met my daughter?” Alex, my dad, gestured to me.

“Your daughter?” He looked so surprised when he looked at me. “That makes sense.”

“You didn't tell him?” My dad seemed shocked by it but I never told people who my dad was.

“It’s way funnier to see their reaction when they find out.” I laughed, feeling my phone vibrate in my phone I pulled it out and read the text from my older brother Jake. “I gotta go. It was nice to meet you Patty, see ya later dad.”

“You too.” Patty smiled before I walked away.

As I walked toward my table, I could see my brothers talking to a couple guys. The two unfamiliar boys were speckled with tattoos and piercings, they both looked like the ‘bad’ kids parents warn their children about.

“Little one” A muffled voice stopped before I could make my way over to them.

I turned around to see lanky arms reaching toward me, I automatically recognized them as Tony’s arms. He was smiling when I met his eyes, the darkness of his eyes always startled me but it was a comforting sight.

“What’s up, teddy-bear?” I asked confusedly when I saw his daughter, Jessica, standing next to him. “Hey Jess.” I smiled and moved toward her for a hug.

“Hey, it’s been months.” She mumbled into the hug.

“I know.” She sighed and hugged me back, when we let go of each other we both looked at Tony.

“Show her the ropes, she’ll be taking your job when we tour.” He smiled reminding me of the tour ahead of us.

“Yes sir.” I nodded and led the way toward the table.

“Hold up.” She stopped me only a few feet from where we were talking to her dad. “My shoe came untied.”

I looked around while she knelt to tie her shoe, the guys weren’t talking to my brothers anymore but they were still there. They were now talking to a couple girls that were only wearing enough clothing to cover the important things. The curly haired guy put his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a hug, definitely a player because he did the same to the other girl. I shook my head and watched both guys check them out as they walked away.

“Pigs.” Jessica breathed out as she watched them too. “Do you know them?” She asked while we started walking again.

“Nope.” I saw my brothers talk to them like they were close. “But I’m sure I will.”

My older brother, Jake, was the first person to turn around, his muscles exposed in his muscle tee. I smiled politely at him and then at Dustin, my younger brother, he was a little less muscly but way more vocal about things.

“Jess!” He cheered, wrapping her in a hug.

“Hey Dusty.” She laughed being picked up and swirled around.

“I’ve missed you.” He breathed out as he set her down.

“You too.” She smiled and then looked at Jake. “Hey.”

“Hey, it’s been a while.” He hugged her quickly and then remembered the guys standing across from us but only after I did.

“Are they on the list?” I asked while I looked at the clipboard laying on the table.

“Uh” Dustin mumbled.

“What’re your names?” I looked at them with a polite smile.

“Niall Horan and Harry styles.” The blonde boy, Niall, had an accent while he spoke but I couldn’t place it right away.

I looked back at the list, finding their names almost instantly. Dustin must have too because he nodded at them, stepped away from me but looked into my eyes.

“Do you wan-“

“You’ve got this under control right? Sammi and Sissy need us up at the booth.” Jake interrupted Dustin’s offer.

“Yea.” I nodded but Jake didn't move.

“We need you too actually, too many fights are happening right now.” He shook his head and looked at me with green eyes.

“Uhm…” I looked at the guys and then at Jessica as an idea popped into my head. “Will you keep them company for a few minutes while I go take care of this?”

“Sure.” She nodded.

“Thank you.” I smiled and jogged away with Dustin and Jake.

The fight wasn’t that bad but I understood why we were called, those guys were drunk and angry about something and didn't care who they took it out on. Dustin and Jake stepped in first to stop the initial contact but it was just turned onto them. I know they both can take care of each other but when Dustin took a blow to the face, I stepped in. My hands landed on his shoulders before I shoved his back, causing him to stumbled and lose his balance but not fall. He was in my face within seconds, the smell of alcohol filling the small space between us.

“Never put your hands on my again bitch.” He snarled pushing me hard enough to make me trip and fall into someone.

I stood up again with whoever I hit’s help. The guy was taken by surprise when my fist connected with his face, he tripped over hit feet and fell to the ground giving Dustin time to get his wrists in plastic cuffs. Once the guy was up on his feet again, Dustin passed him off to another security guard and looked at me. I was too busy looking at my bloodied knuckled to see him and Jake looking at me.

“Are you okay?” A man asked, he looked concerned but that was normal.

“Yea, thank you.” I smiled before looking at my brothers, shock written all over their faces.

I reached up and gently cupped Dustin’s face, turning it so I could see the bruise that was forming near his left eye socket. He didn't fight me on it but didn't look thrilled to have his sister checking on him. When I let go of his face he smiled weakly.

“Get some ice.” I mumbled looking away from him and to Jake. “You okay?” I asked seeing that he had blood on his hands.

“Yea, this isn't my blood.” He looked confused. “Wait, are you bleeding?”

I held up my knuckles where one of them was bleeding but he shook his head. He touched my arms lightly and spun me around before taking a deep breath.

“It’s your blood, I was the one who helped you stand up again. I didn't notice you were bleeding.” He turned me around and looked into my eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yea.” I shrugged because it was a normal thing for us.

“Okay, well you should have someone clean it and bandage it. That cut is pretty deep.” He frowned.

“Great.” Sarcasm. “I’ll see you guys later, I have to take those guys backstage and then find Jaime to fix this.” I motioned toward the newfound injury.
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Hey everyone, I hope you like this.

With each chapter I will post the outfit I pictured Mia wearing: