Status: I'm still writing this one, I hope you like it.

I Don't Want to Miss a Thing

Ice Cream Night

Mia’s POV

When I got back to the table, I found Niall and Harry sitting in the two chairs at the table, their guitar cases leaned against the chairs. Jessica was texting with her back to me but turned around quickly.

“Hey.” She mumbled with a polite smile while I looked at the tatted boys.

“You guys ready?” I asked seeing them nod and start to follow me.

I could feel their eyes wander over my body as I led the way. Jess was by my side and wearing a smile, I think she liked the attention but I was too used to it for it to be anything but annoying. We climbed the stairs and passed Patty and my dad, they both looked at us and smiled before getting back to what they were doing. Finally, we walked up to a short man with dark hair who was sitting on the ground next to a lanky man.

“Hey buttercup.” The shorter man stood from the ground with a warm smile.

“Hey tinta.” I smiled back and stepped aside so Harry and Niall were in his line of sight. “This is Niall Horan and Harry Styles.” I introduced them but Vic nodded knowingly.

“I asked them to come here. Hi guys.” He smiled at them before shaking their hands.

“You’re bleeding.” Mike’s worried voice startled me but his grip on my arm made it impossible for me to move. “What happened?”

“We broke up a fight and I cut myself on something. Where’s Jaime?” I asked remembering that I was supposed to ask him to fix it.

“Over there with Kellin.” He pointed in the direction I came from. “Go have him stitch you up.”

“Okay.” I frowned looking away from his concerned eyes and to Vic who was too deep in his conversation with Harry and Niall to notice Mike’s worrying. “Do you need anything else before I go?”

“Not that I can think of.” He shook his head and looked at the guys in front of him. “Do you guys need anything?”

“Huh-uh.” Harry hummed, his eyes roaming over me.

“No.” Niall answered quietly while looking at Vic who was watching Harry checking me out, he reached over and bumped Harry to get his attention back. It was obvious he noticed that Vic had been watching him look at me by the rose tint in his cheeks.

“We don’t need anything, bye buttercup.” He said it in a way that told me it was time to leave.

“Bye.” I smiled politely and turned in the direction Mike said Jaime was.

Strong arms wrapped around my neck weighing down on my chest as a chin rested on my shoulder. I looked down at the skin and recognized who it was instantly, my hands touching his arms lightly.

“Hey Zach.” I smiled.

“Hello princess.” I could tell he was smiling but I knew I was right when he let go of me and turned me around to look at him. “How’s your arm feeling?”

“Fine, it only hurt when Jaime was cleaning it.” I shrugged as he grabbed my hand, the one with the hurt knuckle.

“Did you break anything?” He was examining my hand as he spoke.

“Nope.” I shook my head slightly.

“Have you seen your dad?” He let go of my hand and met my gaze again.

“Last time I saw him he was backstage with Rian and Vic.” I pointed toward the stage but heard him sigh. “I have to go back there anyways, do you need something?”

“No, it’s fine I’ll just go back there too.” He draped his arm around my shoulder and led me backstage.

Everyone’s eyes landed on us when we walked up the group of people sitting backstage. Rian and my dad were cackling together as Zach handed me the empty chair next to Vic.

“Here princess.” He mumbled as he set it next to Niall on the opposite side of Rian.

“Thanks.” I smiled and sat down, crossing my legs and setting my phone on my lap.

“You went to the car?” My dad’s words were slurred.

“Yea ?” I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

“Dude, take us to get ice cream!” Rian was whining but I couldn’t stop laughing, he was definitely on something. “Please princess?”

“Am I allowed to?” I asked looking at my dad.

“Sure, go get the boys.” He nodded excitedly.

“Go get the boys for what?” Jake’s voice was coming from behind me and getting louder until he was next to me.

“Can you guys hold down the fort while Mia takes us to get ice cream?” He sounded like a little kid and it was awesome.

“Sure.” Dustin nodded while Rian and I stood up.

“I actually don’t want to go.” My dad shook his head slightly and slouched into his seat even more.

“Okay.” I shrugged and watched Rian laugh at nothing while I picked up my purse.

“Do you two want to go?” Rian offered the quiet boys next to us.

They both nodded and stood up making me frown but I knew they couldn’t see it because I turned away. A new set of footsteps pounded toward us making me look back, Vic was jogging over to us and stopped next to me.

“Can I go too?” He asked shyly.

“Of course.” I smiled feeling his arm wrap around my shoulders.

Rian was on my other side when we were walking on the grassy field, both him and Vic laughing at stupid stuff that wasn’t really funny. The tatted boys were walking behind us, quiet and inseparable.

“Are you high?” I asked looking from Vic to Rian.

“Yea.” They both nodded and chuckled lowly.

“That explains so much.” I laughed along with him until we got to my black Jetta.

“Shotgun!” Rian and Vic called out simultaneously. “Mia?”

“Rian.” I pointed to him while I unlocked the car.

They laughed and climbed into the little car. I buckled up and looked into the backseat to see Harry in the middle with his knees near his chest. I laughed and received a middle finger from him while I turned back to the steering wheel.

After ordering and receiving my ice cream, I sat down at an empty booth in the back. The entire shop consisted of us five and an elderly couple that owned the shop. I crossed my feet on the seat below me while I ate tiny bites of my ice cream. Vic’s laughter filled the shop, making me smile at his child-like laugh. I saw someone coming toward me and when I looked up I was surprised to see Harry nearing me.

“Can I sit with you?” He asked quietly while his free hand ran through his lengthy curls.

“Sure.” I nodded and watched him sit across from me with his ice cream, he sighed and rested back against the seat.

“I don’t think I’ve properly introduced myself, I’m Harry Styles.” He smiled at me, his dimples popping out.

“Mia Gaskarth.” I looked at him and tried to put on a polite smile but I doubted that it worked.

“Your dad is Alex Gaskarth?” His wide, green eyes seemed endless but I shook it off and nodded while taking another bite of my chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. “That’s how you know all of these guys.”

“How did you think I knew them?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Girls don’t really have to do much to get jobs like this when they look like you.” He winked with a smile that would make other girls blush but it just proved that he was a pig.

“Oh.” I breathed out and looked down at my melting ice cream.

“What is this? A date?” Rian asked loudly, standing at the edge of the table.

“I wish-“

“No.” I cut Harry off before realizing what he said. “Excuse me?” I looked at him questioningly but all he did was wink at me again.

“Well, I’m going to ruin whatever this is.” He smiled sitting next to Harry with almost no ice cream left. “So, what's up kid?”

“How was your ice cream?” I asked looking into his empty bowl.

“Delicious.” He moaned and smiled at me.

“Good.” I laughed at his over-excitement about ice cream and looked up at Vic as he sat down next to me and Niall slid in next to Rian.

“You eat so slow.” Vic complained gesturing to his empty bowl too.

“Here.” I handed it to him with a smirk. “I’m full anyways.”

“Aw thanks buttercup.” He smiled and kissed my temple before scarfing down the ice cream that remained.

“We need to get you high.” Rian commented and was agreed with by everyone but me, I sat still and quiet. “Do you want to?”

“I don’t care.” I shrugged.

“You're smoking tomorrow so everyone can see you high.” Vic mumbled with a mouthful of food.

“Why not tonight? Who do you want to see me high?” I questioned.

“Patty, Shawn, Ben, Matt, them.” Rian finished by pointing to Harry and Niall.

“Why did that whole list only consist of guys?” I asked shyly.

“Because we wanna see you interact with guys while you're high.” Vic winked, making Niall and Harry laugh.

“You guys are terrible.” I shook my head as Vic stood up.

“We’ll see about that tomorrow.” He reached to help me up but I was reluctant to accept it.