I'll Always Love You

Over the moon

-Third person POV-

"How old are you guys tonight?" Alex asked as she pulled her second bottle of beer from the fridge.
Jaime stared at her for a moment, not sure what she meant. "We're all going to a bar tonight" Matt informed both the boys. Jaime brought his eyebrows closer together then tightened his hold on Vic who sat quietly on his lap. "That's a horrible idea guys" Jaime stated, "Its fine, no one will even question you two" Alex spoke into her drink. "And if they do?" He countered, "Than you're 19 years old" She said with a confident shrug of her shoulders. This whole idea left a sour feeling in Jaime's stomach, but what could really go wrong? the worse that could happen is they get kicked out. "Do you wanna go?" He asked Vic "Sure" He replied and kissed his boyfriends nose making his face turn red. "Well, looks like we're going" Jaime said weakly.


They drove to a small bar off towards the middle of no where. Jaime breathed a laughed at just how sketch this place looked.
"You guys are into some weird shit" He said to his older siblings, "Its much better inside, I promise you" Alex smiled, her eyes already glossed over from the beers she consumed earlier into the night. Jaime shook his head but exited the car nevertheless. He pulled Vic out with him, knowing he wasn't letting this boy out if his sight the entire night.

The cold night air chilled both their bones, making it hard to walk. It was a beautiful picture though. The stars were shining bright, no city lights there to ruin it. The boys breathed out warm fog that blended together in front of them, just like their personality's do.

As they got closer to the white building with no windows, they could hear the loud thumping of music coming from the walls.
Jaime just had this weird feeling, like something bad would happen.., but that's crazy, right?

Alex and Matthew stepped inside first, walking in as if they owned the place. Jaime began to wonder how often they come here. A thick wall of cigarette smoke hit them like a freight train, making their eyes burn. The place was full of bikers, hookers and even a few gays. "I don't like this" Jaime tried to say to Vic but he couldn't hear him over the music.

The bar to buy drinks at was located in the center of the large room, the counters formed a circle and on the other side of it was a dance floor full of people. In one of the corners was a few pool tables, an obvious biker gang hang out from the looks of it. After Jaime was finished observing the room, Alex resurfaced with three drinks. "One for you" She handed one to Vic "And you" She handed the other to Jaime "Just don't look suspicious and you'll be fine" She sent a cheeky smile then blending into the dance floor crowed.

"She can't be serious" Jaime said, eyeing the cold bottle of beer. He looked over to Vic who had already downed half the drink "Vic!" Jaime raised his voice so the other boy could hear him, "What?" He asked, not sure what the deal was. "Give me that" Jaime demanded and took Vic's bottle.
"Nope" Vic sang, pulling Jaime's sleeve as he tried to find a trashcan. "Lets have fun tonight" He said, taking the drink back, "It'll be fine" He added, then laughed at Jaime's irritated expression. Jaime wanted no part of this, he's been around drunk people enough to know what could happen. It wasn't too long though until even he got caught up in the atmosphere and began to join in on the drinking.

"I have to use the bathroom" Vic said to Jaime as they slow danced to a not-so-slow song. "Okay" He responded but didn't exactly catch all of what Vic said, he just knew that Vic needed to do something. Jaime wandered off to the bar, sitting next to his brother who already ordered another round of shots.

Vic finally found the bathroom after looking for maybe 5 minutes. When the deed was done, he opened the door to exit the room but he was abruptly shoved back inside of it by a much taller and bigger man. "What the hell?" He said, steadying himself on the sink as the room started spinning from the sudden movement. He didn't think he had that many drinks, but maybe he did? "Shut up" The man said in an angered voice.
Vic squinted at the intruder "Who are you?" He asked but instead of a response, he was shoved against the wall roughly.

He shifted from under the man "Get off" he sneered, the room still spinning. "You want this" the man chuckled, the sound made Vic want to vomit. He pushed the mans chest as hard as he could but failed to make any progress. Vic opened his mouth to protest but found his voice was gone. In his drunken stupor he didn't realize the mans large hand around his neck. Soon his throat was being strangled so that he couldn't speak and could hardly breathe. He tried so hard to form his mouth around one simple word 'help' but it was impossible at this point. The guy was feeling Vic's body with his free hand as much as he could but before his shaky fingers could reach the zipper of Vic's pants a knock sounded from the door, making the man stop in his tracks. "Vic? Are you in there?" Jaime asked, the worry in his voice was so thick that Vic felt his knees go weak. "Make one sound and I'm killing you both" the man whispered in Vic's ear. He tried yet again to shove him but this time with a little more force, enough the it took the guy off guard and sent him into the wall. Vic gasped for air, trying to revive his lungs and his voice "Jaime" Vic whispered, it was all he could do. On the other side of the door Jaime stood, swaying himself out of concern for his lost boyfriend. The music was so loud he wasn't sure he'd even be able to hear Vic through that bathroom door. The man stood up from where he fell, anger filling his eyes just like it used to fill the eyes of Vic's father. In fear, Vic bolted for the door, almost reaching the knob of it but he was pulled quickly by the stronger man. He threw Vic to the floor, knocking his head on the stole tile. It made a loud thud, loud enough for Jaime to hear, "Hello?" He yelled over the music and banged his fist on the door. "That's it" Jaime said to himself, knowing what he needed to do and even if it wasn't Vic on the other side of that door he was breaking it down. The other guy was starting to panic. Vic passed out and the man wasn't sure if he killed him or not. Before he could process things, the door broke through and shoved him to the wall from impact. "Vic?!" Jaime yelled and ran to the boy on the floor "Oh god. Vic! Wake up!" Jaime shook him trying to get a response. Jaime had risen from the floor now, looking for help. "Who are you ?" He questioned the stranger at the door frame. The man went pale and ran off into the dance floor crowed before answering to Jaime. Jaime shook his head, he had no time for this. He bent down and picked Vic up to bring him outside where the air is fresher and less noise.

He set him down on the floor of the back porch. "Baby, wake up!" He said, shaking Vic's arm. "Damn it" He whispered, running his hand over his spiky hair. His far-from-sober brain ran out of ideas so he grabbed his phone and dialed Alex's number, "Alex, go to the back porch of the building" He slurred into the phone. She could hardly make out what he was saying from all the noise inside the building but she got the important part, "Okay hold on" She yelled at the phone before hanging it up. "Come on" She motioned for Matt to fallow her.
They stepped out into the clean air and instantly she saw Jaime and Vic, "What happened?!" She gasped, running over to the boys. "I don't even know" Jaime said in a panic. "Calm down, I'm sure he just had too much to drink" Matt tried to make light of the situation, "His head, its bleeding" Alex stated, bending down to get a better look at him. Jaime never noticed the blood until now. He feels so stupid and out of it.

"Do we call 911?" Jaime asked, trying not to cry. "Lets just go back to the house" Matt responded, "No, he could have a concussion" Alex said, still speaking loud from lack of being able to hear. "Vic's brother is already in the hospital though and I bet when his parents find out what happened and that he was here tonight I'll never get to see him again" The tears spilled over from Jaime's eyes when the last part left his lips.
"Jaime, you're drunk" Matt said calmly. "We all are!" Alex yelled, "None of us are thinking straight so lets call 911, better safe than sorry" She pulled her phone from her purse and dialed the emergency call number.