I'll Always Love You

Sweet Company


I couldn't bare the light that was beating down on me, so I kept my eyes closed and groaned in protest to the person shaking my shoulder. "Vic, wake up" They sounded worried.., whoever they are. I turned away from them and pushed my face into the pillow. A wave of smell hit me though just as I took a deep breath. It smelt like Jaime.

I tried to push from the bed quickly but my eyes got blurred and my head spun. "Take it easy" The soft voice said. It wasn't Jaime, it was a female. I let her soft hands guide me back to the mattress before I could blink and clear my vision of the random spots floating around. "Where am I?" I said and closed my eyes. "Jaime's house" The woman said then stopped me when I tried to get up again. This time when I blinked my eyes focused and I saw it was Jaime's mom in the room. I sighed in relief that I was away from Kellin.

Her hand smoothed over my forehead like she was checking my temperature but I didn't feel sick, my head just hurt. "Do my parents know where I am?" I asked, scared of the answer. "No" she said and smiled.

She left the room but left the door open and I saw Jaime's brother was outside the door looking pissed. I didn't know why though. Jaime appeared Quickly at the door frame, his hands gripping at either side of it. He let out a long breath as relief washed over him. He came in and closed the door behind him quietly. "You have a shit ton of explaining to do" He stated firmly and was soon by my side. He sat on the edge of the bed and moved random strands of hair from my face. I knew I had a lot to tell him.. I just hope he understands. I wouldn't blame him if he got mad though. I sat up and my head spun again but not as bad, this time I could bare it. Before I could get a word out, Jaime captured my lips with his in a full on kiss. Of course I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, I mean these were the lips I've been dreaming about for the past two months.

He brought his hands up to wrap around the back of my neck and slowly pull away still keeping them there. I stared off into his eyes trying to search for anything but honestly.., I found nothing. Not sadness, not anger, nothing. He seemed lost.

"Explain" He demanded. Explain.. I don't think even I know what was going on anymore but I'll have to try. "Um.. Where do I start?" I asked and did a dry chuckle at the end. "Why did you go missing? And why Kellin?" He asked and said Kellins name with venom. I thought back for a moment "My dad.." I said slowly as the memories I had been hiding from all came back. "He lost it. He kicked me out into the cold then came back for me. I got scared and ran"

Jaime nodded like he expected I would say that. "And after that" he pressed. "After that I got lost in the woods and fainted. Kellin found me since his dog got loose and ran away into the woods" I thought this would make everything fall into place but he just looked at me like he expected me to go on. He broke the small silence when he saw I wasn't going to continue. "Why didn't you call me or email me or anything!?" He was getting angry now and raised his voice. "You didn't have to stay with him! What, is he better than me?!" I saw the emotion all come out at once as his walls broke down in his mind. "No, of course he isn't. I knew the police would look at your house for me and I couldn't go home Jaime, I can't face that man" Tears poured from my eyes now. I have had enough of my dad. I can't let him do this to me anymore.

Jaime sighed and rubbed his eyes as if he had a headache. "I'm just glad I know you're safe now" He whispered. I didn't waste anymore time and wrapped my arms around him tightly, seeking comfort. Its been a nightmare being away from him. In return he held me tightly and placed small kisses on my hair.