Holding On

Chapter 1

I was awakened by the sound of foot steps coming towards the garage, judging by the small light that flooded through the bottom of the door, I knew she was on her way.

The garage door opened and the sun peeked its way in and flashed across the truck that still sat silently where it was left.

“Good Morning, Jay”

I looked towards my best friend, Nichole. She was the one who decided to bring the stranger into our home. We both knew who the truck belonged to, yet she felt the need to prove that every vehicle should have a chance.

“Do you really want to spend your weekend working on this bowtie, Nic?” I took myself out of park and drove forward slowly out on to the lawn, turned myself around and stood facing the concrete building.

Nichole faced me and gave a slight nod of her head, “Do we have anything else planned, Jay?”

I glanced towards the woods behind our home and let out a soft sigh, Nichole chuckled seeing where my headlights were pointed. “You truly are a real Jeep, Jay. I’m still keeping my word on taking you out into the woods to check out and see what the storm did.”

With that said, she wasted no time in grabbing the tow straps once more and placing them on my tow hooks, I kept my eyes on the black bowtie as I was instructed to go in reverse and pull the brute out of the garage.

Nichole came up and patted my hood.


I sat parked off to the side, watching how Nichole stood on top of a step stool to look underneath the hood of the mystery truck. I couldn’t understand why she was wasting her time, for all we knew the labor would be wasted. If the truck was anything like its owner, nothing would be appreciated.

I had a name, the truck did not. I am treated respectively with maintenance taken care of on schedule, this truck…has not.

Nothing put a piece of scrap metal.

“There’s mud everywhere!”

Nichole hopped off the stool and to the side of the garage, she came back with the water hose running. I instantly backed up, not wanting the mud washed off from my tires and fenders.


It’s one in the evening, and instead of parking closer and watching my friend work I decided to cruise around the property to make sure no trespassers were tearing up the lawn again.

On the occasional check-ups I made, so far the Chevy had a new battery put in, a couple sensors replaced, the transmission drained and refilled, interior and exterior cleaned until it was spotless and a fresh oil change.

I wasn’t too upset about the special treatment this truck was receiving until I rolled back up to the garage to see the truck on jackstands. “What the heck are you doing, Nic!?” a low growl built up in my muffler.

If there was one thing I knew Nichole absolutely hated to work with, it was jackstands and a heavy truck.

She looked at me innocently, “Jay, I can explain.”

I turned away from her, revving my engine slightly and shifting from side to side. “Those tires were for my brother.”

Nichole sighed as she glanced towards the side of the garage where an old 1985 J20 pickup truck sat, at least three inches of grass surrounded the vehicle. “The tires are exactly the same size, they both tow the same amount.”

“But you’ve left him sitting like that for two years, Nichole. The longer he sits, the less likely he’ll ever start again. We don’t know anything about this truck you’re repairing, it hasn’t towed anything before in its life!”

Nichole finished using an impact to put on the last tire before she put a jack underneath the front and rear differentials and then pulling the jackstands out in order to lower the truck back down to the ground.

She then proceeded to walk towards the front of the truck and lay on her back to look at the front of the frame.

“Well, if this truck is anything like you Jay, the name should be somewhere on the front. I have nothing against Damien, he’s just-”

I began to drive away from Nichole knowing what she was going to say, “He’s not like me, he can’t talk or move on his own. Because only twenty-five of us were ever made, and it would cost thousands to make him become alive. That’s no excuse to avoid working on something you own, Nic.”

She put a hand over her face, “Jay, please. I don’t want to get into this conversation again. You know how extremely difficult it was for me to get you, how well do you think it would look if the community saw me with two transformers.”

Nichole grabbed a mini flash light from her front pocket and turned it on to look at what seemed to be scratched up lettering. “We’ve got a winner!” she chuckled as she reached her arm up between the engine and transmission to flip a switch.

“His name is Aidan”

At the sound of the name, and with the press of the reset button. The Chevrolet woke up from its slumber, using as much horsepower and torque to raise its front wheels up into the air.

“Nic!” she curled up into a ball and covered her head as the Chevy started to come back down. I revved my engine, kicking chunks of the earth up as I plowed forward. With less then a second to spare, I halted inches from my friend as the Chevy bounced off my brush guard and front bumper. The weight of the truck cracking the plastic.

I growled at the intruder as I stood my ground, he snorted looking like he was ready to come at us again. “You better leave before I smash that golden bowtie on your grille”

The Chevrolet truck began to roll towards me, he stopped and looked beneath my bumper to stare at Nichole curled up and turned away from him. He backed up instantly, revving his engine and turning away from the garage, flooring it towards the driveway.

I reversed myself and looked down at Nichole, she coughed before raising her right hand and giving me a thumbs-up. My slightly loose heat shield rattled above my muffler as I sighed seeing her clutching her left hand to her chest. “You got your hand stuck after resetting him didn’t ya?”

She nodded her head slowly, lowering her head back down on to the ground. “I need a moment Jay, I think he sprained my wrist.”

I raised myself up slightly and looked to where the truck disappeared to, he left ruts in the grass from using too much power to storm off. Nichole raised her head up and glanced at my appearance, “You sure took a hit, Jay. Your hood is slightly pushed in.” as if on cue, the J from the Jeep emblem dropped from the edge of my hood and fell on to the ground, the word ‘eep’ remaining.

“Thank you Jay for saving me.”

I tilted myself to the right a little, giving her a slight bow of acknowledgment. If there was one thing every transformer knew, it was that we protect and serve the ones who take care of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, Chapter 1 is finally here. If you were able to read through this entire chapter without getting very confused...yay!! :D

If you've seen any of the Transformers movies...this story is kinda going by that. Except these vehicles don't stand up right and turn into a crime-fighting robot. They just stay in their natural form of a vehicle....think "Cars" movie, but in realistic form without the eyes on the windshield or a mouth on the front bumper.

This is my first story of writing a vehicle as one of the main characters. It's either going to kill this story completely...or make something of it.

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading!