Status: Working and Working and Working =)

Beaches, Sunsets, and Hearts

Business as Usual

The University of North Carolina Fayetteville.

This would be the college I would attend for the next four years of my life, and hopefully come out alive, with a degree of high honor. The place sounds much more grandioso as it seems, but really it’s quite small to be a branch of UNC. I hadn’t really decided what I wanted to do yet, but something in business sounded good so I started off my first year in college with all business classes. They begin tomorrow, so today, we prepare.

I chuckled at my statement as I looked on to the main hall on the smaller campus. I hail from Boone, North Carolina, the mountains of the state, but I can’t think of a better place to go to college than near a beach.

My walking sent me to the residence hall that I would call home while on this campus. There were all different types of people around the building, but since I sort of already knew my way around the campus, it wasn’t hard for me to find my dorm room. My sister attended this college, and I can remember spending summers on Wrightsville Beach just down the road with her.

I also looked around at all the happy families sending the kids away to college, well the dads were happy at least, and I grew sad. I miss my mom and dad, but they can’t be here. Dad just recently got over a heart attack that devastated the whole family, I contemplated not going to college until he was better, but I also needed the away time from everything bad that had been happening back home.

I was happy in my decision to pay extra for no roommate in my room because after seeing the room, I realized not all of my stuff was going to fit in here. The small trailer I had pulled from my home held everything I felt I needed to survive this year.

I opened the windows, after setting all my bags down on the small bed, to let a breeze in. It was particularly windy in Fayetteville today, and I wanted to take advantage of being able to air out my room.

It was well into the afternoon before I could get everything settled, but I was happy with the results. It looked similar to my room back home, except my queen sized bed was still in the empty room, high atop a mountain.

I decided to check my schedule out to see exactly where I was going. Having a good sense of where everything is on this campus will be very helpful in the next week or so. My first class was Accounting Theory and I wanted to smack my forehead. Don’t get me wrong, I’m good at numbers, but the theory of numbers and accounting practices? Kill me now.

Turning on the television just brought bad news; I was secretly hoping my mom wasn’t watching it so she wouldn’t call my phone every five minutes checking on me. A hurricane was making its way up the coast of North Carolina and was set to hit us during my third class tomorrow. Well, at least the wind was explainable.

I needed to get out and enjoy the sun while I could so I found my leopard print bikini and was ready to head to the beach. I tied my raven hair back in a bun and slid on some shorts. I flip flopped my way down the corridor to go to my car and when I was finally outside, it seemed like all college students had to do to graduate was sit around, smoke, and play guitar. I enjoy the occasional cigarette but chain smoking is a no go.

I drove to Wrightsville, excited to possibly get some ice cream from the small shop where my sister and I always got our cones before hitting the sand. I grabbed a cookies and cream cone and took myself to the beach. As I ate my ice cream, I got a good look at some eye candy that looked to be older classmen. They were all nice, but they seemed too muscle headed for me.

I propped myself just where the surf would hit my toes while I read the latest Stephen King book. I delved in to the world Stephen King had made in his head and was not aware of my surroundings for the next few chapters. Just when the whodunit was coming to a suspenseful peak, something wacked me in the side of the head and I looked up from my book to see what happened.

I could have cared less about the volleyball hitting me since the dream boat, who spiked it my way, was coming closer.

“I am so sorry.” His accent was of Illinois descent and I began wondering about his past instead of responding to his apology. It took my brain a minute to catch up while looking at this beast of a man.

“Yeah, no, it’s okay. Well…I mean, it’s not, but whatever.” I was serious as a heart attack the whole time I said this and when his face became confused I just dinged out my best smile.

“Alrighty then.” He chuckled and went back over to his friends who were hustling him to come back to the game. His features were plain; it was his height that made me go into shock and awe. He had to be at least seven feet tall and muscled from head to toe. His hair was blonde and I prayed we had another meeting in the very near future.

Accounting Theory wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but my next class was right before lunch and I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. It took a lot for me to pay attention in Business Communications and I fidgeted the whole time. I was thankful when the professor cut us loose.

The rain was coming in from the small hurricane, but I wasn’t worried about a thing. I was on my way to get lunch and things were going to look up; detrimental weather or not.

I was marching my way down the hall and to the outside, popping my umbrella open in the process, and made my way to the dining hall. I didn’t eat a lot of fast food, so maybe I could get something healthy from the cafeteria. My expectations were obviously too high, so I stuck to a soggy salad that I couldn’t half eat.

When I left the small ‘shopping center,’ as the maps called it, (all it really had was a small grocery store and a cafeteria), I grabbed a couple of protein bars and some SmartWater. I munched on the most filling thing I had had since I came here and was getting soaked by the persistent rain. It was hard to eat with an umbrella in your hand, after all.

I knew I had about two hours to spare till my next class, so I was going to take advantage of being able to work out a little. Working out wasn’t the biggest part of my life, but it was the perfect thing to get out aggression on, so I did it often. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an angry person, I just typically don’t get along with average people. I also needed to stay fit because in the spring time I was going to go out for the softball team, and wanted to make sure I didn’t get lazy.

As I walked into the dorm hall to get to the elevator a giant branch fell down right where I had just come in the door. Lightning had struck it and made it fall from high up in a myrtle tree. I panicked for a moment, and then felt strong arms around me, pulling me from my position. I was dragged by my captive into a bathroom nearby that was vacant.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled at the person. When I gained my composure, I realized it was volleyball guy from the beach.

“I just got an alert on my phone that people should take cover.” He was honestly worried, you could tell it in his voice. I chortled and then covered my mouth. “Are you laughing at me?”

“No, well…sort of; you’re freaking out over nothing.” I was trying to mask my honest fear with fake bravery. I didn’t want to look scared in front of someone who wasn’t even from this state. I guess I wanted him to think people from North Carolina were made from better stock.

“Nothing?! This is a hurricane we’re talking about! That branch could have killed you!” His face was in a confused state. “Wait…you’re the girl I hit with the volleyball, right? At the beach yesterday?”

“Yeah, that’s me. My head is fine, by the way.”

“I’m sorry about that. I’m going to go outside and see if anyone else needs to get shelter.” He was taking all of this warning stuff seriously and I giggled again to myself. I was better able now to push my fear down to where it wouldn’t bother me.

I hadn’t noticed how tall he was at the beach, but now, in this small space, it was apparent. He had to be all of almost seven foot tall. He wasn’t built, but you could tell there was no pudginess under that shirt. He looked like an ice giant from a Thor comic when he walked off and I giggled some more. I then wondered if he stayed in this building and what floor. Is it close to me? Lord, let be close to me.

When he came back, he had no one with him and I was happy for that.

“No one’s out there, smart people.” He slid down the wall, extending his legs out in front of him. I was sitting in the same position right beside him and his tallness made me feel self conscious about my shortness.

“How tall are you?”

“Six, seven.” He spit out like he had said it a million times, but he must have, being that large. I was starting to hear the wind howling outside and was glad I came inside when I did, it sounded serious out there.

“Where are you from?

“Illinois, small town.”

“Hm, okay.” I kind of nodded my head and looked away. I was done with all the questions I could think of for the moment.

“Do you always ask a million questions?”

“Do you always pseudo kidnap people in emergency situations?”

“Only if I feel they’re worth saving.” He smiled at me and I felt my cheeks rise in temperature, but I didn’t want to seem so soft, so I covered quickly.

“Is your ass jealous of all the shit that flows out of your mouth?” After my statement, he genuinely laughed and I felt as if I could listen to it forever.

“Oh…too much milk.” He chuckled.

“What?” I laughed out loud this time.

“Oh, that’s just a phrase I say all the time. My friends in high school kind of started it all.” He was still smiling, perfect whites showed through and I could tell he was having good memories of good friends.

“Where are they now?” I smiled at him, sincerely wondering about his past now.

“A few of them went to different parts of the country for college last year and a few are family men now.” I heard a buzz and he looked at his phone, he held up a finger while he answered it. “Hi Mom, look I know it’s bad but I have to go, okay?” He sent love her way and then hung up the phone.

I thought to myself that he really didn’t know what to do in this situation and it made me realize about the closest to hurricane he’s gotten is a tornado, maybe.

“Sorry, it was my mom, she’s super worried.”

“It’s okay, I’m actually shocked my mom hasn’t called, but for different reasons.”

“Would she not be worried about you?” He came back over and took his spot beside me back.

“Yeah, but not for normal mother reasons, she would be worried if I wore a pair of clean underwear today in case the emergency crews have to cut my pants off in the ambulance.”

His laughter filled the bathroom, “Oh that’s golden.” For the next two hours we chatted about our pasts, our presents, and our futures. I found out that he was a basketball star in high school and I wasn’t shocked. Someone that tall has bound to be something sports wise. Just when things were about to get a little too personal in the conversation (He began asking me about boyfriends past), I heard the storm slow down into a slow trickle of rain.

“Let’s check the radar!” I smiled and opened an application on my phone. He looked defeated but quickly snapped out of it to see the weather. “It’s past us, we’re free!”

“Don’t sound so excited to get away from me.”

“I’m not!” I stood up and all of a sudden felt like a terrible person for being so excited. “I have had a wonderful time today talking to you, seriously.”

He smiled, “Me too, but I do have one question?”

“What’s that?” I looked up at his face, which wasn’t an easy task. He made me feel really small next to him, but the worry on his face made me think I was figuratively bringing him to his knees.

“Come to a party tonight with me?” He already looked defeated before I could even answer. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

“What’s your name?” His face made him looked just as shocked as I was about the whole thing.


“Well, Tylor, I’m Hannah, and I cannot go to the party, I have homework already.”

“Oh, okay. Some other time then.” His smile was weak and I was still feeling like a terrible person.

“You promise?” I asked, hoping to raise his spirits. I do want to see him again, hang out again, just not tonight.

“I swear.” His smile was the biggest I had seen it today and he walked out of the bathroom a happy man. I walked to my room floating on cloud nine that this Tylor Creature actually talked to me and wants me to go to a party with him.

When I got back to my room, I realized it was five o’ clock and I wanted to call my sister and tell her everything. She wasn’t home though, probably taking her daughter somewhere fun. I love her little family with all my heart, my brother in law was one of the coolest people in the world and my niece was even cooler.
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I hope you guys like it! I'm kind of self conscious about it because I've never written an original fiction.

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