Please, Take Me Home

"I knew you'd be here."

"No, you didn't."

"You're always here."

"Aren't you observant."

"I like to think so."

With that he snorted, the kind of snort that makes you feel small and insignificant, the kind of unsophisticated, thing that gives him such an air that he could be the highest aristocrat there is and you're just a measly bathroom sweeper without your snorting ways.
  1. One; This is The Break Down
    Jack is mad...
  2. Two; Get It Right, Get It Tight
    Is Sally jealouse?
  3. Three; Pressure
    You now learn why Sally is alone in the City
  4. Four; You're Chasing the Ghost of a Good Thing
    How deep in is Jack?
  5. Five; She fell while holding diamonds...
  6. Six; We're only decieving, and I'm Sick of the Lie
    maybe Sally doesnt know Jack like she thought...