The Train

The beginning...

Wind swept her golden locks behind her. She ran through the corridor, fear in her eyes and the way she moved. The lights flickered above her as the train picked up speed.

She looked out the window, a scream locked in her throat. He was after her and she had no idea as to why. A smirk was permanently marked on his horrid lips; sneering down at her.

A boy no older than the age of twelve stood motionless beside her. They stood near the closed entrance of the train. The train sped on, mountains and boulders surpassed them, but they just looked on. The door suddenly swung open and a hand shot out and pushed the boy out.

The girl, a look of petrifaction and horror clouding her eyes, watched as the boy tumbled down. Time seemed to slow around her. She watched as the boy, whose name she had no knowledge of, tumbled out the door and onto the tracks, where he continued to roll several feet before ending in a messy heap of blood and bone. She closed her eyes and allowed a single tear to slip down her cheek, as she listened to the screeching screams of anguish and pain escape the once beautiful boy.

“You monster!” she snarled in the direction of the horrid man.

He continued to sneer at her, but let out a maniacal laugh as he stepped closer to her. She flinched and moved back, not wanting to be any closer to him.

Tears leaked from her eyes as she turned from him and fled down the corridor once more, away from his menacing gaze.