Status: Writing!


Chapter 1 - Gabriel Eriksson

Chapter 1 – Gabriel Eriksson
“That noise what is that terrible beeping,” I whispered rolling over to my nightstand. I opened my eyes to examine the object of my annoyance only to see my alarm clock flashing 6:00 a.m. “Well it’s time to shower and get ready for work,” I mumbled throwing the covers off to the side swinging my legs off the bed. The floor was chilly but it always was and the water in the shower was always too cold in the morning. My towel was always 1/16 of an inch to the right and my tie was never straight enough. O.C.D, obsessive compulsive disorder, it was always hard to live with, alphabetize the movies, CDs, and books, measuring everything, or putting things in order by color it’s all so painful. My life is run by a clock wake up at 6:00 am, shower, get dressed I have five suits that are all the same and several different colored ties, then I grab my brief case and leave by 6:30 am if I leave late I won’t be able to stop for my morning coffee which is at the same cafe every day, I order the same black coffee and blueberry muffin. They are both simple and plan like me nothing cool and exciting just an ordinary routine that I follow 364 1/4 days of the year.

Today started off like normal I put on the same blue suit and choose the red tie it is my favorite tie after all. I slipped on my silver watch, grabbed my black briefcase, and left my house. If traffic is normal I’ll arrive at the café in five minutes if it’s bad ten. I like normal days they are calm and non stressful, but today I woke up with that eerie scratchy throat feeling the feeling that you get when something has changed or something new or bad will happen. There is goes again the paranoia, I mean listen to me something is going to change I’m going to have a panic attack. My heart and mind started racing as I pressed the down button on the window. Cool fresh air always calms me down it gives me the same feeling as alphabetizing my movies.

My parking spot at the café was empty it normally was and just as I nicely pulled into it a red Volkswagen beetle flew into the parking spot next to me. It was a girl with short brown hair she looked over at me and smile. As soon as I saw those white teeth flash my way that eerie feeling came back. I quickly looked away from her and opened my car door the fresh air once again enveloping my mind and calming me down. I shut my car door and passed the small figure in the beetle she frightened me and if I looked at her again I might have to completely rethink my special café.

“Hello Mr. Eriksson, how are you today?” Today it was Mrs. O’Neal, she is the owner’s wife and always asks me how I am. “I’m lovely Mrs. O’Neal. The usual please,” I smile at her as she smiles back and takes my money. The coffee smelled great today like normal and the muffins were fresh like always. This is the only café I have found in Manhattan that is always the same and hardly ever busy. I took a deep breath in as I sat down at my normal table and started reading the paper. Several seconds after I sat down the bell on the door rang. Someone new has decided to try the great Family Café it seems. I looked slightly over my paper to see the short shiny brown hair from earlier. My hand shook slightly as I noticed the odd mismatch colors of her outfit, teal pants, an orange shirt, a navy blue coat, and gray boots. This girl was by far the most incorrect thing I’ve ever seen. If teal and orange is the new fashion trend I should quit my life and retire to my room early. She glanced my way causing me too look back down at my paper, she flustered me but only because of her clothes, my OCD always makes me flustered when there is something so out of place.

As I started to read my paper I heard the shift of the chair in front of me. This confused me and shook me slightly no one ever sits at my table. I continued to read so the intruder would leave thinking I hadn’t noticed them or that I hadn’t wanted them there, which I didn’t. My nose filled with the scent of caramel and coffee as I turned the page of the paper.

“You do know that I know that you know I’m sitting here right?” that voice that little voice sent a shiver down my spine as I pulled my paper out of the way. It was the strange girl with mismatch clothes how peculiar for someone in New York to sit and talk to me. Me who doesn’t want anyone to talk to them, I mean come on this is New York no one talks to each other here.

“Do you realize how complicated that sentence was?” I asked eyeing her slightly. “Yeah, I know but it got your attention didn’t it,” she laughed. “I’m terribly sorry and I’m not trying to be rude but I kind of like my personal space and you are invading it,” I sighed taking a sip of my coffee.

“Hmmm, so it is true. Mrs. O’Neal told me that you enjoy your own company,” she smiled.

“And why are you asking people about me?”

“Well let’s put it this way you are boring and plain and I am here to help you,” she smiled again.

“I’m not boring and plain, I’m safe,” I glared at her.

“Safe as in doing the same routine everyday without fail or safe as in doing fun things safely?” This woman was really messing with my head.

“Look will you please just leave me alone,” I pleaded. She thought for a second as she took a sip of her cappuccino, “I’ll leave you alone if you tell me your name.”

“Ok deal, my name is Gabriel Eriksson, now can you please leave.” She smiled, “My name is Anna Smith. It was nice to meet you Gabriel,” she handed me her napkin with a smile then walked out the café like she was never there. I flipped the napkin over to see she had written on it -

S. P. O. N. T. A. N. E. O. U. S.
Call me when you are ready
-Anna Smith

Anna Smith, it was a simple name but that name plagued me the rest of my morning. All I could think about was her red car, her teal pants, and that smile. Anna Smith, the short woman with the shiny brown hair, the golden brown eyes, and the light freckles spread across her cheeks. She was enticing and smelled of raspberries but her mentality was that of a young girl. I wouldn’t be able to spend another second with her even if I wanted to my anxiety just wouldn’t allow it.

In the matter of 7 minutes since I had first seen that estranged girl my life had already been turned upside down though I may not have known it then I realize it now. I was beginning to become more and more curious about the girl, I couldn’t work and I could barely think of something that didn’t remind me of her. Those simple eleven letters that splayed across the napkin in that fine curvy handwriting called to me every waking moment of the day. I would stare at her phone number my hands trembling as I held my phone in my hand wishing I could press just one more button than last time. My life was so simple before her; I have set rules and guide lines I follow every day. I wake up at the same time and fall asleep at the same time but now I can barely walk into the café without that word that simple yet ridiculous word SPONTANEOUS appearing all over the humble place.

It has been three days since our first meeting and I couldn’t handle it anymore, I had one last number to type into my phone and today was the day that I would call her and make her tell me what S.P.O.N.T.A.N.E.O.U.S. meant. I left work earlier than I ever have, being an accountant is a slow and boring job but it is safe and pays good money to keep me a float. I parked in my drive way perfectly straight then headed inside quickly as my body started to tremble. I started some tea to calm my nervous as I pulled my phone and the note out of my pocket. I sat down at my dinner table placing both objects in front of me. I unlocked my phone and stared at the six digits awaiting the arrival of their final friend. I took one last breath as I pressed that lingering number and tapped the call button.

The phone rang precisely one and a half times before that same voice New York accent spoke into the phone, “Hello?”

“Um . . . Hi I’m- this is-,” I started to try and tell her who I was but she cut me off.

“Gabriel Eriksson! I’ve been waiting for you to call!” Her excited voice yelled through the phone as I heard some things clatter in the background.

“Is this a bad time?” I asked as something broke on her line and she mumbled a few choice words.

“No it is fine I’m just in my art room and I knocked a couple of things over,” she spoke and I could hear that smile spread across her pink lips.

“Oh, you like art?” I asked her as my tea kettle whistled.

“It’s just a new hobby, I have a lot of new hobbies actually,” she laughed as I poured a cup of tea.

“Well um, I finally called after fighting with myself for three days but there was just that one thing that wouldn’t leave my mind alone until you told me,” I sipped my tea and sat back down fixing my place mats.

“What has been plaguing your oh so perfect life?” She asked laughing again.

“What does the acronym S.P.O.N.T.A.N.E.O.U.S. stand for?” I asked as I took another sip of my tea.

“For me to tell you we will have to spend time together in person,” as those words left her mouth my body started to tremble and the phone slipped from my fingers. I stud up shaking as I walked to my medicine cabinet grabbing my anxiety medication. I looked back over to the phone abandoned on the ground as I swallowed the pills the phones lights flashed with a new text message. I walked over to my phone picking it up and reading the text message, “S.P.O.N.T.A.N.E.O.U.S. Call me when you are ready!”
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This is the first chapter of my book please review I would love the feedback.