Status: I'll try to update when I can!

Take Me Home

What Do I Have To Come Home To?

~-~-~-~ Kellin's POV~-~-~-~
1 month, that's what they told me. Well they lied cause it's been a month and one day.
I sat nervously in my bed rubbing my hands together, running my fingers over some scars caused by the crash. My hands and almost every other part of my body had some damage done to it form the crash. Everything except for maybe my voice, my eyes and maybe ears. But everything else had been damaged. My hair had been cut short so doctors could see all my head injuries, their were so many other issues but I knew they had all been taken care of. One thing they did was help me get rid of my stupid stutter. I would only stutter on certain words.
I was waiting for the doctor to tell me if I needed to stay any longer, I was hoping that I wouldn't. I just wanted to go home. No one had visited me. My mom called once and told them I could handle myself being alone. But other than that, it was me the doctors, and the nurses.
I couldn't figure out why no one came to see me. Not even Vic. Didn't he always tell em that he cared. It didn't really seem like he did.
The only thing that I knew might keep me back would be the fact that I haven't eaten very much in the time I've been here. I just didn't want to eat. At all.
I sat in the bed for another 10 minutes before my doctor knocked on my door and entered without waiting for a response from me. A few nurses followed and some other people who looked like a random group of med students. Ugh.
"Kellin! how you doing buddy." He said walking over to my bed holding a clipboard in one hand. Everyone trailing behind him.
"Uh, good." I mumbled. Running my fingers through my hair. Making awkward eye contact with the med students. They all shot me and equally awkward smile.
"So, you seem to be doing better," He said flipping through his clipboard. "We would let you leave today but we can't."
"What? Why?" I asked. I just wanted to leave, I wanted to go home, as weird as that sounds.
"You've been eating little to nothing the whole time you've been here."
"Oh yeah." I said looking down.
"We're gonna keep you here until you can start eating normally again, ok?" The doctor added. I nodded in response, "Ok, the psychologist will be here soon." I nodded again. The doctor and his posse followed him out of my room.
I sighed and lyed back in the bed.
"Vic," I whispered, "Why did you leave me."

~-~-~-~ Vic's POV ~-~-~-~
I shoved a random kid into a locker as he passed me and Matty in the hallway. Matty made a sound of disgust directed towards me, while I laughed as everything he had in his hands fell to the ground.
"Asshole." The kid muttered under his breath, picking up his books.
I would've done something about that but I didn't really feel like dealing with this kid right now.
It had a been a month since I was in a car crash. Nothing bad happened to me except that I had broken my arm, but it had healed up pretty fast.
"Dude," Matty said "Can you stop being such a dick?" I stared at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked. The bell rang and I started to walk to me class
"I mean can you stop acting like your brother and Tony?" He said standing in front of me, blocking my way.
"Move Mullins, I don't have time to listen to you complain about how I've changed and how much you hate it." I moved to the left to go around him, but he mirrored my movements.
"Come here." He said gritting his teeth and gripping my wrist and dragging me to the bathroom. "Listen to me right." He said.
I sighed and crossed my arms. "What"
"First of all, you need to cut this whole tough guy act. It's obnoxious, and I've been putting up with it for a month so cut it out." I nodded and took my phone and started texting my girlfreind.
"Second of all--- Are you texting Jenna?!" He said rains g his voice. I shrugged. He made fists with his hands.
"Ok you know what Vic, you're a fucking dick! You left your boyfriend for Jenna, and you haven't even talked to him for a month! You're literally the worst person I know write now. And I know you're brother."
I glared at him. Matty stared back at me, well at least I could kinda see he was since he was wearing sunglasses.
"Only douchebags wear sunglasses inside." I commented.
"Fuck you." He snapped.
I pushed him into the sink, he hit it hard on his side. He fell onto his knees grabbing his side, gasping and crying.
I knew that meant I may have just broken one of his ribs, but I didn't care. He deserved it.
"Fuck you too." i said before walking out of the bathroom and leaving him on the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah drama. Seems like has Vic moved on and turned into a huge douche!
I'll update soon you guys!! Like maybe tomorrow. I hope it was good so far!
I get to see sleeping with sirens in a week and I'm so excited!!! (i'm going November 2nd)

Tittle from Alone