Status: I'll try to update when I can!

Take Me Home

Shut up

~-~-~-~Vic's POV~-~-~-~
Screw Matty. He deserved it. Kind of.
I tried to reassure myself, even though I felt incredibly guilty about what I did.I shook my head and continued walking to the end of the hall and snuck out the back entrance of the school. I saw Jenna leaning against the wall of the school with her arms crossed.
"Took you long enough." She said skipping over towards me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. We kissed for almost a minute. Longer than I ever did than Kellin.
Kellin. Thinking about him made me sick. He had just made my life worse and he was annoying. With his stutter and his messed up life. If I was his mom, I would treat him the same way to be honest.
Why do I hat him? It's all his fault I got in that stupid car accident. It's all his fault.
"You seem distracted," Jenna said pulling away from me. "Why?"
I sighed, "I'm just thinking about stuff."
"About what?" A few ambulance sirens rang out in the distance. Probably for Matty.
"Just stuff." I shrugged it off.
She let go of me. She took my hand and we walked to one of the picnic tabled conveniently placed behind the school.
"Graduation is an 2 weeks." She said as we sat down.
"Don't remind me."
"Well I'll miss you when I'm off at university." She had applied to schools and got in, I just hadn't really thought about it. So I wasn't going anywhere. "I'll always be here when you get back."
"Always?" She asked making a cute face.
"Always." I leaned over and kissed her.
Mid kiss I heard some one hit the back of my head really hard.
'What the fuck!" I turned around to see Mike standing behind me.
"Sorry to kill your boner bro but I need to talk to you, alone." He said nodding towards Jenna.
She took the hint, "See ya later Vic." She walked back towards the school.
"What' so utterly important?" I asked
"Well first of all, lose this whole tough guy thing, cause you make me look nice and sweet.," I went to say something but Mike continued talking. "Secondly, what the FUCK did you do to Matty?"
I didn't answer him for a second, "He pissed me off cause he was telling me almost the same exact thing as you!" I said getting into Mike's face. He pushed me backwards. "The 3rd thing is, when Kellin get's out of the hospital, and see's you with Jenna, it's going to fuck with his head."
"Since when do you fucking care about Kellin?" I said making my fists with my hands. He didn't answer me, "Answer me!" I hit his chest.
He stared down at me, I pissed him off, oh god.
He just stared at me. "He didn't do shit to you."
"He ruined everything for me!" I screamed. "He's the worst thing to ever happen to me!"
"What did he ruin for you Vic? The reputation you didn't have before?"
I let out a scream of frustration.
"What did he do?" He asked again angrily.
Mike stared at me. "He did nothing."
"Why are you defending him! You treated him so badly before! Why do you care now!"
"Because I feel bad for him, I can't believe he even dated you."
"You're just trying to make me feel bad about his whole thing aren't you?"
"Well I don't Vic you broke your only friend's ribs cause he told you stop treating other people like shit all because of someone who did nothing to you."
"Just shut up!" I screamed pushing Mike down to the ground. "Stop it!"

~-~-~-~Kellin's POV~-~-~-~

The nurse brought in my food and left it on the table next to me. It was soup. I knew I wasn't gonna eat it. I grabbed the soup and hopped out of my bed and quickly walked into the bathroom. I popped the top of the soup container off and poured it into the sink and washed all of it wash down the drain.
I put the top back on and got back onto the bed.
About 30 minutes later, my doctor came in. "Oh Kellin! You ate all the soup! Keep it up and we can get you out of here soon!" When he left the room a let out a sigh of relief.
I was gonna get out if I kept this up.

2 Days Later

I sat on the end of my bed rubbing my hands together, for some reason they were releasing me today since I "ate" everything they gave me The past few days. I was waiting for my mom to come pick me up.
I hadn't really noticed till then how thin I had gotten. You could feel all my ribs more defined than they were before, my fingers were thinner and you could also see the bones, in my face you could see I had lost a lot of weight there. I also had some of my clothes here and they were very big on me. My jeans barely fit me and my shirt was bagging.
I let out a shaky breath sitting on the end of the bed.
"Kellin get the fuck out here we're going." I looked at the door and saw my mom. I jumped off the bed and followed her out of the room and eventually the hospital.
When we go to the car and parking lot, she grabbed me by my wrists, she only needed one hand to do so since there was almost nothing there, she opened the back doors and threw me in the back and slammed the car door behind her.
She cursed and yelled at me all the way home. When we were inside our house. She threw me to the ground.
"Listen here you little shit," I've had a great 1 month alone and you're not gonna ruin it for me so you better keep yourself hidden so I don't have to see your ugly face." She dragged me from the floor up to my room. She pushed the door open and threw me inside. I landed on my hands on knees. I made a whispering noise and she hit the back of my head.
She slammed the door , I heard walk down the hall. I sat down on my bed.
I couldn't wait to see Vic and Matty tomorrow. Especially Vic.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahaha Vic is such a butt.
I see sleeping with sirens tomorrow I'm so excited me and my friend are getting there like 3 hours early cause we want to be towards the front of the stage.
Anyway! Sorry for the delay! And sorry it kinda sucks(oops)

Tittle form The Depths