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Simply, Simple.

Chapter Three

I had fallen asleep while thinking about him. Dreaming about the way the burning cigarette was held between his lips. I have always hated smoking, disgusting habit to have. Yet he seemed to make it not only intriguing, but inviting. The reminder of yesterday's events sent shivers down my arms, as I got ready for the school day ahead. Entering the kitchen my mother was cooking what seemed to smell like bacon. As she caught notice of me see sent me her dazzling smile. Even without makeup my mother was truly radiant.

''Good Morning Dear.'' Her perky voiced chirped.

''Morning.'' I followed.

She took a glance at me, looking from my feet to my head. I could feel the ''looking perfect'' indication about to commence.

''You know.. Maybe if you let your hair down more often, that nice boy Johnny would see your true potential .'' She spoke with a suggestive voice.

''I had a crush on Johnny in the 3rd grade.'' I stated.

Ignoring my comment she continues.

''Your a pretty girl, Olive, a very pretty girl... Don't you wanna feel like one?''She ended the sentence with a sincere look. I had always thought about that. How it would feel to be the girl every boy pleaded for, during their dinner prayers. I caught my reflection on the kitchen counter, seeing a girl with a bare face, and a ponytail of course hair. My mother seeing my worried glance lifts my chin, so I'm looking at her.

''The only one stopping you from being what you desire, is yourself.''

I break her gaze, glancing at the stove clock.

''I should start walking now.'' I turn to leave but she stops me. She smoothes out my long sleeved shirt and kisses me on the forehead.

''Red was always your color''. She leaves me with the comment as she goes to attend her house wife duties.

Outside was cold, gloomy, and damp from night's showers. Cars spraying water onto my jeans as they pass by hastily. Plugging my earphones in and turning on Nat king Cole, I day dream about a place that is hot, with gorgeous blue skies, and a floral scented summer's breeze. Forgetting to look before I cross, I stumble over the curb, landing on my shin. I only have time to get up before an incoming car hits me. As I lay on the ground I see a fuzzy shape of a figure yelling for help, before my world turns black.