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Simply, Simple.

Chapter Four

When I awoke, I was unaware of my surroundings. Taking in the chilly air, I realized I was still outside. I was able to make out shapes, and noises. I could feel a crowd's eyes on me, wanting to know if they had just witnessed a young girl's death. I didn't like the attention.
As I sat myself up, people started to ask questions, ''Are you alright?'', ''do you need an ambulance?'', ''Who's the mother fucker who hit you?''. They just kept coming, and coming, whirling through my ears at 100 MPH. My head was pounding, I couldn't take it.

''I'M FINE.'' Raising my voice got their attention. My blunt rudeness had scared them off, as they all scurried back to their cars parked along the intersection. I touched my fingers to the front of my scalp, and pulled them away to see blood.

''Shit.'' I muttered under my breath. My plan was to go to the school nurse, and tell her what happened. Then she would phone my mother, who would rush right over, excusing me from another day of utter boredom. I had decided on this plan, until some one spoke behind me.

''Is that blood?'' A velvety smooth voice asked.

I turned around to answer to see it was him. Same blazing eyes, and perfect teeth. Only difference was the missing cigarette, hanging from his lips. Up close I could see he had a defined jaw line, and a straight thin nose, his cheeks were rosy from the cold weather. His eye brows raised as he awaited for answer. I quickly snapped out of my daze.

''Uh, y-yeah, I uh h-had a little b-bit of a accident'' I shyly chuckled, pointing to my head.

His eyes widened, and he took a step forward.

''Mind if I take a look?'' He asked, motioning to where the blood was coming from.

I shook my head, too stunned by his looks to answer. He came toward me, and tilted my head slowly to get a better look, brushing away my hair to see the hidden cut.

''My name's Charlie by the way.'' He said, as he tilted my head to get different view points.

Not sure how to answer, I just nod my head. I stare up at him, as his eyes are focused on finding my injury. He looks down at me, and I speedily look away, hoping he didn't notice.

''And what would your name be my dear?..'' He asked, going back to his search.

''O-Olive.'' I stutter.

''Like the pizza topping?'' He chuckles. I nod my head.

''Olive' he tests the name,'that's a pretty name.'' He smiles, and I see his tiny dimples form.
I can feel my cheeks burning.

''Well Olive, it seems like you need a trip to the hospital.'' He says in a serious tone.

''Is it really that bad?'' He nods his head. I give Charlie once last glance, before saying thank you, and turning to walk in the direction of the nearest hospital.

''And where do you think your going?'' He asked.

''I thought you sai-'' He cuts me off mid sentence.

''Do you honestly think I would make an injured person walk?'' I just stared at him. I didn't want to say anything wrong.

''The answer to the question is no... C'mon short stack.'' He pitched as he strutted across the road, motioning me to follow him. I looked at path to the hospital that was at least a 35 minute walk. Then I turned to Charlie. Turning away from the path, I follow him. He leads me passed cars until we arrive at a old beat up Chevy truck. The navy blue paint was chipping off, revealing the odd color underneath. Inside the car was a bench seat that could possibly fit three people comfortably. On the rear view mirror was a fresh pine forest car freshener, and plush, white, fuzzy dice. I open the door with a loud creak, and climbed into the passenger's seat. As he got in as well he started the car. It took a few tries, but soon the automobile was moving. I snuck a peak at Charlie only to see him staring at me. I turn to look out window, as though I hadn't saw, and through the corner of my eye I saw him grin.

''So Olive, tell me about yourself.''

''There's not really much to know...'

''C'mon! I'm not asking for you life story.. Not yet anyway..'' I snap my head to him, he's wearing the familiar sly grin of his.

''Fine. Just tell me one thing about you. Just one.'' I think for a moment before I answer.

''I go to your school.'' I say quietly.

''Oh, trust me Olive, I know.'' My stomach twisted remembering my spill from yesterday.

He pulls out a cigarette, and asks me to light it, holding out a lighter. I grab it, pulling the trigger, and igniting the death stick. He breaths it in slowing, and releases the smoke from the side of his mouth, I can't help but stare. I couldn't stop myself from thinking of all the horrible things it were doing to him.

''Smoking is really bad you know.'' I sputter out before I could stop myself. He looks my way, and laughs light heartily.

''So is getting hit by a car, looks like I got the less painful option at the moment.'' The comment makes me smile. I'm not sure why, but it makes me smile a real smile.