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Simply, Simple.

Chapter Five

Sitting in the waiting room with Charlie was painfully awkward, for me anyways...
Sensing my nervousness Charlie picks up a pamphlet off the side table and hands it to me. On the cover is a happy couple holding a smiling infant. I look at Charlie confused.

''Can you believe that will be us in less than 8 months?'', grabbing my hand, and kissing my knuckles gently. My face burning red, I just stare at him.

''Play along.'' he whispers quietly, nudging his head towards the prudish looking woman who sat across from us. Finally understanding what he was saying, I mustered up my best reply, knowing she was listening in.

''Sweetheart' I begin, 'Were already beyond happy. Ever since I dropped out school, we've had so much time together.'' That got the woman's attention. I pretended to just notice her dagger like eyes, and said with a smile, ''That's how we mustered up this little bundle of joy.'', rubbing my belly, Charlie putting his hand over mine, continuing the motion. Her nose shot up in disgust, as she lifted her magazine covering her face but still have us be able to hear her say the words 'whore', and 'south-end trash'. When she was finally called for her appointment, Charlie bursted out with fits of laughter. I couldn't help but laugh along with him, it was contagious. In the middle of are hysterical behavior my name was called.

''Olive Qwen' I stand up 'the doctor is ready to see you now.'' The nurse says kindly motioning me to follow her. Charlie stays behind, twiddling his thumbs.

After hearing from the doctor that I had minor concussion, and that it would be best it I relaxed for a couple days, I felt relieved that it was nothing too serious. When I returned to the waiting room, Charlie was reading a pamphlet on men's prostates, making unusual faces. He noticed me enter the room and shot me his grin, eyes sparkling and all, making me weak in the knees. I can't believe I've never noticed him before. Incredibly handsome, yet appealing is his own way. There must be something wrong with him, nobody can be generous, and attractive, can they?

I've seemed to blank out, a habit of mine, as Charlie is snapping his fingers in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

''Earth to Olive.'' He sing songs bringing me back to reality.

''Yes?'' I question.

''We gonna get out of this joint?''

''Oh, yeah, right..'' My face is heating from the situation. I follow him out the door, him leading the way to his chevy. I hop in, with a question on my mind.

What next?
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If any of you guys are intrested in what 'Charlie' looks like, here's a somewhat form of him.