Status: 'IN THE WORKS?'

Happy Hour


Let me get one thing straight before Eric and I go any further with this obnoxious tale of our idiotic mistakes and choices, we did do things wrong and no matter how much Eric tries to justify all this, don't listen. It was in God's plan for us to do wrong. But it was also in his plan for us to get let off the hook.

Anyhow I guess it's my turn to sort of talk about my homelife and all why I decided to get into all this. My mom pays attention to me and so does my father but I guess not as much as the average parent should. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that they're really proud of my sister. And who wouldn't be? Now I'm not going to get all sappy and start complaining about how neglected I am so I'm just gonna leave it at I'm well cared for, just not nearly as well attended to. Another point I need to get across is how my sister's the biggest kiss ass on the whole planet. I mean she does all this stuff and she's the teacher's pet and great at everything and jeez to think I told you I wouldn't get sappy but it's kind of hard when you're in the situation where everyone already doesn't think much of you so why not let them think even less. Anyway she's a huge ass sucker. And I know some pretty big ass suckers. Maybe ass sucking runs in the family or something.

One of those big ass suckers being my mother. My mother who calls during school to complain about the pet dander perpetually stuck in the precious carpet, my mother who calls to tell a joke her co-worker Kim told her. She just sucks ass period.

Anyway, as much as Eric tries to say we formed a gang, we didn't. What I'm trying to say is that we weren't so much a gang per se but more of a pair of juvenile delinquents trying to play a selfish game of Robin Hood.