Status: 'IN THE WORKS?'

Happy Hour

her nails weren't painted

It was a Sunday, I think. Beckett was tugging on my sleeve and complaining about how the weather gives her headaches and how we should head back inside but honestly, I was just trying to drown her voice out. Beckett's a good girl. I mean she gets good grades, makes me help her studies for tests, and the only curse words she'll use are "ass" or sometimes "damn". She never wears low-cut tee shirts or too short of shorts in the summer even though sometimes I sort of wish she did. And she has one of those cute tiny little sort of mole, beauty mark things just a centimeter away from the corner of her left eye and damn me to hell if you don't agree it's not the cutest thing about her. I probably would've gotten fed up with her personality and refused to spend time with her a long time ago if it weren't for that subliminal beauty mark.

So we were standing at the bus stop because neither of us owned a car and Beckett only had her permit. I could drive but Beckett was always yapping at me to slow down and observe the speed limit and all that so basically neither of us wanted to ride in a car together. I told her, "If you think it's too cold then go sit inside and I'll run in and get you when I see the bus coming." But one, I don't think she believed I'd get her and two, I'm pretty sure she was scared of sitting inside all alone. Plus I doubt she even had a headache. She was always saying she did but I think she just wanted an excuse to complain and maybe milk it a bit about how bad it hurt to get her way. And she did get her way. Not always, but sometimes.

"No. It's about to rain and if you stand out here in the cold rain you'll get pneumonia and Callie Tarantino was out for two months when she got pneumonia and that's why she got held back."


"At least that's what Jason Montgomery told me."

"You talk to that prick?"

Beckett shot me a look of annoyance.

"We sit next to each other in Music Appreciation, if you must know."

I remember choking on my spit when she said that. "I forgot you take that class, oh lord. Is it as bad as it sounds?"

Beckett's jaw clicked as she glared at me with her muted hazel eyes. "You're always so critical of everything I say or do."

I wanted to peel her face off so she looked like a skeleton.

The only word I managed to mutter was, "Ouch." And having that as a come back was pretty much as lousy as I felt.

Still, I think about that day a lot and I wish I would've said something else. Something that would've made her feel like I really did peel her face off. But I missed my chance and what can I say? What do I say?
