Status: Originally meant to have a plot, but for now this satisfies me as a one shot.

And Just When I Start to Think

There You Go Making My Heart Beat Again

If anyone had asked Sam how his summer was going to be spent he wouldn’t have known how to answer them. Words like boring and relaxing and safe came to mind, but he knew the concept of wishing for a boring summer was inconceivable to most, and would only earn him strange looks. Strange looks to match his stranger reputation. Most people hadn’t spent the past months dealing with sometimes-car, sometimes-robot, always-alien soldiers, warmongering amongst each other, and stamping around the planet looking for a cube with their big stupid robot feet.

Not that Sam was bitter or anything. Just tired and looking forward to a summer full of sunny days, relaxing nights and completely lacking in explosions of any kind. Seriously, Sam had had enough explosions and screaming and running for his life to last him for the rest of his life.

And Bee, of course. Sam couldn’t imagine his life without the yellow autobot, anymore. Their friendship had only grown stronger with the defeat of Megatron. After everything had settled down, and Sam was dropped off at his house by Bumblebee, and the past running, shouting, shooting, driving, more shouting was all a blur of wreckage and military and ‘bots and officials, Sam had curled up in his bed and slept for ages.

When he woke, Sam thought maybe that was it. Maybe now they would all leave and forget about the weak human and Sam would never see any of the autobots again. Granted, that meant the decepticons would likely, maybe, leave, too – but Sam thought he could deal with decepticons if he could just keep his best friend for a while longer.

It was a miserable boy who eventually dragged himself down the stairs, dirty, sleepy, and worse for wear—but alive how was he even alive— slumping into the kitchen out of habit. His parents weren’t due home from their vacation for another two weeks, last time Sam had checked, and Sam found he really wasn’t feeling up for human company right then, anyway. His parents and Mikaela and Miles would just want to talk and remember and move on, and all Sam wanted to do was curl up somewhere quiet, and maybe find some peanut butter ice cream, or banana popsicles. Sam tried not to remember all the small appliances jumping to life and snarling for his blood—God that seemed like years ago—and poured himself a glass of water.

It was an absent minded movement that drew his eyes to the kitchen window. When his sluggish mind finally caught up with what his eyes were showing him, the resultant crash of the glass cracking in the sink made Sam jump even as he was already turning, running—


Relief, sweet, simple, relief and joy poured into the word. Sam was surely grinning like a moron but he couldn’t bring himself to care as he rushed to his friend—who hadn’t left, of course he hadn’t he was his best friend, Bee

Sam laughed as a cheery, folk tune came through the camaro’s speakers in greeting. He splayed his hand across the shiny, yellow hood, relieved to see Bumblebee appeared to be in alright shape after the battle. How long has it been?

“I was scared you wouldn’t be here when I woke up.” Sam admitted, still high on his relief as he ran his hand along the smooth hood.

A mechanical sound, like whirring hydraulics, then “woah-oh stuck like glue, you and me, baby, we’re stuck like glue” filtered softly from the radio.

Sam thought his smile might be surgically stretched across his face as he climbed inside the offered driver’s side door. Breathing in familiar scents, and relaxing into the soft welcoming seats, Sam could admit his anxieties had been a bit ridiculous, and probably post-battle panic induced. He wasn’t exactly an expert on how friendships born from alien warfare worked, but Sam had totally chipped two-grand into buying Satan’s Camaro, and even helped win his side the war. Sam thought maybe that should earn his lifelong friendship. Maybe even lifetime servitude and a never-ending supply of ice cream.

When Sam voiced his thoughts to Bee, a short blast of air came from the vents like a surprised laugh.

“You've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me
if you've got troubles, I've got 'em too, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
we stick together and can see it through, cause you've got a friend in me
you've got a friend in me”

“Yeah,” Sam agreed softly, as the Camaro pulled out of his driveway, “Me and you, buddy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
[Stuck like glue - Sugarland
You’ve got a friend in me – Randy Newman]


I originally had a whole crazy plot in mind, but then I wrote this and I never did add anything to it. Then I started to find it kind of nice just as it was, so here it is!